Did I just destroy 6 records?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2019
I’m using an iSonic P4875II UCM, and I normally start the records spinning before starting the ultrasonic tank. I did a run of six records, not realizing that I had accidentally flicked on the spinner somehow, and wound up flicking it off instead of on when I started this cleaning cycle. It didn’t realize what happened until I walked by between 90 seconds and two minutes later. Did I just ruin 6 records? The spinner has a custom controller that spins the records normally at 0.5 RPM.
The only advice I can offer is to play them and see. In 40 years of using RCMs, I’ve only ruined one record, and that occurred because I took a phone call in the middle of a cleaning cycle, and let the record ride too long in the cleaning solution (HW17 and VPI cleaning fluid back in 1987 when IPA was in the mixture). Hopefully, you’re ok, but play them and see.

FWIW, I was cleaning that record for an acquaintance and it was a rare copy. I felt obligated to find him a replacement and so I turned to Goldmine. It took a few weeks, but my quest was successful. I replaced the record I’d ruined. All’s well that ends well. He worked for WPLN, the local classical music station of NPR. I was embarrassed. But I was happy that I could make it right.
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I’m using an iSonic P4875II UCM, and I normally start the records spinning before starting the ultrasonic tank. I did a run of six records, not realizing that I had accidentally flicked on the spinner somehow, and wound up flicking it off instead of on when I started this cleaning cycle. It didn’t realize what happened until I walked by between 90 seconds and two minutes later. Did I just ruin 6 records? The spinner has a custom controller that spins the records normally at 0.5 RPM.

I doubt you ruined your records, 1/3-1/2 a side sitting in the tank for 2 minutes at what, 40 kHz? The records would be at least that much exposed during a cleaning cycle, just not continuously. The best way to know their status is by playing them
DIW, .0075% Tergitol, 2.5% IPA. But I think Tim got it right. The total spin time is much greater than the time the records sat still, so it probably shouldn’t be much of a problem. I’ll listen to them tomorrow.

No harm. The bath temperature and the duration were not enough, the lower power of the Isonic unit notwithstanding.

Here is an example that caused damage Elmasonic P60 (powerful unit), 0.15-rpm, 20-min cycle time and the water temp >50C.

Note that your Isonic is not a very powerful unit. The manufacturer ratings are one thing, but how fast the bath heats is the real indication of the power that actually gets into the tank. The Elmasonic units heat the bath quickly, they are powerful units, and for serial cleaning, installing a pump/filter/radiator system is necessary to keep the bath temp <100F/37.8C.
Yep. I played a few. No harm done.

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