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      theclipper reacted to kennyb123's post in the thread Hydra Typhon T2 with Like Like.
      I think people who post their observations here are being honest with only rare exceptions. The problem is that all of us have...
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      theclipper replied to the thread Hydra Typhon T2.
      Thank you for your response, it's always refreshing to read an honest take. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to allocate my...
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      theclipper reacted to DetroitVinylRob's post in the thread Hydra Typhon T2 with Like Like.
      Yes, I recently acquired a T2 and reference umbilical cord on the resale market. I have about forty hours on it, placed to support my...
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      theclipper reacted to crion's post in the thread Hydra Typhon T2 with Like Like.
      In my system I am using the Denali V2T for front components, clocks, switch, digital preamp. Typhon T2 is powering the three active...
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      theclipper replied to the thread Hydra Typhon T2.
      Nice! I would be pairing one with a Denali V2 to feed my rather modest system.
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      theclipper reacted to rau's post in the thread Hydra Typhon T2 with Like Like.
      I'm using (3)T2 30 amp version and reference umbilicals on all my amplifiers (1) per with great results
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      theclipper replied to the thread Hydra Typhon T2.
      Did you end up trying a T2 in your system? If so, curious of any impressions. I'm thinking of purchasing one, but am on the fence.
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