New Direct-to-Disc-Project: Smetana Ma Vlast


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2018
The next great D2D-project by Rainer Maillard will be released in september. The whole equipment of Emil Berliner Studios left first time Berlin to record the concert of Bedrich Smetana - Ma Vlast (My Homeland/Mein Vaterland) at Bamberg Konzerthalle. 3 disc -45 rpm. Small micro installment (only 4 microphones). Similar to Bruckner No. 7. Ordered my copy, actual 134 € in Germany. Only 1111 Copies.’s-“má-vlast”-recorded-direct-disc
Thank you for the heads up, another must-buy for me :)
I hit buy now easily on this one.
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It might be interesting to compare that with this multichannel SACD:
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Me, too. Larry
No D2D recordings of regular music for the poor ...? Maybe they actually sell too many copies and turn a profit ..

There are some smaller labels still making d2d recordings and I collect and listen to them. They are not classical labels though. If you like afrobeat, funk and jazz here is the independent label I am talking about;
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If you compare to the prices of CDs and streaming, vinyl has longtime become some kind of luxury. But if you compare poor pressings to the really good quality of some labels, you realize why the differences and efforts are and the small numbered releases are expensive. Unfortunately.
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