3 cartridges for 3 arms.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2019
Hello, community.

I have the possibility of having three arms on my Technics SL-1000R. I have acquired two new tonearms: Ortofon RS-309D (12) and Ortofon AS-212S (9). My phono has 3 inputs (Luxman EQ500)

Before I start buying and testing, my first thought is: How do I distribute my cartridges?

I listen to a lot of 70's prog-rock, Jazz and some Classical. Most ProgRock records are old, and most Jazz and Classical records are quite modern. My first idea is:

Cartridge 1: MM for old records (Rock/Jazz) (EX,VG+)
Cartridge 2: MC for “audiophile” Rock, Jazz and Classic (UHQR, Tone Poet, 45RPMs…)
Cartridge 3: MM/MC for Mono discs (they are the ones I have the least, but they are "audiophile" reissues)

After deciding this, it comes the Big Problem: Which capsule goes with which arm? Which one do I put on the “stock” arm of the Technics? Which one on the short arm and which one on the long one? :p

I would love to know how those of you who have more than one tonearm (or one record player) have your cartridges distributed. I know that it is a personal decision and depends on the collection and tastes but I am sure that you can help me not make a beginner mistake :)

Thanks, happy New Year!
I have settled on four arms/cartridges on two tables.
1. Nagaoka MP-500
2. Benz Micro LP-S
3. London Decca Reference
4. Benz Micro Ruby 3 converted to mono

1. is for all records being played for the first time, as it has an interchangeable stylus.
2. and 3. are my favourite stereo cartridges, and I can't really pick one over the other, so I keep both in use.
4. Obviously for mono records.
For variety, however, the MP-500 is on an arm with interchangeable headshells, and I have three spares that I keep other cartridges on when I want a change.
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I have settled on four arms/cartridges on two tables.
1. Nagaoka MP-500
2. Benz Micro LP-S
3. London Decca Reference
4. Benz Micro Ruby 3 converted to mono

1. is for all records being played for the first time, as it has an interchangeable stylus.
2. and 3. are my favourite stereo cartridges, and I can't really pick one over the other, so I keep both in use.
4. Obviously for mono records.
For variety, however, the MP-500 is on an arm with interchangeable headshells, and I have three spares that I keep other cartridges on when I want a change.
Thank you :)

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