Shunyata Theta/Gamma Lines - Do they surpass the Delta/Venom of the previous generation?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
I just saw these on Shunyata's site. Has anyone heard these - or about them? Their pricing is close to the older lines (Alpha, Alpha Helix and ZiTron), which all started at $995, as does the Theta power cord (at least going by some retailers' stated price).
Will these replace (as in: be more advanced, sonically speaking) the Delta and Venom lines currently out? I've talked to my salesperson at The Cable Company and I'm going to use their Lending Library to hear them, but wondered if anyone else had heard them and formed any impressions.
Some information on the new Gamma and Theta lines, I believe these new lines were only launched just last week, so only just beginning to stir new interest, I am hoping to buy soon a Theta XC powercord for my Shunyata Gemini as it looks like an excellent proposition for the price point....will be good to read some real world feedback as and when this filters through from real world experiences, but so far I have had excellent results with Shunyata research on other products I have purchased....


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Some information on the new Gamma and Theta lines, I believe these new lines were only launched just last week, so only just beginning to stir new interest, I am hoping to buy soon a Theta XC powercord for my Shunyata Gemini as it looks like an excellent proposition for the price point....will be good to read some real world feedback as and when this filters through from real world experiences, but so far I have had excellent results with Shunyata research on other products I have purchased....
Indeed. My experience with Shunyata has always been positive as well. I'm certain, though, that the new line will generate sales of the older Delta and Venom products by current owners.
@GrantS can you shed light on these new products? It's not evident on a quick perusal if these use new technology compared to the existing V2 Alpha/Sigma/Omega that we are familiar with, and they seem to replace the Venom & Delta lines but not sure what's actually new about them?
but not sure what's actually new about them?
I thought I read that this will be the first time they applied their PMZ (Precision Matched Impedance) technology to signal cables. What that means is manufacturing to tighter tolerances. That previously meant slowing down the winding process. That would add to the cost so I suspect that they’ve come up with a way to achieve that without slowing things down so they can offer this technology more broadly and at affordable price points. This is pure speculation on my part though.
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I just saw these on Shunyata's site. Has anyone heard these - or about them? Their pricing is close to the older lines (Alpha, Alpha Helix and ZiTron), which all started at $995, as does the Theta power cord (at least going by some retailers' stated price).
Will these replace (as in: be more advanced, sonically speaking) the Delta and Venom lines currently out? I've talked to my salesperson at The Cable Company and I'm going to use their Lending Library to hear them, but wondered if anyone else had heard them and formed any impressions.
Yes; I spoke with a dealer who had Shunyata factory people in his showroom and auditioned and said they are a giant killer. I am referring specifically to the Theta Ethernet cable priced at $500 MSRP. So more than a little interested .
@GrantS can you shed light on these new products? It's not evident on a quick perusal if these use new technology compared to the existing V2 Alpha/Sigma/Omega that we are familiar with, and they seem to replace the Venom & Delta lines but not sure what's actually new about them?
Hi Keith, Apologies for the delay, I've been traveling in LA this week. Yes, the Gamma and Theta will replace Venom and Delta cables, though a couple of the Venom power cords, like the HCv2 will remain as they offer an affordable high-current option. I believe the Venom 14 Digital will also remain as a less expensive option for digital. The two big tech advantage being offered in both Theta and Gamma is the PMZ process and the KPIPv2. We were able to scale the PMZ and tool up the process to make it more affordable to run. The quarter-speed extrusion remains exactly as it is for the digital cables, which has earned them exposure at the top of the pro-recording industry and with manufacturers of the best digital hardware systems. I knew this would confer an advantage in performance to the analog cables but was surprised at the degree of improvement. Caelin also revised the Kinetic Phase Inversion Processin a very significant way. When I receive cables for prototyping, even with the KPIP run on them for 4 days, they require a couple days of use to stabilize and offer great performance after being shipped. This was different. Almost immediately, my wife and I were taken aback by how they performed. Of course, all this is preliminary. Regardless of what we think, the truth of any product's value becomes known only after 6 months to a year in the market.

After 25 years spent listening to all of Caelin's "ideas" in the raw, it's become clear when something stands out and that's been my impression of these cables. They have the coherence and purity one would expect from cables that use OCC single crystal copper, of course. Where they separate themselves is in the areas where pure silver cables usually dominate -- timing, micro-dynamics, low-octave control, frequency extension, decay and impact. As listeners, we were struck by their agility, background silence and timing precision. For frame of reference, I was using our OCC silver Omega interconnects, as well as the Delta and Venom cables as comparators, so the bar was set fairly high. The Gamma and Theta cables still retain the textural and tonal qualities that defines the OCC conductor material, but listeners may be taken by surprise at their dynamic range and timing precision. That's the difference the combination of the KPIPv2 and PMZ (1/4 speed extrusion) process confers on these cables. Pricing was set to maximize exposure, so we'd encourage people to compare them to cables well above their price points. My comments are in direct reference to the analog interconnects of both Gamma and Theta, but the digital cables of both lines have also benefitted from a similar boost in performance. The power cables also benefit from the KPIPv2.

If you have any specific or questions, feel freee to e-mail us directly!

Best regards,

Yes; I spoke with a dealer who had Shunyata factory people in his showroom and auditioned and said they are a giant killer. I am referring specifically to the Theta Ethernet cable priced at $500 MSRP. So more than a little interested .
I'm already there.
Short of a disappointing audition period with the Theta power cable, the greater likelihood is that I'll be purchasing it.
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I'm already there.
Short of a disappointing audition period with the Theta power cable, the greater likelihood is that I'll be purchasing it.
I am 100% committed to Cerious Lumniscate power cords and interconnects, but he doesn't make USB or network cables. But based on a dealer whose judgement I respect who DID hear the ethernet cable , AND in speaking with Shunyata factory rep, I am satisfied it wil likely be a giant killer. I placed my order late last week and shipping is 2-3 weeks out I am told. I'll be sure to post a review once the cable is broken in!
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Hi Keith, Apologies for the delay, I've been traveling in LA this week. Yes, the Gamma and Theta will replace Venom and Delta cables, though a couple of the Venom power cords, like the HCv2 will remain as they offer an affordable high-current option. I believe the Venom 14 Digital will also remain as a less expensive option for digital. The two big tech advantage being offered in both Theta and Gamma is the PMZ process and the KPIPv2. We were able to scale the PMZ and tool up the process to make it more affordable to run. The quarter-speed extrusion remains exactly as it is for the digital cables, which has earned them exposure at the top of the pro-recording industry and with manufacturers of the best digital hardware systems. I knew this would confer an advantage in performance to the analog cables but was surprised at the degree of improvement. Caelin also revised the Kinetic Phase Inversion Processin a very significant way. When I receive cables for prototyping, even with the KPIP run on them for 4 days, they require a couple days of use to stabilize and offer great performance after being shipped. This was different. Almost immediately, my wife and I were taken aback by how they performed. Of course, all this is preliminary. Regardless of what we think, the truth of any product's value becomes known only after 6 months to a year in the market.

After 25 years spent listening to all of Caelin's "ideas" in the raw, it's become clear when something stands out and that's been my impression of these cables. They have the coherence and purity one would expect from cables that use OCC single crystal copper, of course. Where they separate themselves is in the areas where pure silver cables usually dominate -- timing, micro-dynamics, low-octave control, frequency extension, decay and impact. As listeners, we were struck by their agility, background silence and timing precision. For frame of reference, I was using our OCC silver Omega interconnects, as well as the Delta and Venom cables as comparators, so the bar was set fairly high. The Gamma and Theta cables still retain the textural and tonal qualities that defines the OCC conductor material, but listeners may be taken by surprise at their dynamic range and timing precision. That's the difference the combination of the KPIPv2 and PMZ (1/4 speed extrusion) process confers on these cables. Pricing was set to maximize exposure, so we'd encourage people to compare them to cables well above their price points. My comments are in direct reference to the analog interconnects of both Gamma and Theta, but the digital cables of both lines have also benefitted from a similar boost in performance. The power cables also benefit from the KPIPv2.

If you have any specific or questions, feel freee to e-mail us directly!

Best regards,

Hi Grant.

Do you also have plan to upgrade Everest 8000?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

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I am 100% committed to Cerious Lumniscate power cords and interconnects, but he doesn't make USB or network cables. But based on a dealer whose judgement I respect who DID hear the ethernet cable , AND in speaking with Shunyata factory rep, I am satisfied it wil likely be a giant killer. I placed my order late last week and shipping is 2-3 weeks out I am told. I'll be sure to post a review once the cable is broken in!
I, too, placed an order for a Theta NR.
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I have two thetas on the way to me. I currently own x6 delta NRs. The Thetas will be used for subwoofers mainly but will be swapped back and forth with the amps just for fun when time allows.

I tried calling Shunyata to get a direct answer about Delta vs Theta, but the answer was that they are just a different cable.

So far I do enjoy my Delta NRs...
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I, too, placed an order for a Theta NR.
Happy to report I received and installed my Theta Ethernet Cable this morning and right out of the box, the cable delivered some fairly significant sonic improvement to my system. I'm told to allow about 100 hours for it to be fully broken in but right out of the box it sounds terrific - a true value proposition at $500 MSRP. Improved soundstage, not as muddied in the mids as was my Supra cable. For sure the imaging seems to be improved with a modestly improved soundstage. Then again, at close to 10 X the cost it SHOULD sound much better. It will only improve form here...
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Update on my previous post on Theta Ethernet cable. It’s been 8 days since installing and now have a mere 30-40 hours on it… and yet the cable is already beginning to reveal its magic.
- Incredible detail, very resolving, transparent
- Remarkable, vastly improved sound-staging.
- Improved imaging
- Improved, iron grip on the lower end. Best my REL subs have ever sounded.
- Beautiful elevation of vocals, a fine, natural decay of musical notes.

Honestly, I’d not thought an Ethernet cable could make such a meaningful contribution to sound quality, particularly given I’ve got an optical feed traveling through it from my EtherRegen to my Antipodes K-41. It’s a fantastic upside surprise for which I was unprepared. Clean, detailed, BIG soundstage that is worth far more than the $500 cost. Shunyata has hit a home run. And it will improve once I get closer to 100 hours I’m told!
Hi Keith, Apologies for the delay, I've been traveling in LA this week. Yes, the Gamma and Theta will replace Venom and Delta cables, though a couple of the Venom power cords, like the HCv2 will remain as they offer an affordable high-current option. I believe the Venom 14 Digital will also remain as a less expensive option for digital. The two big tech advantage being offered in both Theta and Gamma is the PMZ process and the KPIPv2. We were able to scale the PMZ and tool up the process to make it more affordable to run. The quarter-speed extrusion remains exactly as it is for the digital cables, which has earned them exposure at the top of the pro-recording industry and with manufacturers of the best digital hardware systems. I knew this would confer an advantage in performance to the analog cables but was surprised at the degree of improvement. Caelin also revised the Kinetic Phase Inversion Processin a very significant way. When I receive cables for prototyping, even with the KPIP run on them for 4 days, they require a couple days of use to stabilize and offer great performance after being shipped. This was different. Almost immediately, my wife and I were taken aback by how they performed. Of course, all this is preliminary. Regardless of what we think, the truth of any product's value becomes known only after 6 months to a year in the market.

After 25 years spent listening to all of Caelin's "ideas" in the raw, it's become clear when something stands out and that's been my impression of these cables. They have the coherence and purity one would expect from cables that use OCC single crystal copper, of course. Where they separate themselves is in the areas where pure silver cables usually dominate -- timing, micro-dynamics, low-octave control, frequency extension, decay and impact. As listeners, we were struck by their agility, background silence and timing precision. For frame of reference, I was using our OCC silver Omega interconnects, as well as the Delta and Venom cables as comparators, so the bar was set fairly high. The Gamma and Theta cables still retain the textural and tonal qualities that defines the OCC conductor material, but listeners may be taken by surprise at their dynamic range and timing precision. That's the difference the combination of the KPIPv2 and PMZ (1/4 speed extrusion) process confers on these cables. Pricing was set to maximize exposure, so we'd encourage people to compare them to cables well above their price points. My comments are in direct reference to the analog interconnects of both Gamma and Theta, but the digital cables of both lines have also benefitted from a similar boost in performance. The power cables also benefit from the KPIPv2.

If you have any specific or questions, feel freee to e-mail us directly!

Best regards,

Hi Grant,

I hope that the new cables don‘t turn the while product range upside down. The Omega signal cable line came out just one year prior and doesn’t feature the KPIP v2. Having purchased these cables which are a substantial investment, I‘d not be too happy seeing a new range of cables at vastly less than a fifth the price having technology that isn’t in the flagship models - just one year after releasing the Omegas. If it just reduces settle in time that‘s alright with me…

Just checked on Shunyata‘s website. Regarding KPIPv2 it says: „When compared to the original process, KPIP v2™ represents a dramatic performance upgrade on par with a component-level upgrade.“
To be honest, if that is the case I wonder why the Omegas released last year don‘t feature this. I would be fine, if at least the new KPIPv2 could be applied to existing cables, so one could send them back for an upgrade/treatment. Of course for a reasonable fee. Is that possible?
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Hi Grant,

I hope that the new cables don‘t turn the while product range upside down. The Omega signal cable line came out just one year prior and doesn’t feature the KPIP v2. Having purchased these cables which are a substantial investment, I‘d not be too happy seeing a new range of cables at vastly less than a fifth the price having technology that isn’t in the flagship models - just one year after releasing the Omegas. If it just reduces settle in time that‘s alright with me…

Just checked on Shunyata‘s website. Regarding KPIPv2 it says: „When compared to the original process, KPIP v2™ represents a dramatic performance upgrade on par with a component-level upgrade.“
To be honest, if that is the case I wonder why the Omegas released last year don‘t feature this. I would be fine, if at least the new KPIPv2 could be applied to existing cables, so one could send them back for an upgrade/treatment. Of course for a reasonable fee. Is that possible?
Curious of Shunyata's response as I am a fan and user of their products.
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Update on my previous post on Theta Ethernet cable. It’s been 8 days since installing and now have a mere 30-40 hours on it… and yet the cable is already beginning to reveal its magic.
- Incredible detail, very resolving, transparent
- Remarkable, vastly improved sound-staging.
- Improved imaging
- Improved, iron grip on the lower end. Best my REL subs have ever sounded.
- Beautiful elevation of vocals, a fine, natural decay of musical notes.

Honestly, I’d not thought an Ethernet cable could make such a meaningful contribution to sound quality, particularly given I’ve got an optical feed traveling through it from my EtherRegen to my Antipodes K-41. It’s a fantastic upside surprise for which I was unprepared. Clean, detailed, BIG soundstage that is worth far more than the $500 cost. Shunyata has hit a home run. And it will improve once I get closer to 100 hours I’m told!
Interesting. Do you think it colors the sound? Or let's the sound be the most accurate.....

I'll be going from wall outlet to streamer. No switcher....I wonder if it can make any difference to a top of the line DAC/Streamer like Playback Designs MPD-8(with an MPs-X streamer with P-LINK optical connection) beyond a well constructed and shielded Cat 7 cable like a Cardas Clear Network 7 with Telegartner's or even a Belden 1885VNC with Telegartner's....

This might sound nitpicking but it doesn't appear that the Theta cable has individual wire pair shielding that Cat 7's have. Only a total shield.....Nor drain line grounding for the wires. Which I was told was important.

The Theta uses thicker copper gauge wires(not sure how many pairs) than the Cardas Cat 7- 22AWG vs 8 x 24AWG(Belden 23AWG). Both uses pure OFC copper. Not sure if Belden does.
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Interesting. Do you think it colors the sound? Or let's the sound be the most accurate.....
All I can report is my subjective experience which can best be described as "revelatory" and more detailed in nature as opposed to "additive" or coloration. Nothing at all in this regard. I have found this cable to be incredibly detailed, well textured delivering better imaging with a nominally improved sound stage.

And honestly I did not get too deep into the weeds by examine the construction of the cable but instead relied upon a few dealers and friends who passed judgement on the performance of the cable. I DO believe it punches well above its weight and results in better clarity and detail without any coloration whatsoever. I find it to be very neutral , and like you, I have a pretty good digital front end as well as good, Class A amplification . Given my network is already fiber optic I doubted such an improvement would be possible but I admit I am surprised.
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All I can report is my subjective experience which can best be described as "revelatory" and more detailed in nature as opposed to "additive" or coloration. Nothing at all in this regard. I have found this cable to be incredibly detailed, well textured delivering better imaging with a nominally improved sound stage.

And honestly I did not get too deep into the weeds by examine the construction of the cable but instead relied upon a few dealers and friends who passed judgement on the performance of the cable. I DO believe it punches well above its weight and results in better clarity and detail without any coloration whatsoever. I find it to be very neutral , and like you, I have a pretty good digital front end as well as good, Class A amplification . Given my network is already fiber optic I doubted such an improvement would be possible but I admit I am surprised.
Thanks for your reply. It sounds like it is indeed a great cable...I was reading that there are some reports of ground loops with Cat 7 cables due to the additional wire grounds that you can't get with a CAT 6 due to less shielding and grounds.

Some people use unshielded Cat cables for that same reason. Since the cables are twisted pairs, that takes care of the noise they say....I'm starting to get the feeling that you'd need to ground your Streamer and DAC to use shielded cables as all ethernet jacks are grounded so with a shielded cable you could get ground loops....Maybe that is why with the Cardas Cat 7 cable, each twisted pair has its own drain wire....

Perhaps that is why SR went Cat6 instead of Cat7 with their Theta's....

Thanks again and enjoy the music!
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Anyone w/ feedback after hearing the Theta power cord? I'm looking for a longer power cord for a turntable and instead of the Venom V10NR thought about the Gamma NR, but would love to hear a comparison about this newer generation.
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