Downsizing from dCS Vivaldi Stack? Is this dumb?

Bill and I (Dick) do certainly have a vested interest, but after hearing a lot of digital product over the years, the Tambaqui is what I refer to as a gift to the audio business. It's that good! And for a price that is a great deal lower than its performance would indicate. Thank you for your comment regarding folks that "buy with their ears" will walk out with the Tambaqui. I couldn't agree more!

As a matter of fact, not only have we heard the Grimm MU1 but recommend it as the best streaming device currently available to put in front of the Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC. I would echo your sentiments that this combo could very well be a "stack killer."

I am a dCS fan, but the Tambaqui sounded really excellent at Axpona. Bruno Putzeys is a superb designer.
What about the DCS Vivaldi One? - their one box, transport/DAC/streamer?
Hi everyone,

I'm contemplating downsizing...and updating my system (DCS boxes are big). I currently have the Vivaldi DAC, Upsampler and Clock. I'm looking at going to the new Linn Klimax DSM. Here's the rest of my system:

Preamp: Boulder 2010

Amp: Boulder 2050 monoblocks

Speakers: Magico Q5

Is this a big mistake that I'm going to regret?

All opinions and name-calling welcome!
I’m late to this party.

But as much of a Linn fan as I am, if I were you, I’d keep the dCS Rossini stack. If you get the itch to throw money into your system, get the Apex mod.
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Bill and I (Dick) do certainly have a vested interest, but after hearing a lot of digital product over the years, the Tambaqui is what I refer to as a gift to the audio business. It's that good! And for a price that is a great deal lower than its performance would indicate. Thank you for your comment regarding folks that "buy with their ears" will walk out with the Tambaqui. I couldn't agree more!

As a matter of fact, not only have we heard the Grimm MU1 but recommend it as the best streaming device currently available to put in front of the Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC. I would echo your sentiments that this combo could very well be a "stack killer."
Have you compared the Tambaqui paired with Aurender N20 vs Grimm? To what end?
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I own the seven box Esoteric Grandioso stack. A few weeks ago I bought the Bladelius ASK integrated with optional DAC module. I've been listening to it ever since. I don't feel I'm missing out on anything. And the simplicity of a single box that does it all is the icing on the cake.
Hi everyone,

I'm contemplating downsizing...and updating my system (DCS boxes are big). I currently have the Vivaldi DAC, Upsampler and Clock. I'm looking at going to the new Linn Klimax DSM. Here's the rest of my system:

Preamp: Boulder 2010

Amp: Boulder 2050 monoblocks

Speakers: Magico Q5

Is this a big mistake that I'm going to regret?

All opinions and name-calling welcome!
do you mostly stream music or is your digital library only local or a mix of both? How do you store your music?
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I own the seven box Esoteric Grandioso stack. A few weeks ago I bought the Bladelius ASK integrated with optional DAC module. I've been listening to it ever since. I don't feel I'm missing out on anything. And the simplicity of a single box that does it all is the icing on the cake.
what amplification did it replace?
do you mostly stream music or is your digital library only local or a mix of both? How do you store your music?

I would say I’m 90% streaming via Qobuz & Tidal. Have a NAS w/locally stored files for more obscure shows.
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I would say I’m 90% streaming via Qobuz & Tidal. Have a NAS w/locally stored files for more obscure shows.
The Grimm MU1 (streamer/DDC) is Roon-only for now. A software update coming soon will expand the possibilities beyond Roon.

I'm assuming that new software will be standard on the Grimm MU2, which is a streamer/DDC/DAC/analog volume control. I believe the launch date is this month. With an in-home demo, it might be a good way to get a baseline for other DACS (price is $18k, iirc). Initial feedback has been very favorable.
Interested to hear this comparison
I've A/B compared the Vivaldi stack (non APEX) and the Select II in the same system using Wilson XVX. To me the Select II sounded a lot more like analog music without sacrificing speed or dynamics. I was analyzing the sound with the DCS and just absolutely lost in the music with MSB. You can imagine which one I chose.
I've A/B compared the Vivaldi stack (non APEX) and the Select II in the same system using Wilson XVX. To me the Select II sounded a lot more like analog music without sacrificing speed or dynamics. I was analyzing the sound with the DCS and just absolutely lost in the music with MSB. You can imagine which one I chose.
Did the Select II include a Digital Director?
I own the seven box Esoteric Grandioso stack. A few weeks ago I bought the Bladelius ASK integrated with optional DAC module. I've been listening to it ever since. I don't feel I'm missing out on anything. And the simplicity of a single box that does it all is the icing on the cake.
The Bladelius can drive your M3?
I've A/B compared the Vivaldi stack (non APEX) and the Select II in the same system using Wilson XVX. To me the Select II sounded a lot more like analog music without sacrificing speed or dynamics. I was analyzing the sound with the DCS and just absolutely lost in the music with MSB. You can imagine which one I chose.
Know what you mean about getting lost in the music with the Select II. Am currently comparing with a Rossini Apex. Out of the box - the difference between the two was marked. As it breaks-in though, I am enjoying the Rossini more and more. But when A/B ing - I hear a great track on the Select and the forget about A/B ing for the rest of the night!


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I'm contemplating downsizing...and updating my system (DCS boxes are big). I currently have the Vivaldi DAC, Upsampler and Clock.
What about Taiko Extreme with the upcoming integrated DAC? Only one box :cool:

I’d love to hear where this decision making came out. I’m much more of a vinyl guy, but finally paying attention to my digital which has been an afterthought.

My leading contenders are the DCS Vivaldi apex (probably the One, although I already have an excellent transport) and the Mola Mola Tamwhatever (stupid name). I was looking at that testing on Stereophile and it’s darn near identical. I’ve now heard both (unable to do A/B) and both are excellent with different reviewers saying “best DAC ever”.

I have a close third contender - the Nagra HD X - because I am madly in love with my Nagra HD preamp. What a fine piece of kit. But I’ve heard very little objective feedback and they are decidedly opaque on the details of their chipset and software. I’ve also seen zero testing.
What about Taiko Extreme with the upcoming integrated DAC? Only one box :cool:
This was a post from last year which has to be updated.......

What about Taiko Olympus with XDMI analog output board? Only one box :cool:
Know what you mean about getting lost in the music with the Select II. Am currently comparing with a Rossini Apex. Out of the box - the difference between the two was marked. As it breaks-in though, I am enjoying the Rossini more and more. But when A/B ing - I hear a great track on the Select and the forget about A/B ing for the rest of the night!

I found that mine took 200-300 hours to get to full speed. The Rossini Apex is a truly great DAC.
Maybe my Oppo bdp-95 (I modded) can be a good alternative to dCS Vivaldi stack.

The sound quality of dCS Vivaldi. Please play below video and hear people's voice (0~6 min). The voices are good and natural. Then click anywhere after 6 min which is all music. I hear harsh bright glare/veiled music sounds.

Another example (DCS Bartók)
Original music
Modded Oppo BDP-95

dCS Vivaldi One

I know the large part of bright glare comes from dCS gears since I know where/how those bright glares come from and fix Oppo to sound clean. Is my modded Oppo a good alternative for dCS?
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