Rockport Lyra

You know the thing about them is that they would be happy to talk to you even if you’re not a customer. They LOVE this stuff. You might talk for 30 minutes and you’ll both enjoy it. I’ve learned so much over the years just calling up the various good guys in this business and never once did anyone even mention anything sales related. I once talked to Nelson Pass for over an hour about electronics and theory. Jon Josh and Andy are in this because at heart they are just like you and me.
Regarding binding posts: I stand corrected. I checked with my dealer and found I was incorrect. If you don't specify dual binding posts, you will get single pair /speaker. He spec'd duals for me to give me the maximum flexibility for future system growth.

Standard is one set of binding posts. For an up charge you can get 2 sets for bi wiring. They don’t generally recommend this.
Just to be clear, they neither recommend for it, or against it.
They just give you what you want, and what works for your system.

They are totally agnostic. But yeah, one set of binding posts is certainly standard and works.
OK to be very clear I stated what their personal opinion was (and why) but they don't generally share it. No point. Josh and Jon believe that Rockport speakers because of their impedance curves (minimum 3 ohm) and sensitivity (90ish) don't benefit much from bi amping. They have customers that already have a bi amp set up and provide 2 sets for such customers. Some customers believe in bi wiring. They provide 2 sets for such customers.Josh and Jon believe the money spent on bi wiring is best spent elsewhere. Remember Josh and Jon both come from Transparent which informs their opinion on cabling. They are agnostic in the sense that they want to support all of their customers whatever their beliefs but neither personally believes in bi amping or bi wiring Rockport speakers. I only know this because of the hours I've spent talking to them.
I would like to share that I received my Lyra today. They replaced the Cygnus which I used for almost 8 years. The Lyra’s are not big but so heavy that four piano movers huffed and buffed getting them into my apartment and set them up. The dealer also sent 4 guys to help with positioning. Lots of drama.
The speakers sounded congested/constipated during the first half hour or so but improved from then on. I will give them a week of burn in before critical feedback.
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I would like to share that I received my Lyra today. They replaced the Cygnus which I used for almost 8 years. The Lyra’s are not big but so heavy that four piano movers huffed and buffed getting them into my apartment and set them up. The dealer also sent 4 guys to help with positioning. Lots of drama.
The speakers sounded congested/constipated during the first half hour or so but improved from then on. I will give them a week of burn in

Congratulations ! YES they are heavy, I had 5 piano mover to get up my stairs. I bet you move them around some as they break in. I found very small 1 cm changes you can hear...even rake angle on the footers. It's a fun process, then all of sudden your like, don't change it again, that's the spot !
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Heavy is an understatement. I also had Cygnus before my Orions. They take some time to break in. Maybe 300 hours. They should be significantly better than the Cygnus. If they are still sounding congested something is wrong. My dealer had 3 people for 2 days making sure they were right. Even “ shot the grade” to insure tweeter heights were identical in case the floor wasn’t. Really important to use spikes on Orions for total inertness. We even taped the threads to insure against micro movements. 1mm makes a difference in placement. Get 300 hours on them. If you are not satisfied have the dealer come back and don’t let them leave until you are. You paid a lot for a perfect set up. They should come with a whole box of set up equipment with them.
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I would like to share that I received my Lyra today. They replaced the Cygnus which I used for almost 8 years. The Lyra’s are not big but so heavy that four piano movers huffed and buffed getting them into my apartment and set them up. The dealer also sent 4 guys to help with positioning. Lots of drama.
The speakers sounded congested/constipated during the first half hour or so but improved from then on. I will give them a week of burn in before critical feedback.
Congrats .Please give us follow up.Enjoy

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