What would be a nice improvement for my Ortofon 2M Black

Johnny Vinyl

Member Sponsor & WBF Founding Member
May 16, 2010
Calgary, AB
There is a very real possibility that I'll be upgrading to a better turntable/tonearm in the coming months. I have set a maximum budget of $5,000 for this and will mount the Ortofon 2M Black to it for now. I haven't decided yet, but I may just keep my Nottingham Analogue SE and mount a MONO cartridge on it. If I do, then I'll sell the 2M Black and use the funds towards perhaps the Ortofon 2M Mono SE. This then would require the purchase of a brand new cartridge for whatever TT I end up with.

I really like the sound of the 2M Black, although I wish it had slightly better midrange qualities to it. Do you have any recommendation for such a cartridge in and around $1,000 - $1,500 maximum (taxes included). I should add that I have no preference for MC or MM/MI, so suggestions for both would be appreciated.

I have an opportunity to get a Roksan Xerxes 20plus with Tabriz ZI tonearm, but if that doesn't work out the VPI Classic 2 is on my radar as well. These are definitely the frontrunners. It will be paired with a Marantz PM-KI-Pearl Integrated and Genesis G7.1 speakers. The Marantz is both MM and MC capable, so I'll be using that internal phono section.

As usual, your input is always greatly appreciated!

There is a very real possibility that I'll be upgrading to a better turntable/tonearm in the coming months. I have set a maximum budget of $5,000 for this and will mount the Ortofon 2M Black to it for now. I haven't decided yet, but I may just keep my Nottingham Analogue SE and mount a MONO cartridge on it. If I do, then I'll sell the 2M Black and use the funds towards perhaps the Ortofon 2M Mono SE. This then would require the purchase of a brand new cartridge for whatever TT I end up with.

I really like the sound of the 2M Black, although I wish it had slightly better midrange qualities to it. Do you have any recommendation for such a cartridge in and around $1,000 - $1,500 maximum (taxes included). I should add that I have no preference for MC or MM/MI, so suggestions for both would be appreciated.

I have an opportunity to get a Roksan Xerxes 20plus with Tabriz ZI tonearm, but if that doesn't work out the VPI Classic 2 is on my radar as well. These are definitely the frontrunners. It will be paired with a Marantz PM-KI-Pearl Integrated and Genesis G7.1 speakers. The Marantz is both MM and MC capable, so I'll be using that internal phono section.

As usual, your input is always greatly appreciated!


Hi John , from what i have read and heard from others this cart is a nice choice and might be able to get for cheaper .


also this was not a bad sound cart .


XX2 which i love might be out of your price range of 1500.00
Hi Rob!

Yeah, I've looked at that Lyra Delos, but I have never heard one and I'd like to know a little more about how it is in the midrange. I am familiar with the DV 20X2L and yes it's a nice cartridge, but I think I would like to go a little higher if I'm going to go ahead with it.

One of the things that is critical for me is midrange performance as I listen to a lot of vocals and acoustic instruments.

I am really quite enamoured with the Grado The Reference 1 Wood body. It's midrange may be just the thing I'm looking for. Having owned several Grados in the past this would be a coming home type of cartridge. Maybe a should buy a new Welcome mat!

I won't be making a purchase until some things fall into place, so any cartridge suggestions that offer great midrange are most welcomed.
Hi Rob!

Yeah, I've looked at that Lyra Delos, but I have never heard one and I'd like to know a little more about how it is in the midrange. I am familiar with the DV 20X2L and yes it's a nice cartridge, but I think I would like to go a little higher if I'm going to go ahead with it.

One of the things that is critical for me is midrange performance as I listen to a lot of vocals and acoustic instruments.

I am really quite enamoured with the Grado The Reference 1 Wood body. It's midrange may be just the thing I'm looking for. Having owned several Grados in the past this would be a coming home type of cartridge. Maybe a should buy a new Welcome mat!

I won't be making a purchase until some things fall into place, so any cartridge suggestions that offer great midrange are most welcomed.

one thing to do know is the XX2 is great for midrange and all around great cart.
one thing to do know is the XX2 is great for midrange and all around great cart.

Sweet! I'll have to keep that in the running as well then!
Hi John,

I have found nothing about the Marantz Phonostage flexibilty. Is it possible to select impedances for MC Input ?

Furthermore you should be shure which tonearm you will use in the future. Matching arm and cartrige is very important.

A Lyra cart in a SME (9gr) sounds much thinner as in a 14 gr Origin live, for example.

To name one of my favorite cart in this price range: Zyx RS50 Bloom. But it needs a heavy arm too.

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Hi John,

I have found nothing about the Marantz Phonostage flexibilty. Is it possible to select impedances for MC Input ?

Furthermore you should be shure which tonearm you will use in the future. Matching arm and cartrige is very important.

A Lyra cart in a SME (9gr) sounds much thinner as in a 14 gr Origin live, for example.

To name one of my favorite carts in this price range: Zyx RS50 Bloom. But it needs an heavy arm too.


Hello Andreas and thank you for chiming in.

Your post is most timely as last night I was thinking exactly that, and I know I can't really move forward until I know exactly what TT/Arm combo I'll be using. However, I'm just in an information gathering phase at the moment.

The Marantz is limited in that it does not allow me to select varying impedances. This may require the addition of a dedicated phonostage and it's been in the back of my mind. I'll cross that bridge if/when I get there. Your point is worth nothing however, so thanks.
I'm considering the Oracle Paris as my next turntable and they have an option to purchase their Oracle Thalia (HOMC) cartridge designed and voiced for Oracle by Benz-Micro. Does anyone have any experience with this cartridge?
I'm considering the Oracle Paris as my next turntable and they have an option to purchase their Oracle Thalia (HOMC) cartridge designed and voiced for Oracle by Benz-Micro. Does anyone have any experience with this cartridge?

Looks very much like a Rega this Oracle Paris table and the tonearm is a modified Project one. Never thought about Rega? You can have a Rega RP8 with an RB808 tonearm and a Apheta cartridge as a package for $3,995.
Looks very much like a Rega this Oracle Paris table and the tonearm is a modified Project one. Never thought about Rega? You can have a Rega RP8 with an RB808 tonearm and a Apheta cartridge as a package for $3,995.

If I wanted a Rega I'd buy a Rega. Any other critiques?
If I wanted a Rega I'd buy a Rega. Any other critiques?

Wow, not really, was just trying to say that the Rega was great value for less money, nothing else. Sorry I spoke, it seems that you're old and dumb enough to make up your own mind with a reply like this...
Wow, not really, was just trying to say that the Rega was great value for less money, nothing else. Sorry I spoke, it seems that you're old and dumb enough to make up your own mind with a reply like this...

My apologies...I can see I overreacted. Not really my style. Sometimes you just have a bad moment, you know.

And yes, the Rega tables offer good value and thank you.
For roughly $1500 you can get both an Ortofon Quintet Black and a Quintet Mono (sans taxes, though).


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