Triangle Art system with Usher ML–802s

Beautiful system. I've hear the Usher/Triangle Art combination at several shows, always fantastic and my favorite rooms.
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Nice system, I have the full Triangle Art system including their speakers for about a year now and am very happy with the performance. Everything Tom recommend to me turned out to be a game changer for me I highly recommend Triangle Arts
Nice system, I have the full Triangle Art system including their speakers for about a year now and am very happy with the performance. Everything Tom recommend to me turned out to be a game changer for me I highly recommend Triangle Arts
Tom is a member here
It all started at Rocky Mountain Audiofest. I was walking past the TriangleArt Room and heard some Dave Brubeck. When I peeked in, I forgot about what I was hearing, because I was blown away by the look of the TA Maestro! Being a French Horn player in the Philadelphia Orchestra, it is supposed to be about the sound, but I could not get past the beauty of the TT. I hadn’t been into vinyl for years, and I wasn’t looking to go there. Left thinking to just let it go. That was Friday. On Sunday, I went back and talked to owner Tom Vu. He discussed his philosophy of doing whatever it takes to replicate a live sound and still make his components attractive. And that vinyl/analogue was the only way to do that. I have spent my whole adult life sitting in the middle of one of the world’s great orchestra, and I know live sound of the highest quality. I stayed until closing time, but not before ordering the Maestro Turntable. And that was just the beginning of my love affair with TriangleArt!E5012141-1216-4E1B-8147-396A098A0F5A.jpeg
Those Usher speakers are just beautiful. I owned the Usher Tower XL's for a long time (for me anyway). Great speakers. Love to here those pictured at the next show in LA.
These look like a more room friendly be20dmd.
I was relieved that the plinth came separately
It’s been about two weeks since I upgraded my Triangle Art M100 amps to the SE version. I’m definitely not disappointed with the investment. What I’ve been noticing is more authority/power in the presentation. Wider and taller soundstage. Much more inner detail and clarity. Deeper and more tone-full bass. Greater sense of instrument placements throughout soundstage. And it’s just plain more fun.
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I hope your chair (or couch) is comfy. You may not want to leave it for extended periods of time.
Congrats on the upgrade!
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