The Ginger Foster Kitten Bunch - 2021


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Sep 17, 2010
Seattle, WA
So I picked up 5 more last night. The shelter names them for their records, so meet Miller, Milo, Mark. Matthew and Maisey - Yes, a little girl is among this ginger bunch. They are six weeks old and fully weaned, but I had to encourage them to eat last night by hand-feeding. I'll have them for at least two weeks and if they make weight (2lbs) then they go for their snip-snip and I get them back for a week before they go for adoption.


I've identified the little girl (the bottom one on the left photo), who is the runt of the litter (expected - the runts when there are a bunch of boys are often the girls) at 21oz, the boys are 24, 26 and 2 at 28oz.

There's a pale peach with medium hair, 2 with white socks - but one has a white bib, and another red all over. So... I might have to tie ribbon collars on two for identification purposes. The friendliest of the lot is the Maisey who comes to the front of the cage and purrs.
The little girl is not eating well. I had to hand-feed her the first night to get any food in her at all, and since none of them were eating well, I bought goats milk for them. They all piled into it even the little girl, but she still did not eat much, cried to be picked up and tried to nurse from my fingers. Checking with the shelter to see if they were bottle babies and to get supplemental milk for her or a large dropper that I could use to administer a slurry of milk and food, I found out that the shelter has a bonded pair of Queens - one who was this lot's Mom. The other has a litter of 3 which are a couple weeks younger. So... I will return her today to her Mom and she will wean with her cousins.

She is a pretty little thing with white "eye-liner" and a white tipped tail.

(Turns out she comes to the front of the cage and cries for attention because she is hungry! Poor dear.)
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Well, the 2nd lightest of the bunch hurled a couple of times and was lethargic - not wanting to have a kitten emergency on my hands leading into the weekend, I called the shelter and brought him back to be reunited with his mom as well.

I had a couple friends over for tea - my now fully vaccinated "pandemic pod" - and kitten cuddling, which helped convince them that people are not so scary. They now have the run of the house and are doing the usual kitteny furry agents of chaos things. Finding all the best kitten toys, and turning things that are not meant to be toys into toys.
Matthew.jpgpurricane trio.jpg
Kittens are growing up and learning how to cat very well. They've learned about toys, explored the house, follow me around everywhere.

Here they are with their introduction to the feather wand toy. Milo on the left, Matthew on the right. Teeny tiny growls as they each claimed it in turn.
Feather wand.jpg

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