Lamm LL1 Signature - how good?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2015
I ran across a used LL1 Signature, appears to be in good condition. I see that these units can be found for sale in the used market but typically once every few months or so.
I have the Audio Research Reference 40th, which I enjoy very much.
I was initially thinking that I would spend my money towards upgrading to a Ref10 linestage and maybe a Ref10 phono as well.... but then I ran into this LL1.
Reading reviews and threads, I've noticed that once people buy these Lamms, they rarely sell it.
I know Peter and Steve have those two here.

My speakers are Magico Mini II and I enjoy it on my current system.

Amp is a Boulder.

Has anyone compared the LL1 to an ARC unit? What's the difference?
I am a Lamm dealer but I have had all the best over 40 years.
The Lamm is in the top 3-5 you can buy.
The Audio research is a little further down the line.
Vladimir is a HOF designer.
Go for the Lamm you will not regret it.

Regards Robert
If you get the Lamm preamp, know that you will be getting Lamm amplifiers down the line. Budget accordingly for those amps.
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I ran across a used LL1 Signature, appears to be in good condition. I see that these units can be found for sale in the used market but typically once every few months or so.
I have the Audio Research Reference 40th, which I enjoy very much.
I was initially thinking that I would spend my money towards upgrading to a Ref10 linestage and maybe a Ref10 phono as well.... but then I ran into this LL1.
Reading reviews and threads, I've noticed that once people buy these Lamms, they rarely sell it.
I know Peter and Steve have those two here.

My speakers are Magico Mini II and I enjoy it on my current system.

Amp is a Boulder.

Has anyone compared the LL1 to an ARC unit? What's the difference?

These both have a very different sound and I doubt those who have compared them would have done so with an amp like the Boulder. So opinions are not going to help. Given that it is at a good used price best to buy it if you can afford it, then sell one of the preamps. You have nothing to lose except liquidity till you sell it off.
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I have a friend who upon hearing my system bought the same Micro Seiki turntable and has been searching for Lamm electronics ever since. The LL1 Signature preamp is excellent and works really well with both the ML2 SET and the M1.1 SS, each of which I tried with different speakers.

I used to own the Magico Mini II. It is an excellent speaker. I then got the Q3 which I preferred on large scale music, but still miss that Mini II. The Lamm phono, LL1 and M1.1 sounded superb with the Magico. Presuming the ML3 is slightly more powerful than my ML2, it will not have enough power to drive the Mini II successfully. I tried the ML2 on the Q3 and heard some magic, but it simply could not drive them properly. The Lamm M1.1 is a superb SS amplifier that can drive most speakers with 100 class A watts.
Yeah it’s tough because the rarer the item is, the less we know from reports. I like the aural density of the ref 40. I just wonder if the LL1 will extend that further.
As people are saying, it depends on the power amplifier. I currently own both, and both are great sounding. The REF40 has a larger soundstage and is more enveloping, the LL1 puts more light on the stage. It depends on your preference and also on the type of music you listen.

As far as I see the Boulder amplifers have 100 kohm impedance and are a good electrical match with both preamplfiers. But I will not sell the LL1 without the ML3! ;)
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Can you explain a bit further and more detail? I like dense imaging and vocalists dead center with good weight and sculpture like in realism. Also, I need good back to front layering.

is that what you get going from 40 to Lamm LL1?
Can you explain a bit further and more detail? I like dense imaging and vocalists dead center with good weight and sculpture like in realism. Also, I need good back to front layering.

is that what you get going from 40 to Lamm LL1?

Both preamps have good weight and dense imaging. However for "sculpture like and realism" IMHO the ARC REF40 is the winner, particularly with large and complex music, or rock and pop.
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Thx Micro
Different question
How does the ar ref 10 compare to the ref 40?
Both preamps have good weight and dense imaging. However for "sculpture like and realism" IMHO the ARC REF40 is the winner, particularly with large and complex music, or rock and pop.

Fransisco, to make such a conclusion, did you compare the two preamps in exactly the same system, or was this general characteristic consistent across a variety of configurations?
Both preamps have good weight and dense imaging. However for "sculpture like and realism" IMHO the ARC REF40 is the winner, particularly with large and complex music, or rock and pop.
FWIW IMO the only way to pair a LAMM preamp is with a LAMM amp. That’s when the magic happens
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Steve, I’ve seen you post that perspective many times: curious whether you ever tried another brand preamp with your ML3’s in your system?
When I first got my ML 2.1 I was using an Audio Research preamp. No magic there. Switched to Lamm preamp and will never use another preamp with my ML3. The LL1, ML3 and LP1 are all part of his Signature series. I've said many times here that these will be buried with me as I have no desires to try anything else.
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