A Long Haired Trio


[Industry Expert] Member Sponsor
Sep 17, 2010
Seattle, WA
Fluffy, fluffy little ones. All fluff and bones and very scared. I've had them in the cage 5 days now (I handed Ramil & Jameela over and picked these little ones up the next day). The shelter thought they were about 8 weeks. Nope. More like 6. They are climbing and learning that their little claws retract. They grey fuzzball is 1lb 8oz (big boi!) and the grey and white twosome - girl and boy are1lb 6oz. They also have goopy eyes and required eye drops.

Lots of cuddling needed, and getting scratched up - they can't help it, they don't have good control of their claws yet.
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When they started trying to climb into my arms each time I opened the cage, I knew it was time to let them out a bit. I put up plastic panels around the cage and let them out to stretch their legs - run around a bit a couple times each day. When they started to scale the cage to get over the pen, I let them explore the house a little as they were coming to hand. They did well and would go back to the cage and sleep in the hammocks there, and as my two had accepted them, I let them stay out.

I would sit down on the floor and they would all climb into my lap.
With kittens this little, I'm always very careful where I put my feet when walking around the house and friends who come over to pet kittens also know the drill.

They just weren't eating well and remained fluff, skin and bones after a week, so I bought some goat milk for them at the $$$ pet store and asked for raw food samples. It went over okay. But the moment I put the raw food down, they turned into the obligate carnivores, the little hunter predators they are. They growled. They snarled. The little girl grabbed a mouthful and ran off to eat it privately. Her twin brother covered the dish with his body and growled at his other brother - the grey boy. I could not defrost another sample fast enough! They gorged themselves the first three days. Eating as much as 1oz each in a sitting, then asking for more not 4 hours later.

I've bought the $$$ raw food now, and they get 2oz mixed in with their regular kitten wet food every morning and evening, with dry kibble to hold them over during the day and overnight.
Thanks to visiting friends, they now have names. I present...




I haven't had little fluffy ones in a long while, and I'd forgotten how much extra work they are. They are also known as "Boromir Stinky Butt" / "Galadriel Smelly Poof" and "Pippin Stink Puff" - I've used almost a full box of baby wipes on them so far. Fortunately I have plenty.
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For jumpstarting the appetite, perhaps, but it's not nutritionally complete for cats, and that much oil will give them the runs. :D

I'm thinking as an alternative to "the $$$ raw food" that ... they get 2oz mixed in with their regular..." that you mention. Tuna can also come in water instead of oil. Cute little kittens.
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I brought the kittens in for their spay and neuter, and they stayed for adoption. Turns out that the little dark grey on is a girl! So she got renamed to Arwen. Two vets had indicated it was a boy, so I did not even check. :D But it's hard to sex kittens that young.

They've all been adopted. Even the two labeled "Poster Kitten for One box per cat, Plus One" and "Needs the finest, softest, cleanest litter for their delicate little toesies." I really hope the adoption coordinator emphasized that with their adoptive families. No takesies-backsies! (Not true... if an adoptive family returns a pet, the shelter takes them back.)

Here they are, a last snuggle with my Daisy.

Trio with Daisy.jpg
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I'm a big raw food believer. I give my dog trimming of all raw meat I prepare.

I have reciently changed my own diet. I rid all the carbs and most sugar. Pretty much Paleo. After a week what I find shocking is how enhanced my sense of smell and taste is. I'm not sure why.
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