New Totaldac products in 2022 : D1-Twelve Mk3


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
Hong Kong
Hi Vincent,
Just noticed that there is a new D1-Twelve Mk3 dac on your website.

May we know what have been improved compared to the Mk2?
Many thanks.
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Hi Vincent,
Just noticed that there is a new D1-Twelve Mk3 dac on your website.

May we know what have been improved compared to the Mk2?
Many thanks.
Hi CKKeung,
Sorry I missed this message.

The upgrades from d1-twelve-mk2 to d1-twelve-mk3 are:
-reclocker upgraded to the latest (mk2) version
-complete new clock internal cabling and external cabling
-updated clock circuitry
-new shield and electro magnetic absorber in each DAC monobloc
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Hi CKKeung,
Sorry I missed this message.

The upgrades from d1-twelve-mk2 to d1-twelve-mk3 are:
-reclocker upgraded to the latest (mk2) version
-complete new clock internal cabling and external cabling
-updated clock circuitry
-new shield and electro magnetic absorber in each DAC monobloc
Thanks Vincent for the info!

I know that Volent HK will send their demo d1-twelve mk2 to you for the mk3 upgrade.
I shall pay them a visit when it's back to HK for sure.
Thanks Vincent for the info!

I know that Volent HK will send their demo d1-twelve mk2 to you for the mk3 upgrade.
I shall pay them a visit when it's back to HK for sure.
Volent has the d1-twelve-mk3 now!
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Volent has the d1-twelve-mk3 now!
Yes, Ben of Volent sent me these photos.
I must visit him after the CNY holidays.
Thanks Vincent!

I’ve been grappling with the idea of contrasting two modes of listening to music: the blue pill/left brain analytical state where you focus on what you hear (clarity, soundstage, dynamics, bass etc) versus the red pill/right brain state where you are engaged in the overall emotional gestalt of the music.

In my experience, I’ve found you can move between the states but they are mutually exclusive. You can switch between them, but you can only be in one or the other state at a time.

This is similar to how your brain interprets a wire frame drawing of a cube. You can see the top of the cube, or it’s bottom. But at least for me, my brain won’t let me see both at the same time.

My goal is to be in the red pill camp. And am constantly striving for ways to get my system to put me in the right brain - emotionally engaging - state firmly with as little conscious effort as possible.

Our brains are in part designed to focus on differences. And it’s clearer to me now that artifacts that occur during the reproduction of music cause us, even when we would prefer the musical engagement state, to slip into the analytical side.

Yesterday I took delivery and installed the upgraded version of Vincent Brient’s totaldac d1-12 mkIII. The totaldac is fed from a Taiko Extreme server through a Sablon Audio EVO USB cable.

Today after less than 24 hours of break-in, in the middle of listening to Wynton Marsalis’ Hot House Flowers album, things snapped into place and my listening state slipped effortlessly and firmly into the music as never before.

It was magical. There was no slipping out of its musical grip and devolving into the left brain state. It required no effort to stay on the musical side.

Vincent Brient’s Totaldac d1-12 mkIII, Emile Bok’s Taiko Extreme and Mark Cole’s Sablon EVO USB cable together lower the noise floor to a point where digital artifacts are removed to where your brain can overlook them and allow you to melt into the music effortlessly.

Gentlemen thank you!
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I’ve been grappling with the idea of contrasting two modes of listening to music: the blue pill/left brain analytical state where you focus on what you hear (clarity, soundstage, dynamics, bass etc) versus the red pill/right brain state where you are engaged in the overall emotional gestalt of the music.

In my experience, I’ve found you can move between the states but they are mutually exclusive. You can switch between them, but you can only be in one or the other state at a time.

This is similar to how your brain interprets a wire frame drawing of a cube. You can see the top of the cube, or it’s bottom. But at least for me, my brain won’t let me see both at the same time.

My goal is to be in the red pill camp. And am constantly striving for ways to get my system to put me in the right brain - emotionally engaging - state firmly with as little conscious effort as possible.

Our brains are in part designed to focus on differences. And it’s clearer to me now that artifacts that occur during the reproduction of music cause us, even when we would prefer the musical engagement state, to slip into the analytical side.

Yesterday I took delivery and installed the upgraded version of Vincent Brient’s totaldac d1-12 mkIII. The totaldac is fed from a Taiko Extreme server through a Sablon Audio EVO USB cable.

Today after less than 24 hours of break-in, in the middle of listening to Wynton Marsalis’ Hot House Flowers album, things snapped into place and my listening state slipped effortlessly and firmly into the music as never before.

It was magical. There was no slipping out of its musical grip and devolving into the left brain state. It required no effort to stay on the musical side.

Vincent Brient’s Totaldac d1-12 mkIII, Emile Bok’s Taiko Extreme and Mark Cole’s Sablon EVO USB cable together lower the noise floor to a point where digital artifacts are removed to where your brain can overlook them and allow you to melt into the music effortlessly.

Gentlemen thank you!

Thank you very much Cmarin!
You seem to agree with Volent who wrote on their Facebook page (translate automatically from Chinese):
"totalDAC d1-Twelve MK3 third generation to the left Hong Kong~
Best monobloc R2R DAC you can find...
totalDAC launched the latest d1-twelve MK3 gun on the left in early January, VOLENT was introduced to the left Hong Kong gun. The density is higher than ever before."
Thank you very much Cmarin!
You seem to agree with Volent who wrote on their Facebook page (translate automatically from Chinese):
"totalDAC d1-Twelve MK3 third generation to the left Hong Kong~
Best monobloc R2R DAC you can find...
totalDAC launched the latest d1-twelve MK3 gun on the left in early January, VOLENT was introduced to the left Hong Kong gun. The density is higher than ever before."
I’ve been listening to the d1-12 mk3 tonight after having a little of over 200 hours since getting the mk3 upgrade back from Vincent.

All I can say Holy Crap! As good as the mk3 sounded straight out of the box, after 200 hours the mk3 sound quality has gained another non-diminishing return on aliveness/engagement.

Because the sonic changes are so beyond the stereotypical audiophile yada-yada descriptions, let me just say that the sound is just so naturally alive, that it justs draws you effortlessly into the music’s emotional energy. The music just grabs you! No inattentive listening possible here! .

But this is not a near field experience. The entire room is energized yet disappears…transported to the recording venue space.

Kudos Vincent!! Upgrading to the TotalDac d1-12 Mk3 is truly a no brainer!

N.B. These observations were made before the most recent upgrade to the Taiko Extreme OS which is to be delivered early next week. So they’re due only to the upgrade to the mk3.The Taiko OS upgrade Is supposed to be another leap forward. I’ll report back after.
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I did the Totaldac Twelve SE (with Livepower power supply) to Totaldac Mk3 upgrade and I am very happy!

Big improvements in detail, dynamics, body, middle bass and lower frequency detail. I use it connected to a Taiko Extreme using the USB board with an Intona Ultimate USB cable.
Very impressive!
Inasked this question on the other thred but no reaction.
I hope here will be someone to advice

How about choice between 2 theoretical scenarios:
1. Totaldac DAC ( voulme control) + Totaldac Drivers + Heisenberg monos to Alsyvox Botticelli
2. Totaldac DAC ( max volume) + TotalDAC drivers + Humboldt ( volume control) to Alsyvox Botticelli
I wonder what scenario would work better 1 or 2 ?
The Total amplifier is excellent.
Very late to the game, but I'm very happy with my TD 12 Mk II. Tonality is a step closer to real (vs. my previous Aqua Formula), massive sound stage and detailed without being overly analytical.
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hi all
Can I get some user input?

I'm looking at the Totaldac D1 unity (with live power supply and dsd upgrades). I've never heard a Totaldac dac before and have no chance to demo one.

My current dacs are Meitner MA3, Rockna Wavelight, and Rockna Wavedream Signature XLR edition. I have previously owned the Benchmark Dac3b, Matrix XSabre Pro, Holo May KTE. I've demoed Mola Mola Tambaqui and Lab12 Ref1 dac.

Anyone have any experience comparing Totaldacs to any of the dacs above? I just need to get a general idea/reference of the Totaldac sound. I was considering the Bricasti M1SEii but people mention it is a reference/clean sounding dac and slightly on the lean side, which is not what I'm looking for. my other options are Aqua La Scala Optologic mkii or Lampizator.
hi all
Can I get some user input?

I'm looking at the Totaldac D1 unity (with live power supply and dsd upgrades). I've never heard a Totaldac dac before and have no chance to demo one.

My current dacs are Meitner MA3, Rockna Wavelight, and Rockna Wavedream Signature XLR edition. I have previously owned the Benchmark Dac3b, Matrix XSabre Pro, Holo May KTE. I've demoed Mola Mola Tambaqui and Lab12 Ref1 dac.

Anyone have any experience comparing Totaldacs to any of the dacs above? I just need to get a general idea/reference of the Totaldac sound. I was considering the Bricasti M1SEii but people mention it is a reference/clean sounding dac and slightly on the lean side, which is not what I'm looking for. my other options are Aqua La Scala Optologic mkii or Lampizator.
Hi Roasty,
Did you read the reviews linked here?
and also here
and here:
It should give you some ideas.

You can also read some feedback about the Munich show last May:
"Augmented by Brient's solid state amplification and D100 speakers with optional super tweeters and subs, the D1-Sublime made a Qobuz stream of Leonard Cohen's "Show Me the Place" as natural as I've heard it, with thoroughly believable textures, ultrahigh resolution, and terrific portrayal of rhythm and pace." Alex Halberstadt, Stereophile

"On listening, we were confronted with a mature, complete, organic and extremely detailed performance. It is a high-efficiency system with a sub that can range over all musical geniuses with authority and control up to live concert levels. It is noteworthy and one of the very few cases in my memory where the subwoofer improved the overall performance without giving the feeling of something added afterwards, a perception of emissive uniformity that made everything even more credible." GIONA ORLANDI, Quotidianoaudio
hi all
Can I get some user input?

I'm looking at the Totaldac D1 unity (with live power supply and dsd upgrades). I've never heard a Totaldac dac before and have no chance to demo one.

My current dacs are Meitner MA3, Rockna Wavelight, and Rockna Wavedream Signature XLR edition. I have previously owned the Benchmark Dac3b, Matrix XSabre Pro, Holo May KTE. I've demoed Mola Mola Tambaqui and Lab12 Ref1 dac.

Anyone have any experience comparing Totaldacs to any of the dacs above? I just need to get a general idea/reference of the Totaldac sound. I was considering the Bricasti M1SEii but people mention it is a reference/clean sounding dac and slightly on the lean side, which is not what I'm looking for. my other options are Aqua La Scala Optologic mkii or Lampizator.
I have a D-1 direct Dac that I have been able to compare directly to the Mola Mola Dac.
While I think the Mola Mola is a very good Dac and understand why it is so well liked, it does not create the emotional connection that I get with the TD. The TD is more balanced, both human voices and instruments sound more natural to me. It presents all the details and allows for a properly scaled and defined soundstage…of course all of this is in the context of my system.
My system is taiko diy server, TD Dac, custom 211 SET monoblocks/ Western Electric 701A monoblocks in bi-amp, with AER BD3 with Supravox 285EXC field coils
The TD D-1 Direct is my 3rd TD, so I am a fan.


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I have a D-1 direct Dac that I have been able to compare directly to the Mola Mola Dac.
While I think the Mola Mola is a very good Dac and understand why it is so well liked, it does not create the emotional connection that I get with the TD. The TD is more balanced, both human voices and instruments sound more natural to me. It presents all the details and allows for a properly scaled and defined soundstage…of course all of this is in the context of my system.
My system is taiko diy server, TD Dac, custom 211 SET monoblocks/ Western Electric 701A monoblocks in bi-amp, with AER BD3 with Supravox 285EXC field coils
The TD D-1 Direct is my 3rd TD, so I am a fan.

thanks for chiming in! that is a great looking system and i bet it sounds even better.
i felt the same about the Mola.. it seems technically accomplished and essentially does the job, but i got more enjoyment and engagement out of my other dacs.

Hi Roasty,
Did you read the reviews linked here?
and also here
and here:
It should give you some ideas.

You can also read some feedback about the Munich show last May:
"Augmented by Brient's solid state amplification and D100 speakers with optional super tweeters and subs, the D1-Sublime made a Qobuz stream of Leonard Cohen's "Show Me the Place" as natural as I've heard it, with thoroughly believable textures, ultrahigh resolution, and terrific portrayal of rhythm and pace." Alex Halberstadt, Stereophile

"On listening, we were confronted with a mature, complete, organic and extremely detailed performance. It is a high-efficiency system with a sub that can range over all musical geniuses with authority and control up to live concert levels. It is noteworthy and one of the very few cases in my memory where the subwoofer improved the overall performance without giving the feeling of something added afterwards, a perception of emissive uniformity that made everything even more credible." GIONA ORLANDI, Quotidianoaudio

thanks for the info! i have gone through your website through and through several times. i am close to pulling the trigger, but i first need to decide which one of my current dacs will go, and then sell it off to make some rack space.

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