AMR / iFi audio

Industry Expert
Aug 21, 2019
Power to the people
iFi’s new PowerStation mains block uses Active Noise Cancellation to deliver a whole-system clean-power solution for high-performance audio/AV systems.

Southport, England – The PowerStation is the latest addition to iFi’s collection of performance-enhancing audio essentials – a six/eight-way mains block that ensures any audio or AV system is supplied with clean, consistent electricity to unleash its full potential.

Every audio system can be tainted by poor mains quality – a problem that affects many of us, especially those living in towns and cities. The quality of our mains power is further eroded by the abundance of cheap switch-mode power supplies in typical household appliances and the sea of RFI/EMI in which we are constantly bathed. The signals that move loudspeaker drive units are electrical; if the ‘unrefined fuel’ from which these signals are formed – the power we feed our systems – is corrupted, the negative impact on sound quality is inevitable.

iFi manufactures a number of highly effective products that reduce ‘noise’ (distortion) in incoming electrical power – both directly from the mains or via USB ports – but the PowerStation is the first to offer the company’s proprietary Active Noise Cancellation in a whole-system, six/eight-outlet mains solution.

Intelligent technology to tackle a universal problem

The PowerStation’s core performance–enhancing technology is Active Noise Cancellation II – the latest version of iFi’s proprietary noise-busting tech. Most power ‘conditioning’ products engage passive noise reduction through a selection of filters and regulators. Whilst this can be effective, it has inherent disadvantages compared to iFi’s active system, which uses inverse noise current to cancel out the noise in the mains signal. The way this works is not unlike the technology in noise-cancelling headphones.

Noise in the mains supply occurs at different frequencies, depending on the cause. Passive noise reduction systems are effective at the top end of the frequency spectrum but tend to be less so at lower frequencies. In addition, passive systems need large capacitors to be truly effective, which make the best such products bulky and expensive.

iFi’s Active Noise Cancellation II is effective in reducing noise consistently across the entire frequency spectrum, by approximately -40dB. This is coupled to additional passive filtering on each outlet to eradicate noise at the very highest frequencies – typically caused by wireless transmission systems. The result is an affordable mains bar that delivers highly effective reduction of both differential mode noise (caused by conventional switch-mode power supplies, for example) and common mode noise (including interference caused by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth) from an affordable mains conditioning block.

Smart features to enhance and protect

The PowerStation’s smart diagnostics system helps to avoid potential issues by indicating both correct polarity and whether the system has a ground/earth in place. The lack of an effective earth can cause an audible buzz or hum through the speakers, resulting from amplified low-level mains noise; this can be rectified by attaching an optional ground cable into PowerStation’s earth socket. iFi calls this circuit Intelligent Ground because it will not create a ground loop (a common cause of buzz or hum) even if the system is already earthed.

The PowerStation not only enhances the performance of every connected audio/AV component, it also guards the connected equipment from spikes and surges in the mains supply. Instantaneous and repeatable protection ensures that damage will not occur as a result of power fluctuations, providing valuable peace of mind. If the protection circuit is triggered, the PowerStation will only reboot once it is absolutely safe to do so.

Specialised construction for optimised performance

The PowerStation’s case is solidly constructed from dark anodised aluminium, as befits a high-quality audio/AV component. Inside, each of the six/eight mains outlets is independently isolated in its own chamber to prevent differential mode cross-contamination, with the addition of strategically placed EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) to damp vibrations.

PurCopper – a form of 99.9999 per cent pure OFHC (Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity) continuous-cast copper – is used extensively for its superior conductivity. This includes heavy-gauge internal wiring with multi-layered polymer insulation, solid PurCopper busbars and the conductive elements of the AC outlets themselves. It all adds up to a level of functionality and performance that users will not obtain from other whole-system clean-power solutions without spending considerably more.

Sonic improvements delivered by the PowerStation include greater clarity and definition, plus enhanced dynamic and spatial qualities, avoiding the apparent softening of leading edges, timing and dynamics that can occur with lesser mains filtering products. Available from August with a choice of four outlet types to suit the UK, EU, USA/Japan and Australia, it raises the performance level of every connected component – a whole-system upgrade delivering impressive value for money.

The retail cost of the PowerStation is US$499 (ex tax) or €549/£499 (inc. VAT.)
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I'm trying it since last week in my second equipment (Jeff Rowland pre and power amp + ATC speakers) and this device is a very gooood purpose.
I've plugged another iFi ipurifier in it and the sound becomes harmonically rich and clear.
I consider it a excellent choice for the price.

I'm trying it since last week in my second equipment (Jeff Rowland pre and power amp + ATC speakers) and this device is a very gooood purpose.
I've plugged another iFi ipurifier in it and the sound becomes harmonically rich and clear.
I consider it a excellent choice for the price.

Thanks Rocoa and apologies for our late reply. We're very happy how our PowerStation turned out. Not a regular power distributor :D
Several days ago Chris Martens published his PowerStation review at Hi-Fi+. He wrote:

"I recommend the iFi PowerStation and AC iPurifiers for the simple reason that they help unlock more music for less money than other competing power conditioners I have tried. You cannot say fairer than that."


Thanks so much!
On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, iFi reflects upon our environmental and sustainability responsibility. This is what Jules, our Brand Manager has to say...

“At iFi Audio, we’ve pledged to ensure our product packaging is 100 per cent plastic-free and 100 per cent recyclable by 2021. We’ve been working steadily toward this goal and our packaging across our entire range is already 97% recyclable and plastic-free.

As for the products themselves, we’re actively looking at different materials such as bamboo for the cabinets of loudspeakers and all-in-one music systems.

We’re also working hard to reduce our carbon footprint with a plan to reduce CO2 emissions at each stage of the product cycle as part of our ‘environmental pledge’. We’ll be issuing more information about this soon.”

Ready, steady, go.

Whatever your set-up, digital, analogue or both, the PowerStation will ensure your system receives super quiet mains.

Check out our video below for more details!
You can use your existing AC iPurifier with the PowerStation, learn where to place it to get the best out of your audio system here

I already own 2 of the AC Purifiers, and considering the PowerStation. I'm curious about the mating of a power cord to use with the Powerstation. It was suggested in this thread that the Nova is a good match for the Powerstation, but the SuperNova is not? Is that correct?
I already own 2 of the AC Purifiers, and considering the PowerStation. I'm curious about the mating of a power cord to use with the Powerstation. It was suggested in this thread that the Nova is a good match for the Powerstation, but the SuperNova is not? Is that correct?
Adding more AC iPurifiers will eventually become a diminishing return. Since you already have 2 and you are thinking about the PowerStation, I would recommend going with Nova cables. The are the same as SuperNova minus AC iPurifier.
Adding more AC iPurifiers will eventually become a diminishing return. Since you already have 2 and you are thinking about the PowerStation, I would recommend going with Nova cables. The are the same as SuperNova minus AC iPurifier.

I have two AC iPurifiers, but they are the original version, no the + version. If I get a PowerStation now, I assume it will come with AC Purifier + version, is that correct?

Are the ones I have now compatible with the PowerStation, and what am I giving up by using the original version compared to the + version? The difference is ANC I versus ANC II? I assume just better noise cancellation?

I intend to use this in my Music Server room, not in my main music room, so If you tell me I am better off with the newer AC iPuriifiers, I will just use the two I have now in my main music room, and buy 2 new ones to use in the Powerstation.

Please advise.

I have two AC iPurifiers, but they are the original version, no the + version. If I get a PowerStation now, I assume it will come with AC Purifier + version, is that correct?

Are the ones I have now compatible with the PowerStation, and what am I giving up by using the original version compared to the + version? The difference is ANC I versus ANC II? I assume just better noise cancellation?

I intend to use this in my Music Server room, not in my main music room, so If you tell me I am better off with the newer AC iPuriifiers, I will just use the two I have now in my main music room, and buy 2 new ones to use in the Powerstation.

Please advise.

The difference between the old and the new AC iPurifiers is better filtering and a better protection circuit if my memory serves me well. It's a significant but not groundbreaking difference. More important question is not if you will feel the difference between those two models, but if it will benefit you to introduce AC iPurifiers to your main music room. I recommend trying it out, if it does, the revised model will only improve.
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The difference between the old and the new AC iPurifiers is better filtering and a better protection circuit if my memory serves me well. It's a significant but not groundbreaking difference. More important question is not if you will feel the difference between those two models, but if it will benefit you to introduce AC iPurifiers to your main music room. I recommend trying it out, if it does, the revised model will only improve.

The only way to get the new AC iPurifier + is with the PowerStation? So if I want Active Noise cancellation II, I can only get that with the Powerstation, and not with a new version of the AC iPurifier? So I can get the new version of the AC iPurifier only with a purchase of the Powerstation, but if I want two more AC iPurifier+, it's not possible to purchase, I can only purchase the old ones separately to add to the Powerstation?

Brave Browser Clipping (4?48?25 PM).jpg
The only way to get the new AC iPurifier + is with the PowerStation? So if I want Active Noise cancellation II, I can only get that with the Powerstation, and not with a new version of the AC iPurifier? So I can get the new version of the AC iPurifier only with a purchase of the Powerstation, but if I want two more AC iPurifier+, it's not possible to purchase, I can only purchase the old ones separately to add to the Powerstation?

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I was almost sure that internally they are the same, but I will make sure and get back to you with a straight answer. Generally, there will be no problems pairing any AC iPurifiers together, whether if this is a normal version or +.
Very sorry for the confusion!
I was almost sure that internally they are the same, but I will make sure and get back to you with a straight answer. Generally, there will be no problems pairing any AC iPurifiers together, whether if this is a normal version or +.
Very sorry for the confusion!

I would rather just get the + version if it is newer, but the seller where I am only offers the original.

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