New BADA DAC; DSD Debunked?

The file sizes depend on the number of channels (3, 4, 5, 5.1) and the resolution (DSD64, 128, 256). When you compare a DSD64 Multichannel file vs. a DSD256 Stereo file, they're very comparable in size.

I have ripped a large number of mch DSD64 files from SACD's. They are typically around 5GB up to 7GB. My only stereo DSD256 is 5GB for a 40 minute album. So they are very similar in size. So my 400 mch albums take about 2.5 TB (x 4 including 3 backups) = 10 TB. I have two different NAS systems and 2 external 4TB drive sets for the files and their back ups. I also save the original .iso files and have ripped those into stereo files, too. So fortunately, storage is dirt cheap and getting cheaper than dirt.

When I (SACD) rip the .iso file which is RBCD/2-CH and MCH in one, I have never gotten more than 4.5gb in size. They are typically 2.5gb to 4.4GB.
I don't use DIRAC anymore. I use Acourate. It's much better. I COULD do DSD with Acourate as well with Jussi's HQplayer.

hello DJ,

I've been following your posts since you've added totaldac into your system and knew you sold them and went to Acourate with HILO. I'm also interested in Acourate and a big fan of DSD. What do you mean by doing DSD with Acourate? Wouldn't DSD be changed into PCM when undergoing DSP? And how do you find HQplayer compared with JRiver? Thanks

I don't use HQplayer. I use Jriver. I own HQplayer. I never use itdue to the poor interface. However, Jussi claims it can apply DSP natively to DSD. I think its not converted to PCM. I think he uses some type of multi bit SDM with DSD. Anyway, I'm not a DSD fan so I havent even tried it. I probably won't.

Acourate generates .wav files which are the filters. They can be configured in a number of ways. I personally like and use the Acourate Convolver.

hello DJ,

I've been following your posts since you've added totaldac into your system and knew you sold them and went to Acourate with HILO. I'm also interested in Acourate and a big fan of DSD. What do you mean by doing DSD with Acourate? Wouldn't DSD be changed into PCM when undergoing DSP? And how do you find HQplayer compared with JRiver? Thanks

Robert Harley's review of the Berkeley Reference DAC is now online, as part of:

The Absolute Sound Buyer’s Guide to Digital Source Components 2014

(Pages 41-48)

I'm tempted to give it a whirl, but also skeptical about the next "game changer". I traded my MSB Signature for a PS audio Directstream because I found the difference to be small if not negligible. If I knew for sure this device would truly elevated my sound to another level, I'd be all in, but I'm on the fence.
I'm tempted to give it a whirl, but also skeptical about the next "game changer". I traded my MSB Signature for a PS audio Directstream because I found the difference to be small if not negligible. If I knew for sure this device would truly elevated my sound to another level, I'd be all in, but I'm on the fence.

Fortunately, once I decide to possibly purchase, I will likely be able to test the unit at home in my system, courtesy of my dealer.
Fortunately, once I decide to possibly purchase, I will likely be able to test the unit at home in my system, courtesy of my dealer.

I believe they are back ordered so getting hands on demo unit won't be easy. Let me know what you think - you have heard MSB and Directstream, which are my two references.
Thanks Al M. Probably this review will feed another thread on measurements versus listening - Michael Ritter clearly suggest in the interview that each unit is individually optimized by measuring and listening in a 100 K system!

I was a little worried about that. $100K buys you a nice set of signal and power cables these days, but no funds will be left for electronics and speakers.
I was a little worried about that. $100K buys you a nice set of signal and power cables these days, but no funds will be left for electronics and speakers.

Surely they get an industry accommodation price for both, so they manage to get it on the $100k budget ... ;)
And we are back to the myth of More expensive = higher performance ...

No wonder that gears keep getting dearer ... :rolleyes:
And we are back to the myth of More expensive = higher performance ...

No wonder that gears keep getting dearer ... :rolleyes:

Bah you know it is more complex than this and more shades rather than black and white.
The expensive side of the budget end (ok a bit of an oxymoron I know hehe) from a performance-technical-engineering side has massively improved over the years; take example of Audiolab M-DAC and others in its price.
Slightly higher price but true high end, what about work done by NAIM with interesting use of DSP and IIR filters or their integration for streaming with Rovi (pretty slick solution), and there are many other manufacturers and products that have exceptional performance at the lower end price of high end segment.

Yes the uber expensive trend is accelerating, but one should not use this IMO as a narrative to say what is wrong with audio when in fact the "entry" ladder of high end and also the top price budget segment is gaining performance-engineering-build over previous years at attainable prices for the majority.

Not the thread to address the issue orb. We can intellectualize this all we want . Most audiophiles subscribe to the notion of more expensive = better... It is indeed not black and white but the perception is there and constantly present in audiophiles discussions ... Another thread maybe.

Back to the BADA ss ;)

I like the BADA DAC a lot . I would like to hear what this Reference model does better at (almost) 3 times the price.
Not the thread to address the issue orb. We can intellectualize this all we want . Most audiophiles subscribe to the notion of more expensive = better... It is indeed not black and white but the perception is there and constantly present in audiophiles discussions ... Another thread maybe.

Back to the BADA ss ;)

I like the BADA DAC a lot . I would like to hear what this Reference model does better at (almost) 3 times the price.

You are right - this perception is there. Most audiophiles subscribe to referred notion because in their experience it is statistically true. The exception is surely the ultra expensive high-end tweak zone, where very few people, including me, can say they have real experience. This area is often used as weapon by those who love to use the exceptions to illustrate their points.

BTW I would also love to have the opinion of a "skeptic" on what this Reference model does better after you listen to it in an adequate system. In the same way I would like to have your opinion about top tape versus top red book digital in Steve or Christian system.

As always, just MHO against YHO. :)
You are right - this perception is there. Most audiophiles subscribe to referred notion because in their experience it is statistically true. The exception is surely the ultra expensive high-end tweak zone, where very few people, including me, can say they have real experience. This area is often used as weapon by those who love to use the exceptions to illustrate their points.

BTW I would also love to have the opinion of a true skeptic on what this Reference model does better after you listen to it in an adequate system. In the same way I would like to have your opinion about top tape versus top red book digital in Steve or Christian system.

As always, just MHO against YHO. :)

Strong words .. Statistics? Whose keeping them and under what conditions? You opened the can of worms,not me :D

This said, I would think my own (for now) headphones-based system is up to the resolution of most anything out there. The limitations of headphones listening are in the sense of verisimiltude, you lack the feel of things, the tactile, music has in real life; else in term of sonics , I am not sure there is any speaker that surpass the Stax SR-009 , even the Hifiman 6 or 560 are IMHO better transducers than any speaker you care to mention. All that IMHO, YMMV, etc.

I don;t know how a person can say that higher prices are the exception rather than the norm but again different strokes and all that ...

Back in the days I would not flinch at spending rather lavishly on components which I deemed great. Nowadays, I am much more skeptical and contemplative. The BADA looks interesting based on what I am experiencing with its sibling... Will listen to it when I can and determine in my view if it worth 3 times the price ...
Strong words .. Statistics? Whose keeping them and under what conditions? You opened the can of worms,not me :D

This said, I would think my own (for now) headphones-based system is up to the resolution of most anything out there. The limitations of headphones listening are in the sense of verisimiltude, you lack the feel of things, the tactile, music has in real life; else in term of sonics , I am not sure there is any speaker that surpass the Stax SR-009 , even the Hifiman 6 or 560 are IMHO better transducers than any speaker you care to mention. All that IMHO, YMMV, etc.

I don;t know how a person can say that higher prices are the exception rather than the norm but again different strokes and all that ...

Back in the days I would not flinch at spending rather lavishly on components which I deemed great. Nowadays, I am much more skeptical and contemplative. The BADA looks interesting based on what I am experiencing with its sibling... Will listen to it when I can and determine in my view if it worth 3 times the price ...

There is no question that there is a statistical corellation between price and sound quality. This statement is of course not analogous to "more expensive is better". The fact you own $4k headphones suggests you are actually on board with the hypothesis.
Also, because sq is a subjective variable, you can of course always find someone that likes his favorite $40k speaker better than a highly acclaimed speaker double the price. The there is innovation, so someone may come along building a $16k piece (BADA?) that categorically beats the incumbent $50k leader (say DCS). None of this disproves the statistical correlation.
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Strong words .. Statistics? Whose keeping them and under what conditions? You opened the can of worms,not me :D

This said, I would think my own (for now) headphones-based system is up to the resolution of most anything out there. The limitations of headphones listening are in the sense of verisimiltude, you lack the feel of things, the tactile, music has in real life; else in term of sonics , I am not sure there is any speaker that surpass the Stax SR-009 , even the Hifiman 6 or 560 are IMHO better transducers than any speaker you care to mention. All that IMHO, YMMV, etc.

I don;t know how a person can say that higher prices are the exception rather than the norm but again different strokes and all that ...

Back in the days I would not flinch at spending rather lavishly on components which I deemed great. Nowadays, I am much more skeptical and contemplative. The BADA looks interesting based on what I am experiencing with its sibling... Will listen to it when I can and determine in my view if it worth 3 times the price ...

I have opened the can long ago, unfortunately some people still consider the basic tool for any sound quality debate as a "strong word" and prefer the eloquence of wordy debates. Fortunately the previous poster seems to understand my post and even risked to use my preferred word in these matters "correlation". BTW, can you imagine what we could do with the "autocorrelation" function in audio debates? ;)

BTW I appreciated the skeptical and contemplative. Very comfortable ...

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