What's everyone's take on the recent microscopic investigation by Michael Fremer of stylus contamination by products like Onzow Zerodust ?

Your comment is absolute garbage
I am not a “bit of a wacko” and this report was based on microscopic examination by highly competent people. The residue found on the examined styli has been identified and as soon as the people doing the research give me permission I will report it. If the best you can do in reaction to this useful information is call me “a bit of a wacko” perhaps you are better off just zipping it.

LOL, my retort was actually a left handed compliment, if you took a minute to realize it ! Trust me Mikey there are plenty out there that consider you a complete nut job, but as another old analog junkie like yourself I'm not one of them ! ;)
LOL, my retort was actually a left handed compliment, if you took a minute to realize it ! Trust me Mikey there are plenty out there that consider you a complete nut job, but as another old analog junkie like yourself I'm not one of them ! ;)
Being left-handed myself I accept your explanation!
Still waiting for the “mystery results” to be publicly released?! Hmm…
I have been told what it is. It is not related to vinyl. However, until those doing the investigating figure out from where this material came, they prefer I don't divulge what it is. The people involved have absolutely no "skin" in the game. The delay is caused by the fact that their real jobs are in other fields and they have not yet found the time to further investigate and that's the truth.

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