JCAT USB XE or Pink Faun Ultra OCXO?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2015
Hi guys
I currently have the JCAT Femto but it’s time for an upgrade. Has anyone compared these two? Any thoughts would be much appreciated...
Thanks onsionsi. I ordered the XE a couple of weeks ago, there’s a 3 week delivery time but I’ll report back when I get it and run in.
I had both USB cards in the system for a while to compare.

Pink Faun on the left, JCAT on the right. Both were powered externally by the JCAT OPTIMO 3 DUO with 5V power.

Pink Faun makes a lot of impression. Here is the picture with the "middle" OXCO clock attached.

Some electrolytic capacitors can be seen and there is only one USB port.

Here is JCAT with the Emerald Oxco Clock.

The heat sink is pretty powerful.

In comparison, Pink Faun turned out to be demanding. Many services are switched off in my optimized Windows 10 Pro system. Pink Faun didn't like that. JCAT, on the other hand, ran immediately without having to reactivate services.

In terms of sound, Pink Faun had a fuller basic tone for me, while JCAT resolved very detailed and offered very good transients. I didn't feel the differences very much, however. Both cards play at a very high level.

In my system I preferred JCAT. This card seems more modern and I also liked the quality of workmanship best. The difference to the predecessor JCAT Femto is extreme. JCAT USB XE plays a lot better!
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The PinkFaun with ultraOCXO clock is better than the PinkFaun with their regular OCXO clock.
Both cards are really good. It's a matter of personal preference at that level.
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Just a quick update.....
I received the JCAT XE a couple of days ago. Right off the bat it is stunning. A very large improvement over the standard JCAT card that I’ve had for c.5 years, which in itself was a massive step up from the built in souncard.
I dropped Marcin a quick PM to offer my congrats and he (somewhat proudly) told me that it gets continually better for up to 250 hours. I’ll go into more detail in a few weeks after 200 hours or so, but as it stands, it’s already a stunning piece of kit...well done Marcin and team!!!!
Just a quick update.....
I received the JCAT XE a couple of days ago. Right off the bat it is stunning. A very large improvement over the standard JCAT card that I’ve had for c.5 years, which in itself was a massive step up from the built in souncard.
I dropped Marcin a quick PM to offer my congrats and he (somewhat proudly) told me that it gets continually better for up to 250 hours. I’ll go into more detail in a few weeks after 200 hours or so, but as it stands, it’s already a stunning piece of kit...well done Marcin and team!!!!
Thank you Tim :)
I have both Jcat XE and Pink Faun Ultra OCXO USB cards.

In my system Pink Faun Ultra OCXO USB card is a step up from Jcat XE (as it should be, given the price delta).

Both cards can be further improved by using Jcat Optimo Nano, LT3045 based inline voltage regulator, which does some incredible things.
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The PinkFaun with ultraOCXO clock is better than the PinkFaun with their regular OCXO clock.
Both cards are really good. It's a matter of personal preference at that level.
I just upgraded to the ultra, and the difference is not trivial (on the I2S bridge)! (the bridge thrives with a great PSU)
To date, JCAT XE is the best?!
To date, JCAT XE is the best?!
I read this;

The PinkFaun with ultraOCXO clock is better than the PinkFaun with their regular OCXO clock.
Both cards are really good. It's a matter of personal preference at that level.

In my system Pink Faun Ultra OCXO USB card is a step up from Jcat XE (as it should be, given the price delta).

How do you arrive at your conclusion/question?
Excuse me, how can I use it without a PCIe slot?
Excuse me, how can I use it without a PCIe slot?
you cannot...you MAY be able to use either card in a M.2 to PCIe adapter (riser), but do check with the manufacturer first.
We take the PCIe USB output card as the basis and ....? Where to insert Pink Faun Ultra OCXO USB?
huh, you use either one, the PF also needs a PCie slot, although that ultra OCXO makes it a thick card that needs some space.
Thank you MarcelNL
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huh, you use either one, the PF also needs a PCie slot, although that ultra OCXO makes it a thick card that needs some space.
I’m quite new to audio pc’s. I thinking to buy the PF spdif/ Aes ebu bridge with Ultra clock. But after reading your commend I’m not sure if it is worth the price difference. Can you explain perhaps the difference in more depth?
I’m quite new to audio pc’s. I thinking to buy the PF spdif/ Aes ebu bridge with Ultra clock. But after reading your commend I’m not sure if it is worth the price difference. Can you explain perhaps the difference in more depth?
the difference is real enough and important enough, you get crisper dynamics, lower noise, more 'colors' in your music. It's sure worth the price tag, PROVIDED that your gear is capable of allowing you to hear its merits.

not trivial means that the difference is not small ;-)
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