Small speakers for nearfield listening in a smallish room


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2016
Looking to build a system in a small room (2.5mX3m), where I'd be listening at nearfield (1-1.5m from speakers).
It can be a standmount as well as a very small floorstander.
Volume levels will probably be low, not to overload the room.

I prefer an easy load, to be able to work with small tube (SET?) amplification.
But it's not a necessity.

Budget is $6000-7000, second-hand is an option too.
Added some options that I've been considering:
Boenicke W5/8
Devore Micr/o or O/baby
I personally think that the room area is a bit small(2.5mX3m)?
Normally, in an indoor environment with an area of 30 square meters, the playback effect of a 5-inch bass and a power of about 40W can meet normal needs. Unless you pay attention to very shocking sounds.

But If the volume is too high, it will be interfered by echo, and the speaker system will not be able to fully utilize its performance advantages.

Building a high-quality sound system in a small room is an exciting project, especially if it's a near-field listening situation.
My suggestions: speaker:
If it's within your budget, you might consider a pair of high-quality bookshelf speakers. KEF LS50 Meta and Dynaudio Emit M20 are two options in this budget range that can be your choice.

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