Come see and experience Triode Wire Labs at the 2023 Capital AudioFest!!!

Triode Pete

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2016
Long Island, NY
Getting ready for next month's Capital AudioFest,, November 10th - 12th, 2023 at the Twinbrook Hilton, Rockville Maryland.

Triode Wire Labs and BorderPatrol Audio will be together again in Room 316 again with some awesome components to be heard & seen!


BorderPatrol, who's also the Importer of Living Voice loudspeakers (UK), will be featuring the US-debut of the brand new Living Voice R80 loudspeaker,

BorderPatrol will also be featuring their Parallel Single-Ended Triode (SET) 300B amp, with Western Electric 300B tubes, the S20 EXD, and their award-winning, "human-sounding" BorderPatrol DAC!

Triode Wire Labs will be bringing their Innuos Statement Music Server with upgraded Power Supply as well as a full loom of cables, including Bi-Wired American speaker cables, Obsession NCF power cords, Passion USB cable and Spirit II RCA interconnects.

Triode Wire Labs will have their Global Debut of THREE new power cords!!! We've poured our expertise into every aspect of these cables design, from the selection of premium materials to the construction techniques used. The results are power cables that are a true work of art, optimized for audio excellence.

Come join us for a libation of your choosing, either cold or at room temperature!

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