Roon Update 1.7 build 537


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
Jersey Shore- waterside
I am posting this here because I could not find a Roon thread, and yet I imagine many of you who have servers use Roon.

Yesterday I received a notice from Roon about an update (Version 1.7 build 537), which I did not install even though I listened for 4 hours straight at serious volumes last night in shear audio bliss.

My VAC Statement Amp takes about 50-60 minutes to reach the beginning of its prime sweet spot. Today after having my amp on for only 15 minutes, good by most standards, but nothing close to its true potential, I installed the Roon update (Version 1.7 build 537) which disconnected me for about 15-20 seconds and then resumed the program material without missing a note.

Without a doubt the sonic improvement was not night and day, but clearly discernible even with the amp sub-optimal.

Also the operation of the interface seems slightly faster and better.

I have not found any downside.,

I also just want to say what many of you already know, my new digital arm to my bucket list system (MSB Reference DAC, MasterBuilt Ultra USB cable connected to a Taiko Audio SGM Extreme with everything sitting on Center Stage footers ( 1.5's under the Extreme)) has as Steve Williams has repeatedly stated, "it will change how you listen to music with more time spent on the digital side of my system than my analog side" which is no slouch.

Free, better and easy = NO BRAINER!!!!!
Thank you for the note on this update Mobiusman. I installed it yesterday too, but didn’t have the chance to spend much time with it yet. On a quick first take, I and found the updates to the interface a nice addition. Good to know SQ is improved, if only to a small degree.... The Roon user experience is so nice but the SQ hasn’t been able to match the sound of my DCS Mosaic interface. Hopefully they’re catching up.
Thank you for the note on this update Mobiusman. I installed it yesterday too, but didn’t have the chance to spend much time with it yet. On a quick first take, I and found the updates to the interface a nice addition. Good to know SQ is improved, if only to a small degree.... The Roon user experience is so nice but the SQ hasn’t been able to match the sound of my DCS Mosaic interface. Hopefully they’re catching up.
I totally agree, but am so enjoying the Extreme, MSB, MB Utra USB and Center Stage addition to my digital arm, that I am happy for any enhancement.
I think the update sounds 3% better. Images seem to have better focus.
I think the update sounds 3% better. Images seem to have better focus.
I might have gone 5%, but at this point I am interested in every inch moved forward, especially when it is easy and free. The key is not preferring something because it is new, but insuring it is actually more realistic sounding.
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I installed the update yesterday and agree that this is a significant and very worthwhile sonic upgrade. While the Roon interface already was the best, previous to this update, I regarded the sonic quality of Roon in my system as at least a bit bright/edgy and less three-dimensional compared to that of the Lumin App fed via MinimServer. Now, after the update, while the Lumin app still sounds slightly better, the difference is much less, so much less that the superiority of the Roon interface will probably make it my "go-to" for all but the most serious of listening. I put my money where my mouth is and converted to the Roon lifetime plan from the annual plan, shelling out $700 to do this.

My current system is Lumin X1 using its digital volume control > pair of bridged-to-mono Benchmark AHB2 amps > Gradient 1.4 speakers. I use an iPad Pro to control Roon and the Lumin app. The Roon core (which also hosts my music library and MinimServer) is a general purpose computer, albeit a powerful one: Dell XPS 7760 AIO Signature Edition with Intel Core i7-7700K CPU at 4.2 GHz with 64 GB RAM running Windows 10 64-bit.
I just had a wonderful roon experience courtesy of Emile and Christoph at Taiko Audio regarding a sonic upgrade following the latest build 537 upgrade. Having been listening an incredible amount lately 7-12 hours a day I started to note that while the bass was probably better than I have ever heard, there is a haze that worsens with frequency that is just not right or in any way desirable.

Today Emile and Christoph from Taiko Audio helped me with an upgrade that preserved the incredible bass, and maybe even improved it a notch, BUT it massively removes the haze and brings back the "you are there" feeling that the Extreme does so well, especially in conjunction with the MSB that brings its own very desirable "you are there" contribution. If you are reading this then you already know how much a fan I am of the MasterBuilt Ultra USB to connect these two powerhouses.

Even though I have been listening for hours per day recently, this improvement is so dramatic, pleasing and just plan more believable, that it is like rediscovering the music I have newly found since the build 537 all over again, but much better.

Bravo, again
Emile got into my Extreme after i left for work this morning to do his magic update/build 537 thing.

looking forward to hearing it tonight, especially true 4xdsd which has been down sampled to 2xdsd for the last 18 months.

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