darTZeel CTH-8550 MK II Reviewed - Hi-Fi+


Industry Expert
Apr 20, 2010
For those interested, here is a link to a review of the darTZeel CTH-8550 MKII from Hi-Fi+ magazine:

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Reactions: Stef and gestalt
Mine has 100 hours on it and it's keep getting better and better
How would you compare your Dart to your Diablo 300?
darTZeel is a mature and sophisticated amplifier and Diablo as it's name sugests focuses more on power and drive and tad overbearing on the speakers.
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Reactions: germinal and bmarq
Love the looks of it.I bet it sounds stunning as well.enjoy

I'm enjoying it very much in excess of 6 hours a day!
Looking into getting NHB18/108 and new speakers for the 2nd/1st system.
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Reactions: Addicted to hifi

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