Vegetarian experiment: Day 1...

Andre Marc

Member Sponsor
Mar 14, 2012
San Diego
Today I started my 30 or 60 day experiment with eating no red meat, chicken, fish, or eggs.

I will eat a moderate amount of dairy.

Today's menu:

1 banana
1 Elemental Food raw bar

2 Trader Joe's Masala Veggie patties
1 Elemental Food raw bar

Home made mushroom pizza
Vietnamese summer rolls with vegetables and quinoa, w/ homemade peanut dipping sauce
Organic dark chocolate
Congratulations, I commend you for it!

I can't go vegetarian cold turkey, love my meat too much. So I compromise ... we are vegetarian one day a week. We of course eat veggies with all our other meals, but nothing sharpens your mind about cooking like attempting a vegetarian meal ;)
I quit eating meat after reading "Dominion" by Matthew Scully:


I'm the least likely vegetarian in the world as I grew up in Kansas City where people would get into fistfights arguing about which was the best rib joint! I expect you to lose 5-10# and feel more energetic.
I quit eating meat after reading "Dominion" by Matthew Scully:

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I'm the least likely vegetarian in the world as I grew up in Kansas City where people would get into fistfights arguing about which was the best rib joint! I expect you to lose 5-10# and feel more energetic.

Interesting jazdoc. I actually think we are naturally omnivores, so I don't think this will be a permanent thing, however
if and when I work back in animal flesh it will be at much reduced quantities.

I do really have big issues with the industrialized system of animal slaughter and production, so that is part of it too.
"Dominion" is an amazing, horrific and a very difficult book,yet beautifully written. For me, it was truly life changing...My wife's book club attempted it and most of the gals either couldn't get through it or couldn't even bring themselves to try.

“It is true, as we are often reminded, that kindness to animals is among the humbler duties of human charity--though for just that reason among the more easily neglected. And it is true that there will always be enough injustice and human suffering in the world to make the wrongs done to animals seem small and secondary. The answer is that justice is not a finite commodity, nor are kindness and love. Where we find wrongs done to animals, it is no excuse to say that more important wrongs are done to human beings, and let us concentrate on those. A wrong is a wrong, and often the little ones, when they are shrugged off as nothing, spread and do the gravest harm to ourselves and others.”

“Animals are more than ever a test of our character, of mankind's capacity for empathy and for decent, honorable conduct and faithful stewardship. We are called to treat them with kindness, not because they have rights or power or some claim to equality, but in a sense because they don't; because they all stand unequal and powerless before us.”

Not meaning to you a flavor of the book. Good luck with the diet!
"Dominion" is an amazing, horrific and a very difficult book,yet beautifully written. For me, it was truly life changing...My wife's book club attempted it and most of the gals either couldn't get through it or couldn't even bring themselves to try.

Not meaning to you a flavor of the book. Good luck with the diet!

I actually have no issue with the HUMANE slaughter of animals for CONSUMPTION. I detest, I mean DETEST the killing of animals for sport.

I see it this way. Nature is the guide. Animals kill other animals for survival. They do it quickly
and they consume every morsel and it is the natural cycle of life.

No one could have anticipated the mass industrialized system we have now or the killing
of other creatures to profit from their body parts.
I actually have no issue with the HUMANE slaughter of animals for CONSUMPTION. I detest, I mean DETEST the killing of animals for sport.

Me too. I also don't hunt except at the grocery store and then I always bag everything I came for.

I see it this way. Nature is the guide. Animals kill other animals for survival. They do it quickly
and they consume every morsel and it is the natural cycle of life.

Every living creature is part of somebody else's food chain. Stay in the ocean long enough, something will take a bite out of your ass. Stay in the woods long enough, a bear will get you. Hang out in Africa long enough and a whole host of different animals will have you on their menu. Jog around LA and a 4-pack of pit bulls will take you down.

No one could have anticipated the mass industrialized system we have now...

Well, yes they could because the system has been in place for many years. There is a reason that people who work on the floor of slaughter houses are exempt from jury duty.

... or the killing
of other creatures to profit from their body parts.

That too has been around for a long time. Elephants for their ivory, and I blame the Chinese for the slaughter of tigers and rhinos so they can increase their sexual prowess according to their folklore.
Me too. I also don't hunt except at the grocery store and then I always bag everything I came for.

Every living creature is part of somebody else's food chain. Stay in the ocean long enough, something will take a bite out of your ass. Stay in the woods long enough, a bear will get you. Hang out in Africa long enough and a whole host of different animals will have you on their menu. Jog around LA and a 4-pack of pit bulls will take you down.

Well, yes they could because the system has been in place for many years. There is a reason that people who work on the floor of slaughter houses are exempt from jury duty.

That too has been around for a long time. Elephants for their ivory, and I blame the Chinese for the slaughter of tigers and rhinos so they can increase their sexual prowess according to their folklore.

All true.:eek:
People with blood type "0" cannot be vegetarians:

Everyone else can...if they wish. I`m the lucky one among them :) Not that it matters, though.

Jog around LA and a 4-pack of pit bulls will take you down.

Only if gone through the hands of totally insane people.

Pit Bulls are the best dog breed in the world, we have the privilege to enjoy the company of one of them - Zorro is his name. To say he is extremely kind and loving, would be an understatement.

Those "people" who torture Pit Bulls and make them aggressive towards other people, should be sentenced for life - period.

Only if gone through the hands of totally insane people.

Pit Bulls are the best dog breed in the world, we have the privilege to enjoy the company of one of them - Zorro is his name. To say he is extremely kind and loving, would be an understatement.

Those "people" who torture Pit Bulls and make them aggressive towards other people, should be sentenced for life - period.


I used to think that, but now I'm not so sure. I have read far too many stories about pit bulls eating Grandma, the grand kids, the neighbors, and the babysitter. And babies seem to be a favorite on their diet as well and god knows a baby couldn't have harmed them. It's hard to believe that every person that has been eaten by a pit bull that they owned tortured them before they were put on the day's menu.

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