From Avalon to ???

What about Franko Serblin Ktema speaker. Does anyone have experience with them?

How does they sound comparet to new Sonus Faber.
Do they require alot of space - The bass are at the back, facing the backwall.......
Hi Pierre,

Actually the woofers are inside and fire from slots in the sides. I've always wanted to hear these speakers but sightings are rare.
Hi Pierre,

My first post here, I've taken great interest in following some of the threads here since a friend pointed me in the direction of WBF a little while back. About time I made a contribution.

I've heard the Ktema and around the same time SF's Elipsa (no experience of other top SFs), there were differences in terms of system and room however I was left with an impression.

The Elipsa were driven by Devialet in a large room. On the plus side, a lovely sense of tone and air, on the downside I came away with the impression that bass wasn't as well resolved, a little loose and on the slower side, easy to listen to but for me it was a distraction. Given the Devialet is quiet capable of producing fast accurate bass I can only suppose that this bass character is a feature of the speakers. The Ktema were driven by ARC REF5se, Krell 400e and the source was CD8, the room was modestly sized circa 5x4m. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this system and felt it was better balanced than that of Elipsa system I'd heard a few days before. Perhaps not the last word in transparency but the system got out of the way and didn't distract from the music.

I do like Avalons and understand you're comments, I wonder if it has something to do with the slight lack of drive and punch in the bass of the various Avalons I've heard with the exception of Isis?

Speakers brands I'm familiar with that offer the same wonderful sense of soundstage and imaging that Avalon can produce but perhaps deliver a little more by way of texture in a well balanced system include Kharma and Verity. Worth auditioning along with the Ktema should the opportunity arise?
Hello again ;-)

Now my Transcendent have now been sold. So now it time to put some effort in finding a new set of speakers.
The SF Amati Futura are to big for my room. I cant give them enough space, so they are out. The Amati Anniversario would be fine, but they are out of production and are not easy to find used :-(

It havent been possible for me to demo the Ktema - Anywere !!! And i`m not willing to buy a set of speakers i havent heard.

So now i dont know what i shall look for.
So help me please ;-)


I have been a Avalon owner for about 4 years now (Transcendent for the last 2 years)....... I love alot about these speakers, but there is one thing that i have begone missing in the sound.
The soundstage is perfect and the dynamics, but i miss fullnes in the sound. I would`n say that they are thind in the sound, but the still lack some richtness from the upper midrange and down.

If i should go for another speaker with all the characters of Avalon, but with more ritchness and fuller midtrange, with should that be ?

I own Pass Labs XA100,5 - Hovland HP200p - Eera Tentation - TW Raven One/ Kuzma 4 point/ Lyra Titan i - Cardas Clear - Shunyata power - DaaD acoustic

Have you auditioned the Danish Raidho C3's? I own a pair of C3.0's with upgraded 3.1 tweeters I originally heard at the 2008 RMAF and thought they were in a select group of speakers I heard that year. The C3.1 tweeters account for a good deal of the upper midrange. These speakers produce a very full sound with very fast transients. I love mine:)
Pierre, I think you would love the Tidal Piano Cera or Diacera. Very neutral speaker, very flat response. I am truly happy with mine, the Piano Cera. A friend has the Diacera and it is just perfect.
Hello again

Its has been a long jurney, but finaly i have bought me a new set of speakers. Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario.
I'm waiting for them to arrive, but have some questions.

Witch cabels can you recomend for this speakers. Yter was my first choice, but i need a ic thats is 3meters long and Yter dos'nt make longer than 1,5 meters. So they are out.

Hello again

Witch cabels can you recomend for this speakers. Yter was my first choice, but i need a ic thats is 3meters long and Yter dos'nt make longer than 1,5 meters. So they are out.


Hi, I run the Fabers--and use Chris Sommovigo's StereoLab Reference cabling--replaced my Nordost Valhallas.

Good Luck

Hello again

Its has been a long jurney, but finaly i have bought me a new set of speakers. Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario.
I'm waiting for them to arrive, but have some questions.

Witch cabels can you recomend for this speakers. Yter was my first choice, but i need a ic thats is 3meters long and Yter dos'nt make longer than 1,5 meters. So they are out.


I would second the Valhallas or better yet, Valhalla 2 or Odin if you really want to shell out. I have not heard Stereolab but I have read great things about them, and you've got a first hand impression above. I presume you are running the SF with your Pass, Eera Tentation and Hovland? If so, I instinctively feel Valhalla or higher could be a fantastic match.
Hello again

Its has been a long jurney, but finaly i have bought me a new set of speakers. Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario.
I'm waiting for them to arrive, but have some questions.

Witch cabels can you recomend for this speakers. Yter was my first choice, but i need a ic thats is 3meters long and Yter dos'nt make longer than 1,5 meters. So they are out.


I have an Iter speaker cable with 5m - they were manufactured on special order. Although I like their speaker cables, I tried the ICs and did not like them. Unfortunately it was long ago I can not remember the exact details anymore.

A good friend has the Anniversario's with Shunyata, but he is using Audio Research electronics.
Years ago I used Hovland HP100/Jeff Rowland 2 (with Battery power supply) driving a pair of Avalon Avatars. Great speakers, but tonally a little polite.
After the Avalons I went with Wilsons, from X1 series 2 to X2 series 2 right now. I believe you should give Wilsons a try, and I think your Hovland/Pass would be really good with Wilsons.
Years ago I used Hovland HP100/Jeff Rowland 2 (with Battery power supply) driving a pair of Avalon Avatars. Great speakers, but tonally a little polite.
After the Avalons I went with Wilsons, from X1 series 2 to X2 series 2 right now. I believe you should give Wilsons a try, and I think your Hovland/Pass would be really good with Wilsons.

Yes the Pass and Wilson combo would be really good. And maybe i will go for that at some point. Because the Pass and Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario that i have right now, i dont think that this is the right combo.........

The Amati Annies are playing wery beautiful, but i'm really missing the kick and attack in the bass. I know that the Annies can play like that, but they dont dó it here.......
Yes the Pass and Wilson combo would be really good. And maybe i will go for that at some point. Because the Pass and Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario that i have right now, i dont think that this is the right combo.........

The Amati Annies are playing wery beautiful, but i'm really missing the kick and attack in the bass. I know that the Annies can play like that, but they dont dó it here.......
My own experience with Sf, having owned SF Guarneris and Strads is that they sound very good with lots of amps...but to get great tight fisted powerful bass...I found a big change with gryphon antileon and lots of current. I don't know your amp...I am surprised it's not working for you based on reputation. Have you tried an even more high current Pass? Just curious if it is the amp in your case.
My own experience with Sf, having owned SF Guarneris and Strads is that they sound very good with lots of amps...but to get great tight fisted powerful bass...I found a big change with gryphon antileon and lots of current. I don't know your amp...I am surprised it's not working for you based on reputation. Have you tried an even more high current Pass? Just curious if it is the amp in your case.

I agree with Lloyd. I used the XA100.5 on my Sonus Fabers for a while and it sounded very good, but only after inserting the Xs300 did I realize the bass control and attack I think you're referring to. You don't need the Xs300s but you might give the new Pass .8 amps a try. I think they have a 160.8 and a 200.8 that would probably give you what you're looking for.
Ooops How I missed this thread!!! I know now I am late, anyway....

i departed from Avalon some years ago, bought and listened more than a dozen options, including Avantgarde, SF GH, SF Extrema, WLM, Wilson WP8, Raidho c1 and some others... All great speakers with its pros and cons...

i returned to Avalon. :)

Saying that, SF is a great option, you will have such a great time with them for sure!
I agree with Lloyd. I used the XA100.5 on my Sonus Fabers for a while and it sounded very good, but only after inserting the Xs300 did I realize the bass control and attack I think you're referring to. You don't need the Xs300s but you might give the new Pass .8 amps a try. I think they have a 160.8 and a 200.8 that would probably give you what you're looking for.

I dont think i need a bigger AMP, because no matter how loud i play, the needle on the XA100.5 dont move a tiny bit.....

With the Avalon Transcendent the needle often moved over in class a/b.

What i miss with these speakers is, the kick and slam in the bass and lover mids. The bass i tight and full body, all i missed with the Avalon. But the dynamics and the liveliness in the bass is almost gone.

I know that cables are important, and mabye i can find some of the problem here.
At the moment i'm using a cheap Belden 4S11 speakercable with WBT and a noname XLR IC.
Another thing is that the speakers havnt been uset that mutch and proberly havnt been played on in some mounth. I hear some difference now, compared to when i got them.
I dont think i need a bigger AMP, because no matter how loud i play, the needle on the XA100.5 dont move a tiny bit...

I hear you, and also about the avalons. That said, I wonder sometimes with quick transients if some amps just cannot ramp up fast enough, and then the transient is gone again. I am no techie. But with some amps that otherwise do not seem to strain, it's almost like the amp does not register the call for more power in the first place. In any event, good luck...the SFs you have are great speakers and as you say, are capable of great bass.
I m sorry , I think I missed something you have already the SF amati , the stradivaris i heard needed a lot of control to sound tight in the bass .
For kick and slam there is only one solution imo and that is big /stiff woofers.
The control king imo is Boulder although I haven't heard gryphon
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