Arya Audio Labs Record Weight Interview

Ron Resnick

Site Co-Owner, Administrator
Jan 24, 2015
Beverly Hills, CA
Check out this new record weight from Arya Audio Labs!

Thank you for the video @Ron Resnick

I don’t want to be all negative about it that’s why first the positive part;
IME tungsten sounds very good as a clamp but I like titanium more. There is a big sonic difference between titanium and tungsten clamps of the same make. BTW I’m not a fan of steel clamps.

And the negative part;

- Bubble level on a clamp is an old trick found on cheap and useless clamps. More importantly it’s (added bubble level) highly unlikely to improve the sound. The presenter says it’s calibrated but I’ve tried many calibrated ones, unfortunately none of them was precise. Place it on a flat surface and slowly turn it like a knob. Bubble should not move.

- He also mentions using video recording feature of smartphone for strobe markings but there are better apps for this purpose and they’re free.


This app uses flash light on the smartphone and you can select 50Hz or 60Hz depending on the strobe markings.

So, nothing new and promising on this clamp other than tunsten.
The presenter says it’s calibrated but I’ve tried many calibrated ones, unfortunately none of them was precise.

I have no idea, and I know nothing about this device except what I saw.

To assume without testing that this one is inaccurate because other ones from other companies you tried in the past were inaccurate is not the way my mind works.
I have no idea, and I know nothing about this device except what I saw.

To assume without testing that this one is inaccurate because other ones from other companies you tried in the past were inaccurate is not the way my mind works.
Fairly optimistic but I agree with you. Next time you can easily check by turning it like a knob.
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