The Staircase

steve williams

Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
Move over Steve Avery and welcome Michael Peterson.

We all watched Making a Murderer several years ago and most everyone who saw it was outraged at the potential of a corrupt police system planting evidence to convict Steve Avery

That Netflix documentary got everyone stirred up especially Bob (Northstar) who continues to follow the ongoing events of Steve Avery

Well if Making a Murderer got you riled up you MUST watch this new 13 episode documentary which was 15 years in the making by an award winning French camera crew who followed Michael Peterson through his life before the accident and what transpired at his trial. If you have a preconceived notion that Peterson is guilty this documentary will shake your very being.

I was convinced that he was guilty in the death of his wife who fell down their staircase at home and at the bottom of the stairs died in a pool of blood head with massive injuries and lacerations BUT no skull fracture or brain damage . No motive or murder weapon was ever found although several theories came forward from the DA's office all of which were phone and/or concocted. There were also 2 major twists to this documentary, the first about Michael's life style, and the second being a revelation about the sequence of events that happened while living in Germany which lead him to adopt his friends' two young daughters

This was a man who wrote fiction novels after getting out of the military having served in Viet Nam. His family is made up of his own 2 boys from a previous marriage as well as 2 adopted daughters from their closest friends, the wife who died also in circumstances that I will purposely not include as it is a Spoiler Alert. Peterson's second wife also had a daughter from her first marriage

Through thick and thin this family endured 15 years of hardship as they watched their father go through the judicial system in Durham, NC

Michael Peterson's lawyer through all the years was David Rudolph whoI thought after watching this documentary was one of the best defense lawyers I have ever witnessed. This plus his compassion for Michael Peterson had him doing his work pro bono as the system destroyed Michael Peterson and made him destitute

Michael to the very end disavowed any involvement in the death of his wife and adamantly and steadfastly proclaimed he was not guilty

The facts and findings of the case certainly make for a rush to judgement but as the documentary unwinds and you witness all of the lies and errors by the DA as well as judicial errors by the judge in allowing evidence in the case which normally would have been excluded. An interview with the judge in the final episode seemed to show the judge being remorseful and admitting that he erred and those errors proved costly to the defense.

Just when you think it is over in episode 8 , there are 5 more episodes which bring this to a conclusion that is shocking

The Staircase IMO is every bit as good as Making A Murderer. It will leave you on the edge of your seat watching the 15 years in the life of Michael Peterson

Finally there is one theory which comes later after the documentary is over which suggests what caused Kathleen Peterson's death. I will also leave that part out as it is now the dominant theory in her death. A quick search of the internet will reveal countless You Tube videos of the suspected cause in her death

We watched the entire documentary in 3 evenings as it was difficult for us to walk away because when we did we were all talking about the case over dinner.

Highly recommended

I'm betting Northstar will embrace this documentary as he did Making A Murderer

Yeah I started watching this... Quite engrossing...
Steve, I didn't know anything about this case until just now, thanks to you.
And I am already on it ...

It is true that I was very interested by the documentary Making a Murderer, and I do keep in touch with the latest. If there was something new and worthy to add you can bet that I would resurrect that thread you started few years ago. From Steven Avery's lawyer the real killer is the boyfriend of the young lady who was murdered. Kathleen Zellner needs to get the proof, then Steven and Brendan Dassey can walk free men.
Even today the justice system in that case is still failing, it is still corrupted. There is no justice here but only injustice. It is extremely sad that a bunch of no-good have jobs in the justice system.
Brendan's first original lawyer is a clown, and has just been in jail recently for breaking a court older (harassment of a lady co-worker).
He's a real psycho, a sick puppy. And he's not the only one, from all who were involved in that case.

Now, the Michael Peterson case, thx to you Steve, I will have to spend the time of watching this documentary series, plus additional researches of course.

Why am I passionate in the justice system? Because when it fails, and it does fail more than we believe, it boils my body temperature to the point of excruciating pain. It is simply natural with me; if we want to be the best we need to know the rest.

I have no clue how many more posts would be added to your new thread with time, it all depends...
Thirteen episodes in just three evenings; you need to be very interested in this.
But I did similar with Making a Murderer, Narcos, The Crown, El Chapo (the one Sean Penn didn't want to participate). So I can be real busy in the near few evenings...

There is another documentary on Netflix that I was made aware of, because of another forum discussing Making a Murderer; Wild Wild Country. It's only six episodes, it's about an entire society going dysfunctional...from being peaceful first to turning evil.

On with The Staircase.
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Indeed intriguing and sometimes puzzling,quirky,gripping, and more! series --I've seen the original Death on the Staircase Canal+ BBC version--I agree must watch--no spoilers from me--sorry:p!

Now for the Owl Theory--yes well!

Indeed intriguing and sometimes puzzling,quirky,gripping, and more! series --I've seen the original Death on the Staircase Canal+ BBC version--I agree must watch--no spoilers from me--sorry:p!

Now for the Owl Theory--yes well!


There is certainly something to consider with the barred owl in their area and the fact that they found microscopic pin feathers on the hair of Kathleen which was in her hands as she was tying to free herself from the talons of the owl.
Thirteen episodes @ roughly forty-minutes each is about ten hours.
Am I ready for this, I just don't know.

Anyway, I decided to search first, after putting The Staircase documentary from Netflix on my list.
I've watched couple videos or three and I've read some articles.
Those were my last ones:

I must admit; some of those sources are more to attract viewership.

And of course I've read about the "Owl" theory.
I will check episode one just to see if it can grab my interest.
But right from the start, I can see errors being made by the justice system, and the final outcome...the plea deal (Alford) and his ultimate release...a free man who is the only one knowing the real truth.

Me, I think he is responsible for his wife's death; forget the owl.
And that's why I might not check the entire show. The first episode will tell me if I should check it all or not. But right now this remains a mystery because there is not enough proof for both his and the owl's conviction. The amount of blood was substantial, and I like this lady: Ursula Franco.
Section: Michael Peterson’s 911 call (analysis by Ursula Franco)

And she is also in that video below > Part One: The 911 call ... starting @ 1:02

* Without having watched a single second of that Netflix documentary...The Staircase, I believe he is responsible for his wife's death. Plus he has been through a very similar situation in Germany, where he wasn't accused. It is a very strange coincidence, too strange for me. He's also a talented novelist.
And his wife she is high-end all the way to the bank.
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There is certainly something to consider with the barred owl in their area and the fact that they found microscopic pin feathers on the hair of Kathleen which was in her hands as she was tying to free herself from the talons of the owl.

Yes Steve with your expert Medical knowledge--the scratches are seemingly consistent with sharp object--rather than a"blunt Blowpipe" but I tend to be with Bob on this

I 'm not in the Owl camp--

Surely a crazed animal bent on physical damage and with the victim fighting for her life--there would be more than microscopic pin feathers on the hair

I have not seen the Theory episodes but sounds incredulous and bit far outa let field for Moi!

But I've been wrong before!:rolleyes:

Here's my take.....

Common knowledge would dictate that Michael murdered his wife and possibly did however if i were on that jury, without a motive or a weapon, the state not only had zero evidence but rather they tried to create evidence to support their theory that Michael was the murderer. My gut tells me he is the murderer however there would be sufficient reasonable doubt in my mind that I would have to vote to acquit him.

To the very end he refused to say he was guilty other than through an Alford plea. Even though the evidence from Germany was allowed it is somewhat amazing that lightening could strike twice in different places in the world and the common denominator was Michael Peterson who was present at both. But the evidence the state had was fabricated
P.S. Sorry, it took me a while to relocate the video and the section where Ursula Franco gave her expert analysis of Michael Peterson's voice tone from the two 911 calls. She is very good, she convinced me.
Ursula Franco, M.D. and criminologist

I edited my above post with the full interview/ writing, plus the video section.

* Someone would need very strong persuasion to make me believe the contrary, and please just forget that owl stuff because it's all pure baloney...100%
"I 'm not in the Owl camp--" ...Me neither.

I'll give 45 minutes of my time, and that would be plenty to see if I need to spend more time with The Staircase.

You demonstrate so much preconceived bias that you are kind of blowing smoke here.

There was no motive nor was there a murder weapon and as I said,as did the judge at the end that he would have reasonable doubt if the case were retried.
It is my believe that in this particular case, as in the one before in Germany, Michael Peterson is a double murderer.

As for the justice system; no matter how corrupted it can be, there are proper procedures to follow, and if they are not this case should be dismissed. So I wasn't surprised to learn about the Alford plea.

@ the end not only they failed to prove that he was guilty but he also got away with murder, twice.
Like I said, he's a talented novelist/persuader. He can play the game for a very long time, because he believes himself strong enough that he's not guilty. The guy is simply brain handicapped, and the justice system is just not good enough to see the true light and find concrete evidence. Michael Peterson played them by blindfolding them all @ their own game, but not without spending many years first in jail. It took him a long time but he his now a murderer free, in real life. Just forget the justice system.

That, is my best take, from searches, readings, and without spending a single minute on that Netflix documentary. Ursula was a huge help, and also, Michael Peterson does look "deficient", physically, face expression wise...with movements from his eyes, face, gestures. ...Consequently, with a high probability of mental differentiation from the norm.

RIP Kathleen and my condolences to her family and friends.

You demonstrate so much preconceived bias that you are kind of blowing smoke here.

There was no motive nor was there a murder weapon and as I said,as did the judge at the end that he would have reasonable doubt if the case were retried.

Bingo S!-- In British Justice ---Beyond Reasonable Doubt is enough for the defendant to be acquitted.

Yes the fact that the Blowpipe (#2) was missing is suspicious

MP does tend to come across as somewhat unlikeable --he did to me anyway.

Nevertheless recommended viewing but 13 episodes???

Bob our resident Sleuth is on the case --good one!:)


You demonstrate so much preconceived bias that you are kind of blowing smoke here.

There was no motive nor was there a murder weapon and as I said,as did the judge at the end that he would have reasonable doubt if the case were retried.

- $1.4 million life insurance policy. She had a high paying job @ Nortel.
- Michael Peterson's hands were the murder weapon.

Many things didn't make it in the trial and documentary. That's why I search outside, without being trapped inside a documentary that wants more viewers.

I shoot what I think, if you think I'm biased with preconceived ideas, what can I say that would make you believe that I am not. I have zero bias, I have zero preconceptions, I'm wide open to find out the truth if anyone knows what the truth is. My opinion is free and I'm not afraid to be right or wrong because it won't make any difference. I believe he's guilty; by his own will and hands, and for money.

...Until proven wrong. I won't suffer if proven wrong; to the contrary, it would be highly educative and revealing.

BruceD said:
Yes the fact that the Blowpipe (#2) was missing is suspicious.

* The blow poke was later found in the garage; it has been there for a blood no nothing. The blow poke has nothing to do with it.
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* The blow poke was later found in the garage; it has been there for a blood no nothing. The blow poke has nothing to do with it.

Ha, Yes!--Well so thats the story of the so called "murder weapon"---it was there all the time--makes the demos of the Prosecutor and Defence showing hitting speed/haranguing the woman examiner /etc a bit doozy

if no one thought to search the garage!

and the damn thing was NOT the second one missing

Good sleuthing B! :cool:

Michael Peterson's hands were the murder weapon.


Where is the evidence , be it physical or DNA that he ordered her with his hands

Don't get me wrong as , like you I was convinced that he was guilty of both murders, . I also found his character to be dislikable as you and Bruce have stated. There is no evidence to link him to either murder and at trial I felt David Rudolph was a terrific defense attorney and had it not been for the evidence concocted by Deaver he would have been acquitted the first time. Bob you are forgetting the basic tenet of our criminal justice system and that is , if the juror has reasonable doubt they must acquit.

As I said I watched all 13 episodes and at the end I believe he is guilty but if the case was retried instead of an Alford plea he would likely have been acquitted. Judge Hudson at the end of the last episode expressed remorse for two judicial trial errors in which he allowed evidence from Germany as well as allowing evidence about Michael's sexual orientation

At the end of 13 episodes there was so much doubt in my mind that in spite of what I believed in episode one that he murdered both women, by the end of the documentary there was sufficient doubt in my mind that I would acquit regardless of what I believe.

His hands were not the murder weapon and there was no murder weapon ever found, no DNA other than that which was planted by Deaver

And there is no motive. He was financially secure and lived in a virtual mansion at the time of her death so the life insurance policy is a typical

prosecution ploy to throw it out there with the hope that it sticks.

So after 13 episodes I can honestly say that my gut says the same as you and Bruce but the reality is the prosecution not only did not meet their burden of proof they also fabricated evidence which ultimately proved grounds for a new trial and the Alford plea

Finally, like you the owl theory blew me away when I first heard about it as it is such a red herring YET when it is stated that the barred owl is the only bird which has microscopic pin feathers extending all the way to the talons and to find evidence of these micro pin feathers in Kathleens hair (found in both her hands) it does make me wonder. The reality is we will never know. Only 2 people know what happened and one is dead

Bob, I remember when I posted the thread Making A Murderer not only were you on the band wagon with this case you went from an immediate feeling that Steve Avery was innocent and wrongly convicted because of a corrupt police system, to one where you were convinced beyond reasonable doubt that Avery was guilty and spent weeks pounding our heads with why he was guilty. Then along comes another very adept defense lawyer to his rescue and you are now back in the camp that Steve Avery is innocent.

You haven't watched one episode of this documentary, yet your mind is made up "beyond reasonable doubt". I say that is impossible
Ha, Yes!--Well so thats the story of the so called "murder weapon"---it was there all the time--makes the demos of the Prosecutor and Defence showing hitting speed/haranguing the woman examiner /etc a bit doozy

if no one thought to search the garage!

and the damn thing was NOT the second one missing

Good sleuthing B! :cool:


The prosecution team used deceiving tactics; the blow poke was one of them when they introduced one looking like the one they couldn't find. Anyway I provided a short article (link) eclipsing this "blow poke" thing...fabrication/assumption. The only person who knows best is Michael Peterson himself, a Vietnam war vet, a novelist, a bisexual, a man of prejudices and lies. And it seems to me that he was even lying to himself and believes his own lies...there is a definition term for this.

I just don't know what the Alford man used to kill his wife; perhaps a combination of pills, alcohol and some blunt object. When the police arrived the blood was dry, and a lots of it splattered all over except on the ceiling. There was a struggle in my opinion, and he strangled her @ the end.

The people who left a photograph on the table of his home are sick too; poor tactic.
But it's normal for the police and prosecutors to use sick tactics, it comes with the job or you simply choose a different job if you don't have that corrupted attitude. Because criminals are no better.

The body of that woman exhumed and who died from similar circumstances in Germany was a devastating blow. The driver of that suburban vehicle transporting her for 1,200 miles ... autopsy, he was very direct with his comments from what they found on his computers. He wasn't biased, he was categorically affirmative.

I found the man and woman from the prosecution team using the trics of the trade with impunity and convincing. ...But not perfectly honest. ...I have reservation.

I found the Alford man's lawyer inexperienced and too emotional with a less than capable team.

I found Michael Peterson and his brother deranged in the head.
I found Michael Peterson's family vulnerable and easily manipulated.

So far after four episodes I am convinced he killed both women.
It's going to be real tough to prove me wrong. This is no Making a Murderer, in this case here Michael Peterson is the murderer.

I almost gave up after the first episode; I only pursued to watch more episodes to see how the prosecution team, the attorney team and the judge and the people surrounding this homicide case proceeded; to learn more about our justice system and the people in America.
And for that I will watch the other nine episodes, again thanks to Steve.

My opinion is mine and mine only, as an observator and not a person of law and justice.
For me it's a discussion open to all where we can learn from each other, with or without agreeing.
Life is complex and we do understand that human complexity in the societies and systems we created.

Where is the evidence , be it physical or DNA that he ordered her with his hands

Don't get me wrong as , like you I was convinced that he was guilty of both murders, . I also found his character to be dislikable as you and Bruce have stated. There is no evidence to link him to either murder and at trial I felt David Rudolph was a terrific defense attorney and had it not been for the evidence concocted by Deaver he would have been acquitted the first time. Bob you are forgetting the basic tenet of our criminal justice system and that is , if the juror has reasonable doubt they must acquit.

As I said I watched all 13 episodes and at the end I believe he is guilty but if the case was retried instead of an Alford plea he would likely have been acquitted. Judge Hudson at the end of the last episode expressed remorse for two judicial trial errors in which he allowed evidence from Germany as well as allowing evidence about Michael's sexual orientation

At the end of 13 episodes there was so much doubt in my mind that in spite of what I believed in episode one that he murdered both women, by the end of the documentary there was sufficient doubt in my mind that I would acquit regardless of what I believe.

His hands were not the murder weapon and there was no murder weapon ever found, no DNA other than that which was planted by Deaver

And there is no motive. He was financially secure and lived in a virtual mansion at the time of her death so the life insurance policy is a typical

prosecution ploy to throw it out there with the hope that it sticks.

So after 13 episodes I can honestly say that my gut says the same as you and Bruce but the reality is the prosecution not only did not meet their burden of proof they also fabricated evidence which ultimately proved grounds for a new trial and the Alford plea

Finally, like you the owl theory blew me away when I first heard about it as it is such a red herring YET when it is stated that the barred owl is the only bird which has microscopic pin feathers extending all the way to the talons and to find evidence of these micro pin feathers in Kathleens hair (found in both her hands) it does make me wonder. The reality is we will never know. Only 2 people know what happened and one is dead

Bob, I remember when I posted the thread Making A Murderer not only were you on the band wagon with this case you went from an immediate feeling that Steve Avery was innocent and wrongly convicted because of a corrupt police system, to one where you were convinced beyond reasonable doubt that Avery was guilty and spent weeks pounding our heads with why he was guilty. Then along comes another very adept defense lawyer to his rescue and you are now back in the camp that Steve Avery is innocent.

You haven't watched one episode of this documentary, yet your mind is made up "beyond reasonable doubt". I say that is impossible

Steve, I'm only sharing my progression as I'm going along for the ride so far.
I used outside tools too because there are things that were not included in The Staircase documentary. Yesterday I provided a link with nine such things.

Ok, they don't know what he used to scratch her head like that. Remember this guy went to Vietnam.
His hands had an object in them, I just don't know what it was. The Alford man knows.

Steve, I don't have trust in our justice vast general. It's my opinion based on limited experience, human flaws, emotional influences, prejudices of our societies.

Please indulge me in time to get to your level with all thirteen episodes. Like I said, I'm only sharing as I go along for the ride. I don't know how many members here will go for that ride; only them can decide.
You aroused my curiosity and my thirst of knowledge, I was hesitant @ first, and now I'm fully invested.

Financially we don't know the full story. According to that link I provided yesterday they had a fair amount of debts. Anyway, later on it wil come to play a larger role because I truly believe that money has something to do with it all...books, life insurance, debt and stress free life. ...To be continued as I proceed furthermore.

Making a Murderer is a different ball game, and what I think and believe has zero importance on who I am and on how I should be judged. This is a Netflix documentary thread and I share like you and any and everyone else my thoughts and opinion through my written comments.

I am fascinated by our justice system, human sociology, psychology, ...the quest for the best, the truth in all and everything.

Nine more to go, and without counting the outside info I first read.
I agree completely Bob. I looked at this as if I were a juror. I’m still like you. He killed them both. Yet at trial
I would still have reasonable doubt based on the law. It only takes one juror to become a believer. That’s why they polled the jury at the end as conviction must be unanimous
I understand; we can put ourselves in many skins...the members of the jury, the books of laws and orders, the judge, the cops, the prosecutors, the lawyers, the killer.

Judges do make mistakes, they are human. I know no one who doesn't make mistakes, ever, no one.

Nine lives to go ... :b

* Where is Michael Peterson and his brother today, and what are they up to these two?

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