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    • sparkie
      sparkie replied to the thread The inaudibility of Ethernet.
      Jitter I imagine is why someone would make "a fancy cable" but its not needed in certain applications and sometimes jitter is not caused...
    • sparkie
      One tube that they need to make is a 6386 tube. Because there is only one current manufacturer and its not as good as some of the Nos...
    • sparkie
      sparkie replied to the thread Tung-Sol KT170.
      There is only a two things that can make the KT170 not compatible with KT150 amps. one is low plate voltages and another is the output...
    • sparkie
      sparkie replied to the thread Vacuum tube amplifier kit.
      I was looking at kits for design ideas instead of purchasing them. But it seems everyone does a similar thing with a box with the tubes...
    • sparkie
      sparkie replied to the thread KT88/EL34.
      It really would depend on the output transformer and its screen connection method (tridoe vs. ultra linear) But the EL34's I like to use...
    • sparkie
      Its hard to tell. But there is a lot of 'quirks' or 'idiosyncrasies' when designing the ADC circuit much less the ADC IC chip itself...
    • sparkie
      No, your not delusional. As an electronics engineer, I can tell you the imperfect things about digital, even though it looks like you...
    • sparkie
      I would imagine the results would vary depending on the magnetic radiation of the speaker. But not all will need this as some amps would...
    • sparkie
      3A is a lower plate voltage tube, is it supposed to be compatible to it?
    • sparkie
      sparkie replied to the thread Blue Tooth Add On.
      It cost me $350 at an online music store. I'm sure there is cheaper stuff, but this one works really well compared to buying one with...
    • sparkie
      All I see is just talk so far. I'll post circuit topologies. I'll start with common ones first. Lets talk about the grounded...
      • 1716401346228.png
    • sparkie
      sparkie replied to the thread RCA to XLR cable question.
      It doesn't matter, but a good xlr cable run is not expensive. You don't have to use pin 3 when converting to xlr except when you...
    • sparkie
      sparkie replied to the thread Blue Tooth Add On.
      The Radial BT pro V2 is the one I use. I run exclusively XLR on my hi-fi gear and this is what I recommend for people with XLR inputs.
    • sparkie
      sparkie replied to the thread Harsh top-end.
      I want to take a few minutes to explain to the end user audience that its a tube engineer newbie mistake to make all metal film resistor...
    • sparkie
      sparkie replied to the thread Harsh top-end.
      Change the 6922 tube to an Amperex 6DJ8. Looking at the picture of the inside of it, its one of the very few tubes that will warm up...
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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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