Good day from BC - Canada


Feb 8, 2011
Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada
Hi dear members, my name is Bob. I am from Victoria, BC - Canada.

Audio & Cinema are huge in my life, and that drives other aspects that are more or less related; emotions & motions & motivations...
I'm also a musician (non-pro); I play guitars and steel flutes, and harmonicas.
I also planted over two million trees on this Earth (Canada).
I am all about the Arts in every essence. I studied it, practiced it, and still do.
Nature is also big in me as it provides peace in my life.
I am also French Canadian, so I do make typos! ...Please forgive me.

I believe that there is much to see here in this new site (for me), and I am excited at the prospect of new discoveries.

Wish you all the very Best, :)
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Hi dear members, my name is Bob. I am from Victoria, BC - Canada.

Audio & Cinema are huge in my life, and that drives other aspects that are more or less related.
I'm also a musician (non-pro); I play guitars and steel flutes, and harmonicas.
I also planted over two million trees on this Earth (Canada).
I am all about the Arts on every sense. I studied it, practiced it, and still do.
Nature is also big in me as it provides peace in my life.

I believe that there is much to see here in this new site (for me), and I am exited at the prospect of new discoveries.

Wish you all the very Best, :)


Good to see you here and welcome.

Hi Rich,

When I signed up, I was not sure if your username was the same here, so I felt embarrassed to not have provided your name as the person who introduced me to this new place!
Then I tried to go back, after I noticed that indeed your username was the same, but it was just too late as you cannot resigned! ;)

No biggie I guess, but I thank you for introducing me to this new place.

Very bests,
Hi Rich,

When I signed up, I was not sure if your username was the same here, so I felt embarrassed to not have provided your name as the person who introduced me to this new place!
Then I tried to go back, after I noticed that indeed your username was the same, but it was just too late as you cannot resigned! ;)

No biggie I guess, but I thank you for introducing me to this new place.

Very bests,

Hi Bob,

You are most welcome. It was John and Rich Teer that introduced me to the site very soon after it began. They both invited me here so indirectly they invited you.

Hi Bob,

You are most welcome. It was John and Rich Teer that introduced me to the site very soon after it began. They both invited me here so indirectly they invited you.


Cool! I just sent a note to John about half hour ago! :cool:

* There are many good people that I just don't know yet. I don't think I know Rich Teer;
what is his username over at BRF?

Cool! I just sent a note to John about half hour ago! :cool:

* There are many good people that I just don't know yet. I don't think I know Rich Teer;
what is his username over at BRF?


Hi Bob,

On Rich goes by RichTeer. Here he goes by vinylphilemag. He is the publisher of Vinylphilemag (ezine) that he started last year. John has known him for years and I have known him as long as I have participated on John has written some music reviews for Rich's Vinylphilemag. Mr. Fatt Bill has just joined. Zepherman (Seth) is a participant as well as Kareface (not for some time), Mr. Poindexter (not for some time). As I recall Waboman (Jeff) was here as well, but I have not seen him for some time as well.

Oh I know him, he's from Kelowna, BC - Canada and we both have communicated in the past and perhaps will meet in person eventually.
I used to live in the Okanagan valley for 20 years. That's where Rich lives, in Kelowna.
That's right, he's a vinyl man and also a magazine publisher! ...Like John (vinyl lover)!

And Kareface is also another member that I'm familiar with;
a great individual, very nice, polite, with great talents and perseverance.
And of course he is also on my list of preferred friends.

Bill, alright! ...I'm familiar with Bill a bit.

Seth, I don't think I know him just yet.

Jeff, I'm also a bit familar with him.

And Mr. Pointdexter, yes, he has a magnificent Home Theater Room!
In my opinion, #1 over at Blu-ray Forum! ...Or close to #1. ...Nah, #1! :)

Hi Rich,

Thanks, and nice to see you here! :)

You guys are getting me out of my usual routine. Lol :cool:
...Probably for the better! ;)

Good day, good night, and good luck. :D


Je suis un ex Canuck :confused:

Welcome Bob

Lot of Canucks here at WBF both north and south of the border

Bonjour Steve, pleasure to make your acquaintance! :)

* Not bad, not bad at all; your accent is very Canadien Francais! ;)
Merci pour le bon accueil. :)

Welcome to the forum Bob. Say, how on earth (pun intended :) ), did you plant two million trees?

As to Steve's French Canadian accent, a little story :). When I was at Microsoft, we acquired a small company headed by a professor that was French Canadian. We went together to Paris for a meeting and needed to take the chunnel train to UK. We get to the train station at rush hour and it is a zoo and we can't find out track. Not knowing more than a word of two of French, I asked the professor to ask directions. He stops a lady and asks her in French which way to go. She takes one look at him, turns towards us and in the most broken English tries to tell us which way to go! So the professor again in French asks her to explain in French and he can translate. And again, she refuses to speak to him in French and insisted on telling us in English what to do! Which of course we could not understand. Making a long story short, we had to wonder around 'till we found the track.

So what is the deal here? Do they not like your accent or does it go back to the difficult history of the two countries?
Some of past and present realities...

Thanks Amir for the nice welcome! :)

..... I was a Treeplanter for almost thirty years! I started back in 1976, and it was only seasonal, but I did touch the four seasons.
Treeplanting is very hard physically, in particular on the West coast here in Canada where I live.
Some terrrains are very steep (80 degree slopes), and extremely slashy (lots of timber and branches and all...).
.....Anyway, I was called a highballer, meaning a top planter (lots of trees planted every day).
I made good money at it too. Some of the very first trees that I planted (fir) must be over seventy-five/eighty plus feet high by now! ...If they are not cut down yet!
And others that I planted on the Queen Charlottes Islands could be even higher (cedars)!
And during my career (because I always kept a journal with all pertinent info), I planted over two millions of them!
.....Now, just calculate the size of my overall forest if each tree is roughly ten feet apart to the next one!
...I could easily write few books on my experience and all the tribulations plus the several close encounters with death itself!

.....This was the earning money for my other passion; AUDIO! ...Music and all that Jazz... Mixed with Blues and Classical...

.....As for the Parisians, they are not from the same breed than the French Canadians (I am originally from Montreal, Quebec). So I can't really speak for them, but I do frequent some French audio/video sites from Europe, as well from Quebec. And on the American audio sites, I'm the one that welcome the French people from anywhere around the planet.

.....I didn't have the chance yet to visit your site, but from some pictures that Rich (Naturephoto) shared with us over at Blu-ray Forum, I was right at home with that spirit; AUDIO.
My gear is modest, my life is modest, my home is less than modest, but my Luv for the Music that touch the Soul is endless!

.....Amir, I've seen you before, I think it was from an article at UltimateAV or perhaps from HomeTheater; just can't recall exactly, but I know it'll come back to me eventually. And besides I can Google you and find exactly which article it was.

.....We all have our certain habits in life, and mine are about to change real soon, so I'm sure I'll get time eventually to observe, read, discover, and eventually share and discuss with others that have similar hobbies than I. I am looking forward into a fantastic journey in this audio odyssey that is part of me for over forty years. This is a new site, a new life, a new rediscovery, and that is what Audio is all about in the times we are living. It is still the power of universal communication, and the message of Peace, Love, Freedom, Equality, and Self-Expression.
.....The songs, the words that emotionally touch the soul is the Essence of life itself! Our hearts are the transients, and the blood that run into our veins are the dynamics of the real essence that is our soul.

.....I am a musician, a poet, a philosopher, a communicator, a music lover, a cinema lover, an artist; and those are just few of the things that drives me. ...And I am comfortable deep down.
{Solo Piano music is playing right now as I type these words.}

Very bests,

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