Best Lav mic for my usecase?


New Member
Jan 28, 2020
I'm looking for some new Lavalier mics, I'm going to use them for speech and discussion panels. Durability is also a very big factor, I want these mics to be as "consumer-resistant" as possible if you get what I mean :D, and I'd prefer them to have a full XLR connection as I'm going to have them wired straight into my mixer. I've done some searching and some mics that caught my interest include the Sanken COS-11D, Countryman B3 & B6, and DPA 4060, 4061. I'll have two of these setup as double lav. Price is not a problem
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the best lav mics I've used are DPA, Shure and Sennheiser. The only ones I've had experience with are wireless, so if you go that route, then either of those brands will fit the bill....

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