Any negative effect using LL2.1 attenuator?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2017
Washington State
I am considering on getting a pair of Spatial Audio Lab X3 Premium speakers (Sensitivity is 97dB) and trying to see if I can get them to work with my main system, with the least amount of changes.

I have a Lamm LL2.1 preamp, LP2.1 phono and a pair of Quicksilver V4 mono's (newer KT150 model).

I contacted Mike Sanders of QuickSilver to find out what the gain of the V4 mono amps were, which I'm still waiting to get an exact number, but Mike told me that if I used the attenuator on the LL2.1, bringing the gain down from +18dB to +3dB I should be fine.

For some reason I thought I read somewhere only to use the LL2.1 attenuator if you had to, that it had a negative effect?
I am hoping that it does not and that using the attenuator will allow me to use my present gear and these speakers.

Suggestions and thoughts are very much appreciated!

For some reason I thought I read somewhere only to use the LL2.1 attenuator if you had to, that it had a negative effect?
I am hoping that it does not and that using the attenuator will allow me to use my present gear and these speakers.

Not sure what you thought you read, but to my knowledge, there is no negative effect under normal operating conditions.

The switch to attenuate gain by -15dB was part of the unit's ".1" upgrade. It's specific purpose is to make the preamp more flexible for use in systems with high-voltage-gain amps or high-efficiency speakers. cf. my 2009 review
Not sure what you thought you read, but to my knowledge, there is no negative effect under normal operating conditions.

The switch to attenuate gain by -15dB was part of the unit's ".1" upgrade. It's specific purpose is to make the preamp more flexible for use in systems with high-voltage-gain amps or high-efficiency speakers. cf. my 2009 review
Thank you Tima, just what I wanted to know :)
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no remote :cool:
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no remote :cool:
Lamm will never use a remote. I have no issue with that. It's the sound I care about as does Vladimir who feels a remote adversely affects the sound
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