UK Announcement New Dealer Launch: The Hifi Consultants


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2010

Steve Wilcock and his son David Wilcock are high end audio dealers in state of the art (from today and yesterday) and have announced their new launch. The Hi-Fi Consultants in the UK.

I have known Steve for nearly 18 years, and the loyalty he has shown his clients (and which I am imagine many besides myself have reciprocated) has been memorable and inspiring. With decades of experience, they are affable, genuine, hard working and above all honest. Honest in trade and honest in their opinions and advice. These traits have stayed with me (and thus I have stayed with them) throughout all these many years.

Particularly for those who want to/need to trade in, trade up or buy/sell second hand in the state of the art, Steve and David have always been seasoned and safe hands for me. I have no affiliation with Steve or David...just a big fan of their work as some of you may have read in my earlier posts and threads over the years.

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Steve Wilcock and his son David Wilcock are high end audio dealers in state of the art (from today and yesterday) and have announced their new launch. The Hi-Fi Consultants in the UK.

I have known Steve for nearly 18 years, and the loyalty he has shown his clients (and which I am imagine many besides myself have reciprocated) has been memorable and inspiring. With decades of experience, they are affable, genuine, hard working and above all honest. Honest in trade and honest in their opinions and advice. These traits have stayed with me (and thus I have stayed with them) throughout all these many years.

Particularly for those who want to/need to trade in, trade up or buy/sell second hand in the state of the art, Steve and David have always been seasoned and safe hands for me. I have no affiliation with Steve or David...just a big fan of their work as some of you may have read in my earlier posts and threads over the years.

Interesting, thank you for bringing this to all our attention LL21, I wish them both all the best.
I have acquired nearly everything second hand, and anything new via part trade-in. The Hi-Fi Consultants (Steve and David) have overseen nearly 18 years of that with me during that time. The vast majority from or through them directly. However, there have been a few occasions when I acquired second hand from a new source, and I was not comfortable doing it on my own, and I would offer Steve a commission on the sale given the discount I was already getting...and he would look after me in the case things did not work out, and it needed to be shipped back via commercial carriers, or shipped back to manufacturer for repair, etc. This has built a great long-term relationship of trust over the years. As they say, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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I have had a very similar experience with Kevin Watts who worked with Steve as part of Hifi Trading Station.
I have had a very similar experience with Kevin Watts who worked with Steve as part of Hifi Trading Station.
Hi Heihei,

Yes I believe Kevin has come to the house years ago more than once as part of earlier acquisitions we did with Steve. Very knowledgeable, very reliable. I believe Kevin sells Audionet?
Yes - he supplied my Stern & Heisenbergs, and the Berning Quadratures I had previously.
Yes - he supplied my Stern & Heisenbergs, and the Berning Quadratures I had previously.
Wow...had not realized you owned the Berning Quads...apparently remarkable alacrity, speed and insight into the inflections of artists music-playing. Are the Heisenbergs superior on all counts? I have heard great things about them from Kevin and Steve as well.

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