Rhapsody ----> Goldmund New York

Big congratulations Bob! :D
You bet I will Bob :D
congrats Bob, on your new digs and venture.

I was just in West Palm last December, rarely get to NYC, but have a meeting at the Breakers in December (this one or the next one?). i'll make sure to plan and stop at your place there then.
congrats Bob, on your new digs and venture.

I was just in West Palm last December, rarely get to NYC, but have a meeting at the Breakers in December (this one or the next one?). i'll make sure to plan and stop at your place there then.

That would be great, Mike, would enjoy meeting you. And thank you!
Hi Bob, do not know if I fully understand your new move but does this new step/venture imply that you will only represent Goldmund products in the future, that is you will skip all other fine brands you have represented the last couple of years?

I wish you all the best!
Hi Bob, do not know if I fully understand your new move but does this new step/venture imply that you will only represent Goldmund products in the future, that is you will skip all other fine brands you have represented the last couple of years?

I wish you all the best!

We will be building out the existing Rhapsody space to be a Goldmund New York (Goldmund only) store. We will also be selling accessory items like Cineak.com furniture and Screen Research Swiss HT screens etc. Along with Aurender servers as well.

Everything else (other lines) is up in the air at the moment. We will see how things develop over the next few months. There is always that possibility that Rhapsody will exist and carry certain brands, just not sure about this yet. Although the existing Rhapsody space will definitely be completely gutted and remodeled into a state of the art New York Goldmund Store. If Rhapsody continues it will be in a different space and probably a more focused model as well.

In other words.....not really sure about it all right now, other than we are moving forward with the New York Goldmund Store.
We will be building out the existing Rhapsody space to be a Goldmund New York (Goldmund only) store. We will also be selling accessory items like Cineak.com furniture and Screen Research Swiss HT screens etc. Along with Aurender servers as well.

Everything else (other lines) is up in the air at the moment. We will see how things develop over the next few months. There is always that possibility that Rhapsody will exist and carry certain brands, just not sure about this yet. Although the existing Rhapsody space will definitely be completely gutted and remodeled into a state of the art New York Goldmund Store. If Rhapsody continues it will be in a different space and probably a more focused model as well.

In other words.....not really sure about it all right now, other than we are moving forward with the New York Goldmund Store.

Thanks Bob. Indeed what I wanted to ask you is which brand(s) you will be representating in the future. I understand the answer to that question is not fully clear yet (apart from the Goldmund brand).

Would have loved to be able to visit you somewhere in the future and have a listen to the combination of Kondo m1000/g1000/Kondo Kagura's and your Studer tapedeck. I suppose that might not be possible. Anyway, good luck with your Goldmund adventure!
Thanks Bob. Indeed what I wanted to ask you is which brand(s) you will be representating in the future. I understand the answer to that question is not fully clear yet (apart from the Goldmund brand).

Would have loved to be able to visit you somewhere in the future and have a listen to the combination of Kondo m1000/g1000/Kondo Kagura's and your Studer tapedeck. I suppose that might not be possible. Anyway, good luck with your Goldmund adventure!

You might be able to hear the system that you mentioned. We are going to move Rhapsody to a new location....stay tuned.

Goldmund New York will be located in the 24th Street location in Manhattan.
You might be able to hear the system that you mentioned. We are going to move Rhapsody to a new location....stay tuned.

Goldmund New York will be located in the 24th Street location in Manhattan.

A block from Eataly :D
Wow I'd love to come checkout these masterpieces of technology some day. I've heard so much about them, but haven't ever actually heard them before.

If ever visiting the city you are always welcome to come in for a visit/listen!
I will for sure. I was checking out your website. I noticed you have 2 sections. 1 for lifestyle gear, and 1 for audiophile. In your opinion, are we getting the same caliber, or better sound from today's best lifestyle gear, as we are from the Audiophile gear?

Loaded question. In my opinion systems like Kii, Avantgarde Zero and Goldmund which are more lifestyle products sound very, very good. You will get people screaming from the balcony that they don't sound as good as an audiophile type, discrete component system. Again my opinion it totally depends on the person and their preferences, just like cars, boats, jewelry, planes etc.

This is why I am doing both:)
Loaded question. In my opinion systems like Kii, Avantgarde Zero and Goldmund which are more lifestyle products sound very, very good. You will get people screaming from the balcony that they don't sound as good as an audiophile type, discrete component system. Again my opinion it totally depends on the person and their preferences, just like cars, boats, jewelry, planes etc.

This is why I am doing both:)
How many audiophile systems will be able to hang with the Apologue and Anatta??...not many I wager, having heard quite a few multi hour demos of Half a million+ Uber systems.
How many audiophile systems will be able to hang with the Apologue and Anatta??...not many I wager, having heard quite a few multi hour demos of Half a million+ Uber systems.

I will go a step further and even say the Satya falls into the Anatta/Apolgoue league. The Satya is big time sound.
indeed...but i only heard Satya for 30mins or so..while i had long dedicated sessions with the other 2.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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