Linn Sondek LP12 Akurate Set Up


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2010
Manila, Philippines
I was telling my best buddy JackD201 about my Linn Sondek and how it took 6 hours to assemble and set up, and by nighttime, there were still some 'fine tuning' to do, but the set up boys were tired and they had to come back the next day to make it finally 'operational'. Whew. But it was fun watching the 2 'trained by Scotland' guys do their jobs. Even if I had an owner's manual, I figured I wouldn't finish the thing in 3 days. :D

The metal rack/jig, imported from Scotland. Where the guys install the parts from 'underneath'.


I had to ask them what that was for when I saw that was the first thing they unloaded from their van.

Inside the room, the rack, with 5 sealed boxes of parts of the LP 12, starting from the deck to the subchassis to the tonearm, dust cover and Lingo Power supply.


The main deck.


The 2 trained guys, one of them is the manager of the audio store, starting their work.


Trampolin Base feet, for 'second' suspension.


The PC board speed control.P_20190115_134659(1).jpg

Motor assembly.


Installing the parts from 'under'.



I was enjoying the 'show'.


This is one time I kind of love the 'mess' in my listening room. :)

Btw, I had to bring in a coffee table where the set up rack/jig needs to be placed.
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The final piece.

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Congrats! Please open the lid while playing as it sounds better that way. Happy listening!
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Congrats! Please open the lid when listening as it sounds better that way. Happy listening!

Thanks zbub. Do you mean take it off completely from the hinge or open it while it is still part of the deck?
Thanks zbub. Do you mean take it off completely from the hinge or open it while it is still part of the deck?

Hi. Either way is fine and better than having the lid closed. Take the whold lid off with the hinges is better than just open the lid in my experience. You can certainly try both ways.
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Hi. Either way is fine and better than having the lid closed. Take the whold lid off with the hinges is better than just open the lid in my experience. You can certainly try both ways.

Great, will experiment
Tried removing the lid totally from the deck and the sound was more open, instruments more delineated, and generally cleaner. With the lid closed, sound was a bit 'darker', and warmer. With the lid up, it's about the middle of both settings. :) So there will be some LPs I will use to either settings, a matter of taste.
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6 hours...... wow.

I was looking for the owner's manual, and I was told there was none. And then after the 6 hr set up I understood why. I couldn't do it in 48 hours. :)
An experienced guy would probably take just a couple of hours to do the whole thing but I can understand newly trained persons taking a while longer. As long as it’s done correctly and it sounds good in the end.
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An experienced guy would probably take just a couple of hours to do the whole thing but I can understand newly trained persons taking a while longer. As long as it’s done correctly and it sounds good in the end.

I agree~ experience is the best teacher.

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