The Forum Is Taking On A New Look

steve williams

Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
With the growth of WBF it has become apparent that a more streamlined and compact appearance of our home page is necessary.

I have begun to implement those changes with the hope and anticipation that it will become easier to navigate amongst our fora.

I will continue to make changes throughout the day. Many of our inactive fora will be archived in order to give maximum exposure to our most active fora.

I welcome any comments, concerns and criticisms by members
With the growth of WBF it has become apparent that a more streamlined and compact appearance of our home page is necessary.

I have begun to implement those changes with the hope and anticipation that it will become easier to navigate amongst our fora.

I will continue to make changes throughout the day. Many of our inactive fora will be archived in order to give maximum exposure to our most active fora.

I welcome any comments, concerns and criticisms by members

Much more accessible.

I like it Steve!
I like it too!
Well it was a labor of love and took most of the day yesterday to carry out. I am happy to say that other than the time invested it went smoothly

Gary, the content section was implemented last year and includes everything music.

Any errors, omissions etc please bring to my attention.
It's the line in your description for What's Best in Content?: "This is the forum to discuss content found in movies, television and books."

I think that you should say "This is the forum to discuss music, and also movies, television and books." - or something like that.
It's the line in your description for What's Best in Content?: "This is the forum to discuss content found in movies, television and books."

I think that you should say "This is the forum to discuss music, and also movies, television and books." - or something like that.

Ahh now I understand. I will fix it
I'm seeing the old look now........??????
I'm seeing the old look now........??????

Far from it

Same information with far fewer fora. No loss of information.

Older less frequented fora have been moved from the home page and might be 3 pages deep
I'm seeing the old look now........??????
I was afraid you would say that :). I think what you saw was a mistake. The was the version that only had the top level names and nothing else. That makes the page look neat but to a visitor, it doesn't say hardly anything about the content of the site.

The "new" look provides the subforums but we have cleaned it up a lot. Much of the text is moved out. The order is changed to put our most popular/important forums on top. We have also consolidated a number of forums.

There is still a long list which is probably what you have noticed. Suggestions are welcome on what to delete, move down, etc.
I was afraid you would say that :). I think what you saw was a mistake. The was the version that only had the top level names and nothing else. That makes the page look neat but to a visitor, it doesn't say hardly anything about the content of the site.

The "new" look provides the subforums but we have cleaned it up a lot. Much of the text is moved out. The order is changed to put our most popular/important forums on top. We have also consolidated a number of forums.

There is still a long list which is probably what you have noticed. Suggestions are welcome on what to delete, move down, etc.

Personally I preferred that look!

Perhaps if you kept that idea, but included a short blurb on the content contained within each "What's Best" section it would help visitors choose the area they would like to visit.
Personally I preferred that look!

Perhaps if you kept that idea, but included a short blurb on the content contained within each "What's Best" section it would help visitors choose the area they would like to visit.

I liked that look too. It was compact, and easier to find a forum that I'm interested in without having to scroll down a few pages.
Is it possible to have more than one front page look: the default for a visitor, and a much more compact one which could be selected by going into settings for a member?

Actually there is. Look at the ribbons for each bucket of forums where it says "Last Post." Look all the way to the right of that and you see an little icon that looks like an up arrow. Hit that and it will selectively collapse the detail/subforums. Do that for each one and you get the much more compact look requiring much less scrolling. The system remembers the setting so next time you come back, it should look that way still.
Amir...can you post up a screenshot of the "mistake" you mentioned earlier, and then also post a screenshot of what you proposed to Frank? I've tried the latter, and there is a significant difference if I recall.
I can't John. Getting the other look requires resetting all the forums for everyone. There is no one button that does that.

And yes, it is not the same look. You can however collapse the forums you never go into if you like. Say you don't care about video. You can collapse those sections and hence, not have to scroll over them.

Let me know if you still want me to post the picture of collapsing forums manually.
I was kinda thinking it couldn't be done without resetting everything, but thought I'd ask regardless.

Let me think about this some more...who knows I may come up with an idea or two.

For tonight however...that's all she wrote! I have a very early start tomorrow (no Thanksgiving Day Holiday for this Canuck), so I need some shuteye before the alarm goes off at 3am.

BTW....never mentioned this before, but the colour scheme is brilliant and very unique! That alone is a significant identifier IMO.

Have a great night all and a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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