Upgrading my Mcintosh system : any advices ?


New Member
Nov 28, 2022
Hello everyone,

I need some of your precious advice as I want to upgrade my Hifi system. Currently, I have a integrated Mcintosh MA352, a pair of Klipsch Forte IV and a Transrotor turntable loaded with an Ortofon’s 2M black.

My room is like 30 or 40m2 (I don’t remember exactly) so it is something like 430 square feet (regarding the conversion on google). I do listen to high level of volume, somewhere between 80-90dB. What I enjoy the most in Hifi is the “feeling” of the scene/stage, I LOVE the pure “live sound” I want the musicians to be “in the room” with me. I’m not seeking any of the purest and most detailed sound possible, all I need is enjoyment and musicality. I’m listening 100 % vinyl now but I’m planning on getting some digital source – see below.

So that you get what I have and what I want, and I do get that sound with my actual MA352, but I would like to go for a separated system: preamp + amp and so that I can upgrade my cartridge to a Moving Coil (Ortofon quintet black maybe) and get the Mcintosh DAC included in their new preamp. (Something important is that I tried two DACs : ATOLL ST300 and the Bluesound’s NODE but I didn’t like the ATOLL because of too acidity and detail and the Node was fine but lacking some sweetness)

So here the thing, what should I do between those two options:

  • One MC275 MK VI for amp and a C2600 as preamp (All tubes)
  • Two MC275 MK VI for amps (they can go monoblock) and a C2600 as Preamp (All tubes but with greater channel separation)
  • MC452 (4x450W SS) and a C2600 as pre amp (SS amp and Tube as pre amp)

My hesitations are then on those three-configuration given the fact that I listen to a vast variety of music: 40 % Rock, 20% Jazz/Blues, 20 % Classical and 20 % Pop/Electro.

Notes for you: I said MC452 and C2600 because I’d rather not spent the extra money for the newest McIntosh product as these two are fine and can be found on the used market easily.

It would be appreciable if you could give me some advice or either new ideas of upgrade beyond the three options I gave you.

Have a nice day ! Regards.
Hello everyone,

I need some of your precious advice as I want to upgrade my Hifi system. Currently, I have a integrated Mcintosh MA352, a pair of Klipsch Forte IV and a Transrotor turntable loaded with an Ortofon’s 2M black.

My room is like 30 or 40m2 (I don’t remember exactly) so it is something like 430 square feet (regarding the conversion on google). I do listen to high level of volume, somewhere between 80-90dB. What I enjoy the most in Hifi is the “feeling” of the scene/stage, I LOVE the pure “live sound” I want the musicians to be “in the room” with me. I’m not seeking any of the purest and most detailed sound possible, all I need is enjoyment and musicality. I’m listening 100 % vinyl now but I’m planning on getting some digital source – see below.

So that you get what I have and what I want, and I do get that sound with my actual MA352, but I would like to go for a separated system: preamp + amp and so that I can upgrade my cartridge to a Moving Coil (Ortofon quintet black maybe) and get the Mcintosh DAC included in their new preamp. (Something important is that I tried two DACs : ATOLL ST300 and the Bluesound’s NODE but I didn’t like the ATOLL because of too acidity and detail and the Node was fine but lacking some sweetness)

So here the thing, what should I do between those two options:

  • One MC275 MK VI for amp and a C2600 as preamp (All tubes)
  • Two MC275 MK VI for amps (they can go monoblock) and a C2600 as Preamp (All tubes but with greater channel separation)
  • MC452 (4x450W SS) and a C2600 as pre amp (SS amp and Tube as pre amp)

My hesitations are then on those three-configuration given the fact that I listen to a vast variety of music: 40 % Rock, 20% Jazz/Blues, 20 % Classical and 20 % Pop/Electro.

Notes for you: I said MC452 and C2600 because I’d rather not spent the extra money for the newest McIntosh product as these two are fine and can be found on the used market easily.

It would be appreciable if you could give me some advice or either new ideas of upgrade beyond the three options I gave you.

Have a nice day ! Regards.
Hi @Drira
If I were you, I would pursue the full valve setup. They will go great with your current speakers. Upgrade this big should be divided into parts.

So first, I would go for the C2600 and MC275. It will give you significant improvement and will become an excellent foundation for your next moves.

Then I would upgrade the phono cartridge. Going from the 2M Black to a high-quality MC cartridge will be a massive jump in sound reproduction. What Transrotor do you use? What tonearm does it have?
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Hi @Drira
If I were you, I would pursue the full valve setup. They will go great with your current speakers. Upgrade this big should be divided into parts.

So first, I would go for the C2600 and MC275. It will give you significant improvement and will become an excellent foundation for your next moves.

Then I would upgrade the phono cartridge. Going from the 2M Black to a high-quality MC cartridge will be a massive jump in sound reproduction. What Transrotor do you use? What tonearm does it have?
Thanks for your answer,
It is more reasonable to proceed step by step , I must reckon that. A single MC275 and C2600 seems to be a great update already !
Just a question for you : wouldn't I loose some bass reproduction because of both tubes in the pre amp and amp section ? I'm scared of that with the 100 % tubes option.
The transrotor that I have is a Dark Star, the tonearm is a Transrotor TR-800S.
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Thanks for your answer,
It is more reasonable to proceed step by step , I must reckon that. A single MC275 and C2600 seems to be a great update already !
Just a question for you : wouldn't I loose some bass reproduction because of both tubes in the pre amp and amp section ? I'm scared of that with the 100 % tubes option.
The transrotor that I have is a Dark Star, the tonearm is a Transrotor TR-800S.
The bass will be different, but don't worry. It's still gonna be awesome. There is no way to have a whimpy bass with McIntosh tube amp and Klipsch speakers.
This tonearm is a Jelco design. It goes very well with most cartridges. You can try Dynavector, Hana, Phasemation. Those are all excellent choices. Remember to get a good phono stage with those. I shyly recommend ours iPhono 3 BL, but that's up to you.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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