Sigma V2 Speaker Cables


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2018
I hadn't seen anything about these online yet, and having just installed mine I'm excited to say they are very impressive. I was prepared for something more cold and analytical, which would've been fine with me given the warmth of my D'Agostinos, but the V2's reveal alot more detail while keeping warmth. Caelin apparently knew he had found the right mix of silver and copper when he sent these to production. I have Sigma V2 power on the amps, Alpha V2 power on the MSB, currently all power through a single Everest, but kept the V1 interconnects because I was told the conductor didn't change (very convenient for me since I didn't have the cash anyway). And btw, I have a crappy power supply on my Roon server, and my system still sounds spectacular.

Caelin, if you read these posts, well done sir!
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Shunyata world.jpg
(for the inquisitive, those speaker cable amp leads are several inches under the power cable; this cable has nice flexibility)
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After several days of burn-in, stunningly gorgeous. The missing piece.
Congratulations. I love my Shunyata cables (sig), and have zero interest in upgrading at this point. Maybe in a few years, depending on what they do in the future.
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Curious has anyone compared the v2 Alpha speaker cables to Sigma v2 speaker cables

I haven’t done that comparison, but I do have a set of Sigma speaker cables on the way. We listened to a lot of cables before we selected them. At that level all are good, but we liked the Sigma the best.
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+1 for Sigma V2. I love mine. Perfectly balanced as the OP suggested.
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I haven’t done that comparison, but I do have a set of Sigma speaker cables on the way. We listened to a lot of cables before we selected them. At that level all are good, but we liked the Sigma the best.
UPS brought my Sigma v2 today
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UPS brought my Sigma v2 today

Congrats. Please let us know how they sound??? I’m looking forward to recieving mine Soon.
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Congrats. Please let us know how they sound??? I’m looking forward to recieving mine Soon.
I’m out of town till Monday night but once I spend some time with them I will . I need one more cable and I’ll have whole sigma v2 loom .
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I’m out of town till Monday night but once I spend some time with them I will . I need one more cable and I’ll have whole sigma v2 loom .
Very nice. A full loom will be great!

When my new system is finished, I won’t have a full loom of Sigma. I’ll have Shunyata Sigma on everything, including the amps, except on the power cables on the EMM components and Aurender N30. These will be plugged into a Shunayta Everest, so I was advised to go with Alpha on these. I’ll also have a Aural Symphonics Optimism Fiber Optic cable for the EMM DAC —> EMM Transport.
Very nice. A full loom will be great!

When my new system is finished, I won’t have a full loom of Sigma. I’ll have Shunyata Sigma on everything, including the amps, except on the power cables on the EMM components and Aurender N30. These will be plugged into a Shunayta Everest, so I was advised to go with Alpha on these. I’ll also have a Aural Symphonics Optimism Fiber Optic cable for the EMM DAC —> EMM Transport.
If I get a Everest I’ll drop down to Alpha to on Taiko , Lampi . But would really like to hear thoughts on Everest .
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If I get a Everest I’ll drop down to Alpha to on Taiko , Lampi . But would really like to hear thoughts on Everest .

I’ll report back when I receive it - hopefully within two weeks. I have the Shunyata Hydra right now. It’s good, but a while back we tried a friend’s Denali for a weekend and the improvement was amazing. Blacker backgrounds a real jump in the sound... I’m expecting the Everest to be even better.
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VAC Master Sigma v2

Constellation Centaur ll 500 Sigma v2

LampizatOr Pacific Sigma v2

Taiko Audio SGM Extreme Sigma v2

Focal Maestro Utopia Evo Sigma v2

Omega USB from Taiko to Lampizator

wondering which can be replaced with Alpha is purchasing a Everest? Amp will stay direct to Wall
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VAC Master Sigma v2

Constellation Centaur ll 500 Sigma v2

LampizatOr Pacific Sigma v2

Taiko Audio SGM Extreme Sigma v2

Focal Maestro Utopia Evo Sigma v2

Omega USB from Taiko to Lampizator

wondering which can be replaced with Alpha is purchasing a Everest? Amp will stay direct to Wall

WOW, that's a beautiful system. I was advised to run my EMM DAC, EMM Pre, EMM Transport, N30 and ACS 10 with Alpha -->Everest. Since it is uses tubes my VAC Pre (phono) will use Sigma. From what I understand the Everst allows you to use a lesser cable. This is just what I was told, not sure how it will sound yet. I'd check with your dealer or perhaps others here will pipe in ...
WOW, that's a beautiful system. I was advised to run my EMM DAC, EMM Pre, EMM Transport, N30 and ACS 10 with Alpha -->Everest. Since it is uses tubes my VAC Pre (phono) will use Sigma. From what I understand the Everst allows you to use a lesser cable. This is just what I was told, not sure how it will sound yet. I'd check with your dealer or perhaps others here will pipe in ...
My VAC master also has phono section . How you like your N30 ? I have one at our other home don’t get chance to use much
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My VAC master also has phono section . How you like your N30 ? I have one at our other home don’t get chance to use much

Unfortunately, none of the items have been delivered yet. If my racks get here from Adona this week then everything except the J. Sikora TT, VAC and Magico M3s, will be delivered and set up the following week. Everything else is supposed to be set up by Dec 10.

I only ordered the VAC Renaissance. I may get the Master later if I like it - which most likely I will :)
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