Memory Player 2023

Wow! That's some technology description!
A while back (in the mid 10’s) these guys were taking orders for 20k+ product and then not delivering for years, multiple years. This was when it was run under Laufer Teknik. Check with them first that they have the product on hand to deliver.
I used different iterations of Laufer-Teknik Memory Players for many years. My last Memory Player was delivered in 2021 after a 23 month wait. It is a one-off failed science project. But the description of it is fabulous. I had nothing but problems with it and it did not come with the digital outputs I specified so I cannot use any external DAC. Now it sits on the floor next to the desk I am typing at. It is bricked AGAIN. I need to get a neighbor to help me load it into my car and take it to e-waste.

It is a total loss. A very expensive lesson learned. I replaced it with a product from a reliable company that delivers a consistent, known product.


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I used different iterations of Laufer-Teknik Memory Players for many years. My last Memory Player was delivered in 2021 after a 23 month wait. It is a one-off failed science project. But the description of it is fabulous. I had nothing but problems with it and it did not come with the digital outputs I specified so I cannot use any external DAC. Now it sits on the floor next to the desk I am typing at. It is bricked AGAIN. I need to get a neighbor to help me load it into my car and take it to e-waste.

It is a total loss. A very expensive lesson learned. I replaced it with a product from a reliable company that delivers a consistent, known product.
That’s horrible, unboxed. I’m sorry you've had to deal with that. Thanks for sharing your cautionary tale
Here is a better picture without the .jpg label hiding a critical part. A glued in iFi DAC. The iFi has a separate external power switch without a light so it is not possible to tell if the DAC is on or off without playing music. The DAC has an external remote to change settings but since the display is hidden it is all a guessing game. If music will not play is the DAC on and the setting wrong or is the DAC off?

As I said previously. I moved on to a reliable company with a reliable product. The music is good. Life is good. :D


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Here is a better picture without the .jpg label hiding a critical part. A glued in iFi DAC. The iFi has a separate external power switch without a light so it is not possible to tell if the DAC is on or off without playing music. The DAC has an external remote to change settings but since the display is hidden it is all a guessing game. If music will not play is the DAC on and the setting wrong or is the DAC off?

As I said previously. I moved on to a reliable company with a reliable product. The music is good. Life is good. :D
Wow thats some shady stuff there!
Hello friends, I own two memory players by Laufer Teknik, one as as a player and one as a server, connected via ethernet over an uptone audio etherregen and external esoteric g-02 lock. In my opinion, these machines should be seen as a project similar to the Taiko Extreme, in the sense that every owner should feel invited to modify the software ecosystem and hardware in order to further improve the sound. Both products are MS Windows based and in fact and in the end Personal computers (the Taiko in fact with more hardware product design and better cooling) . I have made several significant improvements in my MP machines without being myself a Computer expert (better cooling without fans, Windows optimisation via Fidelizer software, network cards, more capacitor based power filtering, modification of the running tasks on the several cores, better implementation of the IDEAS software, etc.). In the end the Memory player beats other machines as Antipodes K50 or Linn Klimax DSM by far. I have had the opportunity of direct comparisons between these three server solutions and in my system there is no doubt about the MP being number 1. it sounds like master tape, the Antipodes in direct comparison is dark, narrow, compressed. The Linn is crisp but with condirably lower dynamics and very dry without the incredible tonal richness of the MP. Therefore you should see the PC-like optics and the sometimes clumsy Windows 10- Jriver/Qobuz for Desktop Software base as an opportunity. Other products are more beautiful by far but you can not modify them yourself. If it comes to sound the Memory Player with its unique IDEAS software is still a absolute World Class server, I am quiet sure about it. The onboard DAC on the other hand seems to be a mere gimmick.
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I had 3 different iterations of MP, before I got the very first one, Sam Laufer explained in detail what I was getting into, with emphasis of being a software based system. I also investigated about the model with the iFi DAc, and again, Sam disclosed everything… I knew how good the iFi iDSD Pro was, because I had been using it in one of one of other systems for a while. Mark modify and upgrade it quite a bit when used with MP system.
I can confirm that a lot of Memory Players during all the years seem to be unique when it comes to the parts it was built of so this may apply to the onboard DACs as well. So my DAC "version" at home (Tube and not tubed, dating from 2022) may be an underperformer compared to other MP DACs.
I am having a problem with one channel of my MP64. I too have had many iterations of the Memory Player for over 15 years and have been happy with the sound and the software service through Team Viewer. Sam is usually quite busy so it does take a while to get your player.
Anyone using the latest iteration? Any issues? I understand they have moved away from the IFI Dac and now use the DAC in the graphic card on the Intel motherboard itself. So it is completely a software based solution. However I am unable to comment on it as one channel isn't playing.
I am having a problem with one channel of my MP64. I too have had many iterations of the Memory Player for over 15 years and have been happy with the sound and the software service through Team Viewer. Sam is usually quite busy so it does take a while to get your player.
Anyone using the latest iteration? Any issues? I understand they have moved away from the IFI Dac and now use the DAC in the graphic card on the Intel motherboard itself. So it is completely a software based solution. However I am unable to comment on it as one channel isn't playing.
Happy to say this has been resolved and Sam Laufer has been most responsive. In fact I would say he has always been one of the few in the audio industry that has always been there to provide support, guidance and advice.
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I strongly disagree with praise for Sam Laufer. I was one of the first Memory Player buyers beginning with their introduction in 2006. That was Before Sam Laufer was involved. I owned several over the years, using them exclusively until my recent experience. I now know of several ex-customers and one ex-dealer. I do not personally know of anyone who will still purchase anything from Laufer-Teknik.

I waited 23 months for my last purchase. When I got tired of waiting and asked for a refund Sam said he did not have the money and I would have to wait. I decided that if I had to wait for something I would wait for the Memory Player because Sam was telling me what great improvements Mark Porzilli was making. What I received was a one-off science project that is now a brick. Design flaws both minor and major include:

1. Sam said the MP was so fragile it required shipping on a pallet.
2. The plastic bag the MP was wrapped in had a mysterious white powder and two loose screws in it resulting in a scarred faceplate.
3. No main power indicator light. Something very basic to all audio equipment.
4. Glued in iFi DAC with a separate, unlighted power switch and no way to tell if the DAC is on or off.
5. External iFi remote to adjust DAC input settings but no way to view the display.
6. No digital outputs that I requested so I could review and try external DACS.
7. An optical drive that ejects CDs so forcibly they launch into the air and fall to the floor some distance away.
8 Multiple drive failures including an SSD 4 months after receipt of the unit.
9. Other failures I did not log.
10. Final failure to power up. The MP is now a total loss to me.

I offered to sell the unit back for less than 1/10th of what I paid for it and pay for shipping. Sam said “I’m sorry you’ve had this experience. I would be more than happy to buy the player back for $700.” I never received payment even after two reminders. Now I have a 65 pound brick to haul to e-waste.

In 2006 there were few options for commercial music servers. Times have changed. Now there are many proven, consistent build-quality products available to purchase. I now use an Aurender N20. It is far superior in performance and user interface compared to any Memory Player I ever owned. I regret and apologize for anything I ever wrote that encouraged anyone to purchase a Memory Player.
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I strongly disagree with praise for Sam Laufer. I was one of the first Memory Player buyers beginning with their introduction in 2006. That was Before Sam Laufer was involved. I owned several over the years, using them exclusively until my recent experience. I now know of several ex-customers and one ex-dealer. I do not personally know of anyone who will still purchase anything from Laufer-Teknik.

I waited 23 months for my last purchase. When I got tired of waiting and asked for a refund Sam said he did not have the money and I would have to wait. I decided that if I had to wait for something I would wait for the Memory Player because Sam was telling me what great improvements Mark Porzilli was making. What I received was a one-off science project that is now a brick. Design flaws both minor and major include:

1. Sam said the MP was so fragile it required shipping on a pallet.
2. The plastic bag the MP was wrapped in had a mysterious white powder and two loose screws in it resulting in a scarred faceplate.
3. No main power indicator light. Something very basic to all audio equipment.
4. Glued in iFi DAC with a separate, unlighted power switch and no way to tell if the DAC is on or off.
5. External iFi remote to adjust DAC input settings but no way to view the display.
6. No digital outputs that I requested so I could review and try external DACS.
7. An optical drive that ejects CDs so forcibly they launch into the air and fall to the floor some distance away.
8 Multiple drive failures including an SSD 4 months after receipt of the unit.
9. Other failures I did not log.
10. Final failure to power up. The MP is now a total loss to me.

I offered to sell the unit back for less than 1/10th of what I paid for it and pay for shipping. Sam said “I’m sorry you’ve had this experience. I would be more than happy to buy the player back for $700.” I never received payment even after two reminders. Now I have a 65 pound brick to haul to e-waste.

In 2006 there were few options for commercial music servers. Times have changed. Now there are many proven, consistent build-quality products available to purchase. I now use an Aurender N20. It is far superior in performance and user interface compared to any Memory Player I ever owned. I regret and apologize for anything I ever wrote that encouraged anyone to purchase a Memory Player.
I had an MP years ago. Thankfully, I now own a Lucas Audio LDMS Music server. I could not be happier. It is one of the most important components of my system. I am sorry to read about this kind of stories and hope for the best for you.
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