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    • ozzzy
      ozzzy replied to the thread The best plug in filter ever!.
      highstream, Thanks for that review. Now that supposedly there are a 100 of these out there, I wonder if others feel the same. ozzy
    • ozzzy
      ozzzy replied to the thread The best plug in filter ever!.
      Changed my system and discovered I could get by with less. Afterall, I have 15 of them! Over 4 different AC lines. ozzy
    • ozzzy
      ozzzy replied to the thread Best audiophile switch.
      iFi iPower X Low Noise Power Supply DC Adapter
    • ozzzy
      ozzzy replied to the thread The best plug in filter ever!.
      I have 5 Purons for sale on Audio Mart right now. ozzy
    • ozzzy
      ozzzy replied to the thread Best audiophile switch.
      I was using the After Dark power supply with my Uptone Regen and replaced it with an iFi power supply. And surprisingly, it provided...
    • ozzzy
      ozzzy replied to the thread Clarisys Audio Speaker Setup Guide.
      So, I decided to really go for it again with setting up my Minuet's according to the placement guide. I even toed them in! Contrary to...
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