Zellaton Speakers– Next BIG thing or Hype? For Music Lovers or Detail Freaks?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2010
Looking at the latest issue of TAS, there is a lot of mention of a relatively new speaker – the Zellaton. Is the audio-Casanova is falling for a new speaker ? And Zellaton seems to be returning the long gaze back at TAS - there is an ad for Zellaton in the current issue of the magazine.

Yet as Valin has violated and shattered Harry Pearson’s brand promise of focusing on gear that inspires human emotions as real music does and instead has championed (transparency to sources) products that produce unforgiving and distracting detail for the sake of detail, such as Magico Q, Soulution, dcs scarlatti, etc. Many questions remain because we do not know where TAS is coming from. Is Valin ready to move away from Raidho? Harley preparing to dump Magico Q7?

Is Zellaton a great speaker on its own merits? Or is it just lucky to be “chosen” by a famous critic, just as a restaurant reviewer raves about an eccentric dish, but when you taste it you want to spit it out before you throw up in your mouth? Is Zellaton just lucky, like Magico has been the more lucky metal enclosure speaker brand than, say, YG, in that it was chosen and championed by TAS in every issue, blog, communication over a period of nearly a decade? (Just imagine how different the audio industry landscape would be if it were YG that was constantly brought up as an example of excellence instead of Magico? Or, say, NOLA or Scaena?)

Is Zellaton another competitor to the “detail lover” target market Magico owns? Not that there is anything wrong with a speaker that produces a lot of detail for the sake of detail. And there is no point about arguing over taste. Furthermore, as Magico and Valin have shown, there is a large target market for this type of gear. God bless Magico for getting filthy rich for exploiting this business opportunity.

Yet for those of us who are interested in finding the state of flow while being fully immersed in the music and fully experiencing the joy of life rather than thinking about the detail produced by the gear, is Zellaton special because it makes real music or will it be hyped endlessly just because of its ability to express detail? Is the Zellaton speaker detailed in a musical way or just produce detailed SOUND?

Is Zellaton a great speaker or just hype? Anyone hear this speaker? Please share!!!
Zellaton has been shown at many US audio shows (and with several different models) over the past 2-3 years with favorable comments from listeners right here on this forum. There's no question that they have some great qualities, most notably the ability to make the speakers "disappear".
Looking at the latest issue of TAS, there is a lot of mention of a relatively new speaker – the Zellaton. Is the audio-Casanova is falling for a new speaker ? And Zellaton seems to be returning the long gaze back at TAS - there is an ad for Zellaton in the current issue of the magazine.

Yet as Valin has violated and shattered Harry Pearson’s brand promise of focusing on gear that inspires human emotions as real music does and instead has championed (transparency to sources) products that produce unforgiving and distracting detail for the sake of detail, such as Magico Q, Soulution, dcs scarlatti, etc. Many questions remain because we do not know where TAS is coming from. Is Valin ready to move away from Raidho? Harley preparing to dump Magico Q7?

Is Zellaton a great speaker on its own merits? Or is it just lucky to be “chosen” by a famous critic, just as a restaurant reviewer raves about an eccentric dish, but when you taste it you want to spit it out before you throw up in your mouth? Is Zellaton just lucky, like Magico has been the more lucky metal enclosure speaker brand than, say, YG, in that it was chosen and championed by TAS in every issue, blog, communication over a period of nearly a decade? (Just imagine how different the audio industry landscape would be if it were YG that was constantly brought up as an example of excellence instead of Magico? Or, say, NOLA or Scaena?)

Is Zellaton another competitor to the “detail lover” target market Magico owns? Not that there is anything wrong with a speaker that produces a lot of detail for the sake of detail. And there is no point about arguing over taste. Furthermore, as Magico and Valin have shown, there is a large target market for this type of gear. God bless Magico for getting filthy rich for exploiting this business opportunity.

Yet for those of us who are interested in finding the state of flow while being fully immersed in the music and fully experiencing the joy of life rather than thinking about the detail produced by the gear, is Zellaton special because it makes real music or will it be hyped endlessly just because of its ability to express detail? Is the Zellaton speaker detailed in a musical way or just produce detailed SOUND?

Is Zellaton a great speaker or just hype? Anyone hear this speaker? Please share!!!

Would you at least add some modifiers such as IMO, IME , YMMV. Your contempt some would call it hatred of some brands is interesting .. No vested interest? Only Love of music reproduction? Your systematic rants against some brands is to me cause for suspicion ... You would be the first to admit that people have different tastes , your post suggests an hidden agenda from Valin and many others... Could your post be hiding another .. agenda?
Yes, there is alot more buzz about Zellaton recently and certainly Valin's BOS in Munich helped. Not sure which Zellaton speakers you are referring to in your post and questions as there are several models that have been around awhile and a couple new models that were shown at Munich this year. I haven't had the opportunity to hear the reference or the fully kitted ref model that was in Munich, but i have heard the Emotion and the Grand at RMAF in 2012 and 2013 and came away very impressed. As per usual, comparisons to speaker manufacturers when hooked to diff systems in diff rooms makes things difficult to discern. Not to mention personal taste. I have used wilson benesch, sonus faber and verity in my system and if i were looking into an upgrade, i would have zellaton on my shortlist for their mix of musicality and detail. Unfortunately, i have neither the funds nor the space for the Z reference so it'd have to be something lower down the line :)
Zellation's product descriptions in their website reads with the exuberance of a twelve year old.
Art Dudley, as many would agree the polar opposite of Valin and most notably in the vintage school of sound, apparently heard them in Munich - and liked them as well. In fact he alludes to the non mechanical and musical sound of Zellaton: "The three-way, five-driver Zellaton Reference loudspeakers ($99,750/pair) fronted a very clear-sounding system (below): one that drew me in not so much with sheer impact, but by following, tenaciously and non-mechanically, every melody that the source and electronics threw their way."

Is Valin ready to move away from Raidho? Harley preparing to dump Magico Q7?

Depends on what speaker manufacturer is ready to give them a free, long term loan. :)
They look pretty hot. In the end, there are numerous selections of hi-end/statement speakers that appeal to all different tastes and room sizes. There is no real king. They are all compromised in one way or another...hence the "next best thing" is kind of a misnomer, IMO.
The Zellaton drivers are not new - they were used in the Pawel/Ensemble PA-1 silver swiss speakers almost twenty years ago. I have owned them and still regret having sold them. I was not adequate for rock or electronic music, but for chamber or vocal they were unique.
Would you at least add some modifiers such as IMO, IME , YMMV. Your contempt some would call it hatred of some brands is interesting .. No vested interest? Only Love of music reproduction? Your systematic rants against some brands is to me cause for suspicion ... You would be the first to admit that people have different tastes , your post suggests an hidden agenda from Valin and many others... Could your post be hiding another .. agenda?

I often wonder who caesar really is. Such a profound hatred to a particular brand, is actually quite entertaining - sometimes. The problem with many of his rants is lack of coherency and fact base announcements which make it difficult to engage. For example; running out of any reasonable explanation he chooses luck as Magico reason for success (I guess he gave up bribery). Or the notion that the ability of a speaker to actually reproduce details is a bad thing. Or what about the “harsh pronounced” trebles he cannot stand on the Magico, yet he loves the MBL, which are notoriously harsh and brittle sounding to many ears. Funny stuff...
I have owned my Zellaton Emotions now for almost two years. Zellaton is not the New Kid on the block, they have been making drivers since the 1930's. They are the Old Kid that is now getting recognition for their SQ. It is tough to get such recognition that they are now getting in the audio world. But Zellaton does deserve it, no hype.

I have been an audiophile since 1969, have owned numerous set-ups. If I had owned this system 45 years ago, I would still own it today.

I have learned through those 45 years that in speaker designs, the best mid-range is always crossover-less. The fastest speakers are with very low-mass drivers. The best overall quality of drivers are handmade by the company themselves. The best imaging speakers is open baffle design. How many speakers today has all of these attributes? Zellaton is one of the very few.

These are very revealing loudspeakers, but retains the musical side, not the strident detailed side. I am a long time rock and roller and the Zellatons sounds great on that. Vocals, percussion, piano, bells, violins, you name it, sounds so natural. If you enjoy a speaker that totally disappears, you will love these Zellaton's. If you, like I, find speakers like YG Acoustics, TAD, Magico, MBL, and others, to be on the over-strident detailed side, the Zellatons are a must listen. I push mine with the Job 225 amp so you do not have to spend $$$$$ to get fantastic sound.

If your goal is to own every speaker ever made, make the Zellaton's last. If owning one of the very best speakers is important now, definitely put the Zellaton's on your short-list. These speakers will spoil you. All of these models are made with the same type of drivers and quality control, so they sound very much of the same. Larger models for bigger rooms and more bass.

When my friends and neighbors come around to listen, I tell them my Harley money was spent on these Zellaton's. They just laugh.
I often wonder who caesar really is. Such a profound hatred to a particular brand, is actually quite entertaining - sometimes. The problem with many of his rants is lack of coherency and fact base announcements which make it difficult to engage. For example; running out of any reasonable explanation he chooses luck as Magico reason for success (I guess he gave up bribery). Or the notion that the ability of a speaker to actually reproduce details is a bad thing. Or what about the “harsh pronounced” trebles he cannot stand on the Magico, yet he loves the MBL, which are notoriously harsh and brittle sounding to many ears. Funny stuff...

I for one know caesar since he is local and a customer, however since he seems to prefer to remain anonymous -- not sure why, we're all friends here -- I won't reveal his name here.

That said, he does stir the pot. Curious, too many questions at times and not all of them relevant, but a good person. Opinionated, you bet.
I think this illustrates how framing a post can make a world of difference. Perhaps if the original post was more along the lines of

"Hi everyone, in the most recent issue of TAS, I was very intrigued by JV's enthusiastic review of 'Brand X' component. When I have heard 'Brand X' at shows, the sound was a little dry to my ears. I wasn't sure if this was a set up/system issue or the sound of the speakers. Also, based on my years of reading JV reviews, it is my impression that he prefers a more detailed sound while my personal preference is to a more romantic sound. Does anyone have any experience with 'Brand X'? If you own 'Brand X', what drove your decision making process? Any input as to personal preferences and other brands compared during the decision making process would be appreciated. Are you happy with your purchase and would you buy agaain? Thanks in advance."

Personally, if I owned or liked 'Brand X', I would be much more likely to engage the OP and would expect the discussion to be pleasant and educational. IMO, the original post sets a confrontational tone that almost begs a hasty, emotional response defending the audiophile who happens to like or has purchased 'Brand X'.

Sorry for the thread crap, but seemed to fit the theme of recent threads regarding tone/culture at WBF...
The Zellaton drivers are not new - they were used in the Pawel/Ensemble PA-1 silver swiss speakers almost twenty years ago. I have owned them and still regret having sold them. I was not adequate for rock or electronic music, but for chamber or vocal they were unique.

Ensemble/Pawel was using Podszus-Görlich drivers.

Now they are built by Micro-Precision.
They have very high build quality, and very little distortion and can play in the Z-Monitor model up to 113dB SPL.

The Zellaton drivers are different from the Görlich and Micro Precision drivers.

That was the short version, a long one will be posted at my Ultimate site.
Crossover-less Mid-range, that's my kind of speakers!....

BUT.. you all still need to tone it down a little, it sounds like you all are trying to hype up these speakers too much here...:p :D

I need to play the Lottery more...
On point here's an interesting interview in Audioxpress magazine this month of Manuel Podszus, the man behind Zellaton:


One small problem I had on my Zellatons was using Class D amps. I tried a few of the highest rated, but they kept sounding closed in and too sterile for my taste. If you are a Class D fanatic, you might want to audition your amp on the Zellatons first, to see what you think.
One small problem I had on my Zellatons was using Class D amps. I tried a few of the highest rated, but they kept sounding closed in and too sterile for my taste. If you are a Class D fanatic, you might want to audition your amp on the Zellatons first, to see what you think.
That sounds to me like they're extremely accurate and revealing transducers, and that they don't have any colorations to help cover up flaws elsewhere in the system. This can be considered a blessing or a curse depending upon your sonic priorities and requires careful matching with the rest of your system.
Ozark, I also tried class D with my Zellaton's and was not happy. My dealer warned me to stay away but I always know better! Best sound on the cheap would be from Lavardin and JOB - but CH Precision and OLDER Goldmund (mimesis 3 or 9 or OLDER Spectral DMA 50/80 - 1980's) is beyond words. BTW, I still own an older set of the old Ensemble Gorlich PA1's - they are musical but very colored. My Z's are in another class altogether and the new Zellaton drivers are state of the art. The older Gorlich (Zellaton style) drivers seem to appeal to the DIY crowd (Micro-Precision) and high end car audio scene in Europe. Expolinear used the Gorlich drivers and so did Symphonic Line, both German companies. I liked the older Symphonic line speakers with Gorlich drivers - very musical. But the new Zellaton speakers make all those Gorlich based designs sound quite dated now...
Ozark, I also tried class D with my Zellaton's and was not happy. My dealer warned me to stay away but I always know better! Best sound on the cheap would be from Lavardin and JOB - but CH Precision and OLDER Goldmund (mimesis 3 or 9 or OLDER Spectral DMA 50/80 - 1980's) is beyond words. BTW, I still own an older set of the old Ensemble Gorlich PA1's - they are musical but very colored. My Z's are in another class altogether and the new Zellaton drivers are state of the art. The older Gorlich (Zellaton style) drivers seem to appeal to the DIY crowd (Micro-Precision) and high end car audio scene in Europe. Expolinear used the Gorlich drivers and so did Symphonic Line, both German companies. I liked the older Symphonic line speakers with Gorlich drivers - very musical. But the new Zellaton speakers make all those Gorlich based designs sound quite dated now...

I am afraid I have to go cheap for now unless I hit the lottery. But I do see a Nemesis 9 on Audiogon for $2400. I wish I had the funds lying around. I just spent $750 on three cables from Reality Cables in Chicago, two IC's and speaker wires.

The Zelletons shows the smallest differences in cables. This cable set-up with the Job amp is something else. It is so revealing, while staying so musical. These cables beat a previous set-up that cost me $2800. If anyone is looking for reasonable priced cables, this just might be your ticket.

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