Phonostage for mono


Jan 16, 2022
I'm adding a Miyajima Mono Zero cartridge to my system and have been considering many phonostages. My mono records for the most part in the 60s with a handful of contemporary mono reissues. I've looked at the charts with the AS mono phonostage, and I think I might only have a a few records in those eras if that. So is it still worth having the eq abilities? I really like the Tempo Electric, but it seems far more than I need. My budget is 1-2k, so the Tempo Electric is also outside of that. On the low side, the Bob's Device that would plug into my Herron would be the easiest. I think I could play a stereo record from the MC input of the Herron and then a mono from the MM input. Anything in the middle of these two ideas?
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Welcome to what's best forum ! I'm not a mono fanatic, but I do have a few mono records, they are quite amazing I can see why you're exploring the direction you are.

Sorry I can't help you directly. Good luck !
Having a dedicated mono phono preamp, especially one with variable curves, at under $2k will be a bit tricky- maybe something second hand will come up?

While waiting for said deal, getting a SUT to use with your MM input would be fun for an experiment for both of your carts...who knows might sound better than the MC input?

Lundahl, Cinemag, Sculpture A, Jensen, etc., are all available under $1k.
I'm adding a Miyajima Mono Zero cartridge to my system and have been considering many phonostages. My mono records for the most part in the 60s with a handful of contemporary mono reissues. I've looked at the charts with the AS mono phonostage, and I think I might only have a a few records in those eras if that. So is it still worth having the eq abilities? I really like the Tempo Electric, but it seems far more than I need. My budget is 1-2k, so the Tempo Electric is also outside of that. On the low side, the Bob's Device that would plug into my Herron would be the easiest. I think I could play a stereo record from the MC input of the Herron and then a mono from the MM input. Anything in the middle of these two ideas?
Demo Miyajima ETR Mono <2k . I like it with my Zero & Infinity
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Thanks. I've been strongly considering the Miyajima ETR Mono. Also, the Swissonor Historic 8910 Mono Phono Preamp is of interest. Has anyone used one of these?
One should perhaps also mention that the Swissonor Historic shows its strengths especially with shellac records. (Acoustics and Blumlein) unfolds.
Vinyl monos from RCA, for example, it can not operate because the "bass boost" only reaches up to 500 HZ.
The AS Monophonic -True Mono-, also a pure single channel amplifier, can do that. Even steplessly. Here in the picture it is set to DECCA equalization.


The Miayima ETR mono system btw. is quite excellent. Some guys of our AS Community love this thiswonderful cart.

Starting to lean to just trying a less expensive SUT first. Jenson, Sculpture, Rothwell or similar. My Herron phono stage has a MM gain of 43 dB. With the Miyajima Mono Zero, what ratio should I look for? I see some different answers out there.
The right gain depends on what gain structure is like for your preamp and amp too, not just the phono. Do you have similar output stereo carts that you have used with your Herron MC input for a reference point?

A guess is 1:10 is enough gain, but may require additional resistors to get the load on the cart where you want it.

Most SUTs are 1:10 or 1:20, however other ratios exist. ( Sculpture A comes in 1:15 for example ).
Hello Joe,
I will answer your question if a EQ Monophonostage like Swissonor or AS Monophonic makes sense.

Your considerations are very practical . If you don't have mono records that are not RIAA equalized, you don't need a mono equalizer.
A Miyajima system is already a very good start into the mono world.

At two points a mono amplifier makes sense for mono listeners with high-end requirements. The purely single-channel reproduction up to the preamplifier prevents any crosstalk between the channels and any phase shifts. This prevents the mono bubble that can easily occur by simply pressing the mono button. The result is a very stable mono sound image. The change in equalization also allows for sound optimization on poorly mixed recordings. That is already mono high-end.

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In response to the above two posts . . .
I have an Ortofon SPU Synergy G with 0.5 mv output. I think I prefer additional gain and volume although it sounds fantastic through the Herron and LTA. The Miyajima Mono Zero 0.4 mv output. Not sure how this translates to the gain ratios.

Groovemaster, not sure I entirely follow what you're saying. It sounds like you suggest the Swissonor even though the eq won't on the surface be of much use.
You may answer the question yourself in theory, using the calculators at MH audio ( for example ).

In brief, Herron states 21db or 26db gain difference between MM and MC depending on tubes types used. SUTs - 1:10 will be 20db/470ohms , 1:15 will be 23.5db/209ohms and 1:20 will be 26db/ 118ohms - all assuming 47kohm MM input.

The MM input might be mod'd for 100k or higher which could benefit if you went 1:20 route and wanted 200-300ohm loading...
Hi Joe,
in a nutshell. If all mono records are with RIAA curve, the Miyajima system is sufficient.

A SUT to the Herron MM input plus Miayima system is definitely a good choice. So as Solypsa describes.

Only if true mono (pure single channel) with sound influence is desired does the AS make sense. This is real high-end mono.

The Herron is good in MM input with SUT. I can't say whether a Swissonor can do it in the same Soundquality.

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I have a mono cart (Tedeska) and very happy. I couldn’t have thought mono records played by a mono cart could be that good, but until now it is connected to a stereo step up. Do you think the sound quality would go up with a specialized mono SUT ?
@cuntigh I am uncertain what you asking regarding mono SUT, as they are by nature dual mono ( two transformers for stereo ). Is your Tedeska having two or four output pins ( mono or mono - parallel )?
The connection can be the Tedeska one or the SME one. This is a true mono cart. Tedeska began building mono carts only.
Hi Joe,
in a nutshell. If all mono records are with RIAA curve, the Miyajima system is sufficient.

A SUT to the Herron MM input plus Miayima system is definitely a good choice. So as Solypsa describes.

Only if true mono (pure single channel) with sound influence is desired does the AS make sense. This is real high-end mono.

The Herron is good in MM input with SUT. I can't say whether a Swissonor can do it in the same Soundquality.

That's what I'm thinking. By "Miyajima system", do you mean just their mono zero cartridge and another cheaper SUT like Sculpture A or Bob's Device
or do you mean a mono system composed of the mono zero cartridge running through the Miyajima ETR Mono SUT that is connected to the MM Herron inputs? The first SUTs are less than half the price of the Miyajima ETR Mono.
As a recommendation.
The order is simple. Herron- SUT ( type what ever you like) - Miyajima.
Which SUT? Try it out. The Herron MM input is excellent and therefore a good basis. The rest do by your ears.
As a recommendation.
The order is simple. Herron- SUT ( type what ever you like) - Miyajima.
Which SUT? Try it out. The Herron MM input is excellent and therefore a good basis. The rest do by your ears.
Great -- that's what I thought. Last questions I think for now: do I need an SUT designed for mono like Bob's? I've e-mailed Sculpture asking if they have designed one for mono -- no reply yet. Any other SUTs in the 1k range have one for mono?
Hi guys, been some time since I posted on WBF and heck, I may have posted this already but I'll share my 2cents anyway...

I'll offer up the Sentec EQ-11 (Not sure if its still in production?) Though, not a fancy design (e.g., captive cord that runs to a wall wart transformer) or even pretty to look sounds fantastic, is a tube rollers dream that responds well to NOS tube changes and also has six differing EQ adjustments for various (mono) record label curves that I'd wanted and needed for a long time. Right now I'm running 1950's Swedish Military 5751 Sylvania Triple Mica Black Plate & CBS 7318 tubes in it.

Since it's a MM design, I've got it partnered to an Auditorium A23 SUT to run with the Miyajima Zero or Ortofon Cadenza Bronze and the chain is fantastic with great macro and micro dynamics, wide and natural sound stage and accurate imaging.

The flexibility of the EQ-11's design is great for me but would likely be bettered by the AMR PH-77 Phono feature set. Now that I've lived with the ability to change various LP label EQ curves with the EQ-11 when playing mono records, it's a feature I don't want to be without in the future to play my collection of 1950's/60's mono records.
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I'm adding a Miyajima Mono Zero cartridge to my system and have been considering many phonostages. My mono records for the most part in the 60s with a handful of contemporary mono reissues. I've looked at the charts with the AS mono phonostage, and I think I might only have a a few records in those eras if that. So is it still worth having the eq abilities? I really like the Tempo Electric, but it seems far more than I need. My budget is 1-2k, so the Tempo Electric is also outside of that. On the low side, the Bob's Device that would plug into my Herron would be the easiest. I think I could play a stereo record from the MC input of the Herron and then a mono from the MM input. Anything in the middle of these two ideas?
I have a Miyajima Infinity, using a Miyajima SUT etr mono into an Allnic 7000 phono……works great IMO

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