What company makes the wires for internal speaker wiring?


New Member
Jul 22, 2013
I have often wondered which 'brand' of wire the speaker manufacturers use for their respective internal wiring. Does anyone know of a list posted anywhere? Or can anyone give me a known usage, so I could compile my own list?
Off the top of my head

Wilson - Transparent
Estelon - Kubala-Sosna
Von Schweikert - Masterbuilt or Analysis Plus (Vortex Line)
Franco Serblin - Yter
Cardas Audio
DH Labs
JPS Labs
Kimber Kable
VH Audio

Note that some of the high end capacitor companies also make hook up wire.
Cardas Audio
DH Labs
JPS Labs
Kimber Kable
VH Audio

Note that some of the high end capacitor companies also make hook up wire.

Can you tie these to the relevant speaker manufacturers?
Can you tie these to the relevant speaker manufacturers?
I'm not really sure that very many manufacturers provide info on what hook up wire they are using.

I looked up Kimber Kable and found that Vapor Audio uses the following on their Nimbus Black: Wired internally with braided Kimber TCSS for tweeter, Kimber 4TC for mids, and Jupiter cotton insulated 14ga solid core UPOCC copper for the woofer.

Evolution Acoustics makes their own:

Entering the cable business came out of the design engineering research and development of our internal hook-up cabling within our loudspeakers. We spent years developing our best internal wiring solution and felt that extending that same philosophy outside the speakers and into the electronics would further benefit the overall presentation of our loudspeakers. We put more into our internal hook-up wire than most cable manufacturers do in their top-of-the line offerings.

In our entry line of signal cables, each individual run of wire from component to component within the loudspeaker comprises 96 individually air-spaced Teflon-insulated high-purity solid-core copper small gauge wires. The result is an extremely fast velocity of propagation, with delicacy and weight due to the sheer volume or mass of cable. They simply posses tremendous ease. The amount of labor to terminate these cables to all of the internal components is staggering, but we feel worth every penny.

Our DRSC speaker cables and DRIC interconnects take this same philosophy and doubles it to an astonishing 192 conductors per run. The terminations are silver rhodium and the cable assemblies are treated with constrained-layer damping techniques to reduce unwanted micro-phonics. Like the internal wiring, there is an extraordinary ease and effortlessness, but to an even greater degree. You get the benefit of small gauge conductors, like high frequency extension and sonic purity, and the benefit of large gauge conductors, like dynamics and bass extension.

All individual wires are cut and terminated to the exact same length so there is no time smearing. All individual wires are spaced from each other to eliminate any field issues or skin effect. We believe the main reason no one else is really doing this on a commercial level is the ridiculous amount of skilled labor involved in making and terminating cables like these. There simply is no easy solution to stripping 192 Teflon-insulated small-gauge conductors multiplied by eight for a set of speaker cables. It simply must be done by hand and if you accidentally cut just one, you have to start over.
Most speaker manufacturers do not openly reveal the brand of the internal wire as this could be taken as an endorsement to the brand.

We should remember that the bandwidth and function of the internal cabling is diferent from the speaker-amplifier cables.
Off the top of my head

Wilson - Transparent
Estelon - Kubala-Sosna
Von Schweikert - Masterbuilt or Analysis Plus (Vortex Line)
Franco Serblin - Yter

Rockport - Transparent
Marten and some Penaudio use Jorma cables

Raidho and Nola use Nordost.

My old mid level Audio Physics used wireworld if I remember correctly.
Merlin uses cardas clear inside and encourage buying all clear!

Is that just the Black Magic versions of their speakers?

Thank you to all who have responded to my question. I might of missed it, but who makes the cable for Sonus faber? Or is it their own...

Is that just the Black Magic versions of their speakers?

Thank you to all who have responded to my question. I might of missed it, but who makes the cable for Sonus faber? Or is it their own...

They have always used Cardas, and Cardas clear since their introduction.
I just came across this thread and wanted to add Lumen White, they use Shunyata Research cables for the internal wiring.
I know Kimber makes a special wire for YG which is designed to deal with vibration. I don't know whether it works or even matters, but I know they make it for YG.
When you consider the cables being used inside most speaker cabinets as well as the cables used inside your amplifiers output connection it raises the question on why so many feel the need to spend large sums of cash on the speaker cable to feed the speakers. This is one of the main reasons I got off the high end cable marry go round a few years back. I now use very short (2ft), dual runs of Mogami 2921 (9ga total) from the amp to the speaker and have not felt the need to go back to exotic cables.

At these distances the only thing I can imagine that would alter the sound would be the flavor of metal being used inside the wire (ie..silver, OCC Copper..etc). If you know the flavour of wire inside the speaker cabinet and also inside the amp I could see the benefit to try and pick a speaker cable that matches those but beyond that you begin to enter the "grey zone" in terms of monies spent on exotic wire.

Then again, I'm sure many just like the added Salt/Pepper added by the exotic cable (kinda like tubes) and use it more as an expensive tuning fork to end up with a flavour that suits their palate :p
my Evolution Acoustics MM7's use (surprise;)) Evolution Acoustics wire inside their cabinets. I use Evolution Acoustics TRSC (triple run speaker cable), and Evolution Acoustics 'zeel' 8.5 meter BNC's between my dart pre and dart 458 mono blocks.

no doubt it is a very coherent 'one piece' very balanced view on the musical event and it's no accident.

the Evolution Acoustics speaker cables replaced Transparent Audio MM Opus speaker cables I had been using with my previous MM3 speakers. I preferred the Evolutions. those were the double run version. the triple run upgrade was substantial. so it's not just synergy; it's a tip top performing cable in it's own right.

I know the TA Opus MM speaker cable was $32k when I bought it; the latest EA TRSC is under $10k somewhere......maybe $6k for an 8 foot pair. a great value in a very top level speaker cable. I've not heard a better sounding speaker cable.
Hello, Mike. That's very interesting, given the caliber of your system. Duly noted.

Is this even an valuable legitimate consideration? Does this make any difference at all? We buy a speaker because we like how it sounds.

Would you NOT buy a Wilson because you wanted Nordust wiring instead of Transparent or NOT buy Rockport because you wanted Cardas cables inside?

IMO, if nothing else, I feel one could end up with a better sounding system if they knew the cable details within the Amp and within the speaker cabinet so that they could make a more informed decision when purchasing a speaker wire to connect it all together. I think the goal would be to try and keep it all the same the whole way thru to avoid supprises. Not necesarily in terms of the brand itself but moreso in terms of the type of wire (ie..cooper,silver..etc).

My gut feeling is the reason why some proclaim major SQ changes when playing with wire is because they have just inserted a wire that is very different in terms of its makeup from what is found inside the components at the other end of the termination. Now whether or not that SQ "change" is for the better is a whole other topic :)

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