Roy Gregory again

Elliot G.

Industry Expert
Jul 22, 2010
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
After a very long time I have finally switched back to the Divin Noblesse in my main showroom. I have been thrilled with the Divin Marquis for many months and to be honest did not want to touch the system as it was making me really musically happy. After reading Roy's piece I decided to make the switch. It's holiday time and I have a bit more free time than I have had recently so I did it.
I know the Noblesse is very large and heavy and also moves a lot more air than the Marquis which makes it more challenging to get it set up in my room. My room is 16 by 23.3 with approx. 10 foot ceilings. The room size is perfect for the Marquis but I was not sure if it was for the Noblesse.
With the introduction of the Wadax digital system and now with the new CH M10 power amplifier I really had to see what I can make happen.
Some of the difference is very self evident. The Noblesse moves a lot more air, certainly goes deeper and has deeper cleaner bass. The presentation is not dissimilar however the energy and the clarity makes positioning in this size room more challenging. I have spent a few days playing with the system ( a few days means a few hours daily not all day as I don't like doing it like that it just doesn't work for me) and yesterday afternoon i think i got it. I want to play it over the weekend and make sure the speakers have totally settled in, remember that have not really had any serious playing time for quite a while ( other than a few demo's on and off) and I don't know what is the actually effect on gear when it sits, does it need to be re broken in? if so how much? all questions I don't have answers for.
I plan on putting the custom EVP Planks I had Norm build for the Noblesse under them sometime next week.

Listening :
Wow these speakers can produce really excellent bass
they still image like a bandit and have amazing space and can locate sounds through out the soundstage and produce the music between the notes!
They are utterly effortless
They make me smile and get goosebumps - maybe the most important test

More to come
The set up, like the line from The princess Bride, Is Mostly Done ( dead LOL). I have not had Billy Crystal over to listen yet, not that I know him LOL but my circle of friends have been around to experience the next level of sound here at BWUSA. I have finalized the speaker position, installed the fabulous EVP planks custom made for the speakers from Norm Varney and pretty much dialed the system to a level which I have no previously attained.
My next area to explore will be the final settings on the Wadax server as I am now just starting to wrap my head around what they do and how I may be able to use them to get even more performance. For now however I am thrilled with how these large speakers have been able to disappear in my moderate size room. I have gotten great bass. Bass that you can feel , bass that is dynamic, bass that is transparent and matches the rest of the music. ( this is a flaw of most system IMO).. The music is seamless from top to bottom, cohesive and organic. One can listen to all the players in their space and hear the information that the recording has without any effort. The layers are fully there, the leading attack and edge as well as the decay is all there with both large and small dynamics structure fully intact. GMIA Great moments in audio)are regularly present and my time machine has been fueled up and its working better than the DeLorean. HAHA.
If I sound thrilled it is because I am. The combination of components and the room acoustics are allowing hours and hours of music to be enjoyed and my small listening panel are all blown away.
Thank you to Oliver, Florian, and Javier for making these wonderful products and I hope in 2022 that more and more listeners get the opportunity to hear them.
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store shot.jpeg
I have finished my set up and after visiting Mike L I made a couple of small changes to my room acoustics. I have never heard the Divin Noblesse sound like it is sounding now. I also spoke to Kevin at CH Precision about borrowing another M10 power amplifier so I can set the Noblesse up in the same manner as the review of Robert Harley did with a different speaker in his home. To that end I am talking about bi amping them with two identical amps. I can only imagine :)
This plan will hopefully take place later this year along with an L10 that I hope to install 2nd Quarter.
Having said all that I am thrilled with the result. I have never heard from any audio system I have owned the music in this way. I don't want to try to describe in words what just emotionally is taking me to a higher place.
I can only say that at no show or demo can I preproduce this, there just isn't the tools or the time. We will be showing a big system at Axpona and I look forward to having a good result however this is just that a good result not a "mature" finished system.
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how big is the room with the noblesse?


how big is the room with the noblesse?

Hi, If you are referring to my room its approx 16 by 23.3 with 10 foot ceilings. That was the plan what it is exactly is probably a little less in width and height.
Hi, If you are referring to my room its approx 16 by 23.3 with 10 foot ceilings. That was the plan what it is exactly is probably a little less in width and height.
I was curious about the room pictured above with the Noblesse, ch, halcro. Is that your showroom? How do the noblesse compare to the marquis in that room?
I was curious about the room pictured above with the Noblesse, ch, halcro. Is that your showroom? How do the noblesse compare to the marquis in that room?
Yes that is my showroom and I would be happy to discuss the difference either by PM or telephone. Where are you located?
By the way Roy Gregory has written on his new site about both the speakers and I believe he has done a god job in talking about them both and the differences. I am however happy to chat,

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