Try to start my first own thread. No experience, but here we go.....
Let me start by saying that I'm intrigued by "power". The biggest steps forward for me had always to do with power (and interlinks), and of course providing the equipment you have are of a certain level to accommodate . But back to power, here, think about dedicated lines from the main distribution panel to the wall sockets in my listening room, dedicated circuit breaker, hifi grade wall sockets, and yes, even fuses.....
But this thread is about power cords.
There are different opinions on using different power cords to balance the sounds of high end system. It varies from using different "inter-brand" power cords levels to using different power cords from different brands. Off course any brand will try to convince you to use their complete loom from wall to speaker, but is that really the right solution?
I have tried mixing AQ (Niagara and Hurricane/Firebird; my original set-up) with Synergistic Research power cords, and that was not a succes at all. It did work perfectly fine though together with Schnerzinger, but that is maybe because I have Scherzinger interconnects. At this moment, I'm "injecting" Nordost Valhalla 2 power cords. Adding one to my preamp sounded "off" in terms of timing, but two, adding one to my DAC, was let's say, interesting in combination with Firebirds and the Niagara 5000. I'm considering to add one from the wall socket to the Niagara to see how that will work out. Just trying since this weekend, but I think I like it. I have more details in the higher frequencies and a more tight low with more air and less "boom", while keeping the balance right. I need to give it more time of course to "break in", but might report back if members are interested in this thread.
What is your view?
Let me start by saying that I'm intrigued by "power". The biggest steps forward for me had always to do with power (and interlinks), and of course providing the equipment you have are of a certain level to accommodate . But back to power, here, think about dedicated lines from the main distribution panel to the wall sockets in my listening room, dedicated circuit breaker, hifi grade wall sockets, and yes, even fuses.....
But this thread is about power cords.
There are different opinions on using different power cords to balance the sounds of high end system. It varies from using different "inter-brand" power cords levels to using different power cords from different brands. Off course any brand will try to convince you to use their complete loom from wall to speaker, but is that really the right solution?
I have tried mixing AQ (Niagara and Hurricane/Firebird; my original set-up) with Synergistic Research power cords, and that was not a succes at all. It did work perfectly fine though together with Schnerzinger, but that is maybe because I have Scherzinger interconnects. At this moment, I'm "injecting" Nordost Valhalla 2 power cords. Adding one to my preamp sounded "off" in terms of timing, but two, adding one to my DAC, was let's say, interesting in combination with Firebirds and the Niagara 5000. I'm considering to add one from the wall socket to the Niagara to see how that will work out. Just trying since this weekend, but I think I like it. I have more details in the higher frequencies and a more tight low with more air and less "boom", while keeping the balance right. I need to give it more time of course to "break in", but might report back if members are interested in this thread.
What is your view?