M12 Gold Switch


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2015
I received the M12 for an audition and, per Marcin of JCat, gave it 100 hours of run time before doing any serious listening. As I was using a very pedestrian setup for this it was easy to avoid the temptation to listen prematurely. After 130+ hours I can say unequivocally this device has given the SQ of my streaming a tremendous boost, i.e., richer tone with more breadth and depth to the soundstage. Music has both greater subtlety and weight. Their is an addictive liveliness that creates a “they are here” sensation. My system is comprised of Vivaldi One with Vivaldi clock, Conrad-Johnson GAT2 preamp, VAC 200iq mono blocs, and Raidho D2.1 speakers. I have not heard the much discussed SOtM switch so I am unable to shed any light on how they compare. I can only say preliminarily I am quite impressed with the M12!
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Hello WBF brothers,
Telegartner Japan has launched the M12 Gold Switch several months ago, yet due to unavailability of it in Hong Kong and then the lockdown caused by the stupid virus, I am unable to audition it in details only until very recently.

The HK dealer of Telegartner Japan Branch got a demo unit about 3 weeks ago.


I went for a listen after a few days.
Quite disappointed because it was NOT performing at a level comparable with the Extreme Server it was paired up with.

In fact there was a SOtM switch in the showroom at that time too. Despite it's with the SOtM smps sPs500 only and not given an external 10M clock signal, the M12 Gold Switch was way behind it in many aspects.
Last week, the dealer called me, saying that it had settled down and was ready and that I should come for a listen.

Another audiophile friend who visited the dealer showroom called me almost at the same time and said that the M12 Gold Switch was the best audiophile switch he had ever encountered.

Therefore I went for a serious listen yesterday.


There was no surprise, because between Jan and yeaterday, there have been so many praising reviews of it on the web.

In simple words, I concur with the opinions of the web reviews and those of Emile and other WBF brothers :
the M12 Gold Switch is the most musical and all-rounded audiophile switch in the market currently.

What I intend to say on the next posts is on ways to further improve its performance.

Hope that other WBF brothers can chim in and even to do experiments in this aspect!
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This is the included switching powersupply of M12 Gold Switch :


Telegartner Japan says that this smps is of medical grade and the perfect partner of the switch.

Sorry, I am seriously allergic to smps!

I specifically asked the local dealer to find a good replacing LPS for it or my returning audition would be meaningless.
He compiled :


That's a Elite Series LPS made by James of PLiXiR for the M12 Gold Switch.
The performance is so good that the original smps can be put back into the box and stored away in your attic.
Telegartner also says that the chassis of M12 Gold Swtich is made of sturdy cast aluminum alloy and therefore of industrial grade standards.
It can survive in all kinds of weather and what's important to audiophiles is that it is resistant to vibrations harmful to sonic performance.

However I did an experiment yeaterday during the audition :
Instead of placing the M12 Gold Switch directly on the top level of a Quadrature HiFi Rack, I inserted a small size Taiko Audio Daiza panzerholz board and listened again.


No surprise again.
Both the dealer and I noticed the sonic improvement in seconds!
They were in all sonic aspects and not subtle at all.
I actually think that this tweak is MANDATORY !

However the Daiza I experimented with was not of the perfect size for M12 Gold Switch.

Emile :
Please check the dimensions of the switch and experiment with diff board sizes.
I guess the optimal one should be long enough to allow using screws to anchor the switch via its two small outtriggers onto the Daiza.

Then every M12 Gold Switch owners will buy one for sure.
Telegartner also says that the chassis of M12 Gold Swtich is made of sturdy cast aluminum alloy and therefore of industrial grade standards.
It can survive in all kinds of weather and what's important to audiophiles is that it is resistant to vibrations harmful to sonic performance.

However I did an experiment yeaterday during the audition :
Instead of placing the M12 Gold Switch directly on the top level of a Quadrature HiFi Rack, I inserted a small size Taiko Audio Daiza panzerholz board and listened again.

View attachment 64120

No surprise again.
Both the dealer and I noticed the sonic improvement in seconds!
They were in all sonic aspects and not subtle at all.
I actually think that this tweak is MANDATORY !

However the Daiza I experimented with was not of the perfect size for M12 Gold Switch.

Emile :
Please check the dimensions of the switch and experiment with diff board sizes.
I guess the optimal one should be long enough to allow using screws to anchor the switch via its two small outtriggers onto the Daiza.

Then every M12 Gold Switch owners will buy one for sure.

Interesting.. next time I should invest on a good platform for m12 gold.
I found that power cable to plixir LPS-> m12 gold greatly affect the sound as well
So CK, tell us how it actually sounded compared to no switch and in comparison with the SOTM please!
So CK, tell us how it actually sounded compared to no switch and in comparison with the SOTM please!
Hello Howard,
For Extreme, my person view is :
No switch = No good.

A good audiophile switch is a must, even when playing internally stored music files.

Compared to a SOtM (full-optioned) or a Melco S100, I personally will take the M12 Gold Switch, for its musicality and all-roundedness.

BTW I am puzzled by the high msrp of it in the west.
It's made by Telegartner Japan and the msrp in Japan is ¥350,000 only (tax excluded).
The net price in HK is similar.
But there are two included Telegartner MFP Gold Mk2 cables with one side terminated with M12 plugs included in the package.
It's a rather good-buy actually.
And no headache to find/buy a 10M external clock.
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Let's continue with tweaks.

How about if an audiophile has got an audiophile switch already?
Should he sell it away and get a M12 Gold as replacement?

No of course!
As good as the M12 Gold, audiophiles will be awed by employing it in a dual-switch configuration!
I tested the tweak yesterday :


The above photo was taken before give it the Daiza panzerholz board.
The pairing switch was only a humble Clones Audio audiophile switch costing usd700.
The connecting ethernet cable was again a humble Telegartner Gold MFP8 Mk2.

I have mentioned on diff threads in the past that doing a dual-switch config is much much more cost-effective than adding a top 10M clock to a single switch such as SOtM.
And this is a perfect example.
The leap in sonic performance make it a must-do as well.

Some WBF brothers must be very itchy now and want to test the dual-switch tweak with various brands/models.
Please go ahead and share your experience here.
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Last post of mine on this thread today :
Some well-heeled audiophiles may think that the included Telegartner MFP8 Gold Mk2 ethernet cables are not up their high standards?

And the dc cable included with the PLiXiR Elite Series LPS specifically made for the M12 Gold being too ugly and cheap?


The solution is easy.
The M12 ethernet plug and the waterproof dc plug are available on several webshops.
No soldering needed. They use clamping mechanisms.


The only risk to take is the de-soldering/removing of the common ethernet plugs on your higher-end ethernet cables.
I am sure some of the WBF brothers are brave enough to do so.
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Hello Howard,
For Extreme, my person view is :
No switch = No good.

A good audiophile switch is a must, even when playing internally stored music files.

Compared to a SOtM (full-optioned) or a Melco S100, I personally will take the M12 Gold Switch, for its musicality and all-roundedness.

BTW I am puzzled by the high msrp of it in the west.
It's made by Telegartner Japan and the msrp in Japan is ¥350,000 only (tax excluded).
The net price in HK is similar.
But there are two included Telegartner MFP Gold Mk2 cables with one side terminated with M12 plugs included in the package.
It's a rather good-buy actually.
And no headache to find/buy a 10M external clock.
Thanks. Do you know if the power socket on the M12 is similar to SOTM/Melco S100 as I have a spare socket on my double Plixir LPS with one powering the Melco at the moment.
Thanks. Do you know if the power socket on the M12 is similar to SOTM/Melco S100 as I have a spare socket on my double Plixir LPS with one powering the Melco at the moment.
No ar.
It's an industrial waterproof dc socket/plug.

You have to buy this plug and install it on your dc cable (M12 Gold's end).
Thanks for the extensive report @CKKeung

There is one more thing you should try with the m12 switch gold: ground it! Then you will reach the ultimate performance

Best regards

Marcin, I was able to play with one of your lan cables. Very nice but very inflexible. Any thoughts on coming out with a more flexible sleeve?

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