Are non-audiophiles permitted here?

Tam Lin

Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2011
North Texas
Steve urged me to provide an introduction. Here it is.

Music has played a prominent part in my life. As a lad I studied piano and violin. I was first chair in the school orchestra. I’m self-taught guitar and 5-string banjo. I ranked third in the first Topanga Canyon Banjo & Fiddle Contest and performed with the likes of Pete Seeger, Ry Cooder, and Frank Zappa.

Although it was over 50 years ago, I still have fond memories of those days: Like hearing a symphony orchestra for the first time. That inspired me to learn the violin. My parents bought me a violin with a ¾-size bow. It wasn’t long before I out-grew the small bow and we visited a violin shop to buy a full-size bow. The proprietor laid out a dozen bows that were within my price range. One by one he handed me a bow to try. I didn’t think there would be much difference: After all, a violin bow is just horse hair tied to a stick, but some were definitely better than others. Then he handed me a bow that was worlds apart from the others. I think I played no more than a note or two before declaring that it was the bow I wanted. He laughed. It was a $300 bow. That experience left a lasting impression. I eventually choose a $14 bow. I still have it, the violin, and the hard shell violin case the proprietor gave me to replace the cardboard one I was using. Apparently, he was impressed with my playing and my ability to discern the best violin bow.

After I high school I flunked out of college, worked at UC doing research in nuclear medicine, tuned pianos, and built a few harpsichords before discovering computers. I assembled an 8080 microprocessor with 4KB RAM but no I/O. Hand-coded machine language had to be toggled into memory via the front panel switches but it made music! It’s well known that computer generated RFI can be picked up by a nearby AM radio and by changing the nature of the running program the noise can be controlled to resemble music. The very first program I wrote played Daisy. Soon I had a program that played 3-part harmony via AM radio interference. As far as I know, that hadn’t been done before or since. After I acquired a CRT, keyboard, floppy disk and more RAM, I wrote several programs that did music synthesis in different ways and I made my own R/2R DACs. I wrote the world’s first microprocessor-based program to do wave-table synthesis. Several variations followed including one that added attack/decay envelopes to the tone generation. The process requires multiplying each sample produced by the tone generator with a factor from the amplitude envelope but the 8-bit micros of the day had no multiply instruction. I solved the problem by encoding the wave and envelope tables as logarithms.

While working as a computer engineer in Silicon Valley I earned enough money to begin dabbling in high-end audio. Although I have an appreciation for the best in audio, I am not an audiophile and I don’t belong to the Component of the Month Club. I am more into DIY. If I live long enough, I would like to replace every store-bought component I have with one I have designed and made myself. A unique DAC design is underway.

My moniker comes from the hero of the ballad popularized by Sandy Denny and Fairport Convention.
(... ) Real audiophiles love music first and foremost!



Are you excluding people who own high quality home theater systems mostly for movies from the audiophile community?

As I am a music lover, I feel safe saying that I could agree with your sentence written without the words Real, first and/or foremost, but not with all of them :)
After reading Tam's short bio I've decided that I'm in the league of those who have not contributed anything of substance ever! In my defense however, I am very handsome!:p

Are you excluding people who own high quality home theater systems mostly for movies from the audiophile community?

As I am a music lover, I feel safe saying that I could agree with your sentence written without the words Real, first and/or foremost, but not with all of them :)

Good grief! I was attempting to make the point that the price of one's gear is secondary to the love of the art it expresses. I will be MUCH more careful when I go to the watering hole, now knowing that there are lions watching my every move.

although the love of music and audio gear can be mutally exclusive, imo 'philes like Tam and other DIYers epitomize the definition "audiophile". the world of high end audio is a cottage industry made up of tinkerers, if not for the DIY types the high end landscape would be devoid of the majority of gear we love. i envy those like Tam with the talent to design and build their own gear from scratch. Tam, im looking forward to reading about your exploits.
Good grief! I was attempting to make the point that the price of one's gear is secondary to the love of the art it expresses. I will be MUCH more careful when I go to the watering hole, now knowing that there are lions watching my every move.


You should remember that when you write "Real audiophiles" in bold in WBF you trigger an Echelon alert ... :)
Good grief! I was attempting to make the point that the price of one's gear is secondary to the love of the art it expresses. I will be MUCH more careful when I go to the watering hole, now knowing that there are lions watching my every move.

Lee, great metaphor. Sometimes I just enjoy this forum not necessarily for the substance of the posts but rather the art or language skills of the poster.

As it relates to the discussion, here is the Wiki definition of the term "audiophile":

An audiophile is a person who has a great interest in high-fidelity sound reproduction. Some audiophiles are more interested in collecting and listening to music, while others are more interested in collecting and listening to audio components, whose "sound quality" they consider as important as the recorded musical performance, or even more important. The ratio of an audiophile's spending on software (music) versus hardware (audio components) is a rough guide to where they stand in the audiophile spectrum.

What do members think about this definition?
Lee, great metaphor. Sometimes I just enjoy this forum not necessarily for the substance of the posts but rather the art or language skills of the poster.

As it relates to the discussion, here is the Wiki definition of the term "audiophile":

What do members think about this definition?

I use that quote all of the time, and may have even posted it here, because it rings accurate IMO. No need for me to express what side of the soapbox I stand on.
(...) What do members think about this definition?

We should look at the Greek origin of the suffix - again using Wikipedia.

Suffixes with the common part -phil- (-phile, -philia, -philic) are used to specify some kind of attraction or affinity to something, in particular the love or obsession with something.

IMHO, only the first sentence has real meaning in the definition.

The next sentence can be true, but IMHO the degree of the audiophile disease will be established not by the ratio between audio and musical activities, but by the involvement of the person in audio activities. The proposed ratio of spending will not have any significant meaning in most cases, as its appreciation depends on overall expense.
Welcme, Tam, as you can see it doesn't take much for threads to get skewed in another direction. Were related by the same NAK BX, course mine is in storage.
"A musician, an artist, is first and foremost the primary source of inspiration of any audiophiles."
Who said that? Me, that's who! :b

Nice meeting you Tam! :b

Audiophile, literally translated, means "love of sound." Which means that all of us, from the most science-based chart-sniffers, to the most science-denying subjectivists, from music lovers whose simple systems are just a high-quality delivery system to the most gear-focused collector on the infinite upgrade path, are audiophiles.

Who one holds at what level of esteem depends on where one falls on the continuum, I suspect.

A warm welcome to you Tam! I have very many friends who brew their own. I've also become very good friends with many manufacturers of audio equipment. The only difference between them is that the latter have decided to make a living off of their efforts. Hence I fully agree with Puroagave, word for word.

I also take the literal translation as Tim does. To me anybody that gives importance to making the appreciation of music a better one is an audiophile. I'd go so far as including folks that don't have a system at all but try to get the best seats of the house to hear musicians in a way most pleasurable to them.

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm looking forward to reading your perspective on the array of topics discussed on this forum. Do post pics of your creations, we're all suckers for pics! :)
A picture's worth a thousand words LOL

Audiophile, literally translated, means "love of sound."

Exactly! In another forum, audiophiles are discussing the sound of silver SATA cables. What’s next, the sound of different brands of SDRAM?

My love is music, not sound. The sound produced by the music synthesizers I wrote was not audiophile quality, but it allowed users to connect with the music they loved. The notation I devised allowed people, who could not read music or play an instrument, to transcribe their favorite music and hear it played by their computer. I have 2,270 music files that were created for that system, including hundreds of original compositions. The sound quality is crap but the music is priceless.

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