Question to MMthree Owners


New Member
Apr 20, 2010
Dallas Area
As some know here, I have a pair of EA MMtwo's I also have a fairly large listening room (23' x 15.5' x 10'). For those who own the MMthree, have you experimented to see what the sound difference is between your MMthree, and what they would sound like if they were MMtwo's? (by simply disconnecting the Speakon cable to the upper woofer)

I'm thinking I would like to consider adding the upper base module to my MMtwo's. And I would sincerely like to know what owners of the MMthree (or have experience with), think about the benefits of the MMthree over the MMtwo.
I have the MMThree and a good friend of mine has the MMTwo. He is dying to get the upper woofer and came over to my place a couple of weeks ago. Our rooms are about the same size, but your room is about a foot wider. It all has to do with presentation.

First, I needed a taller speaker because I have a mastering console in front of me. I felt all the other speakers I had in here I was getting a balcony presentation instead of a floor seat. Everything was shorter in front of me. Solo singers appeared to be 3-4' tall. I didn't feel I was getting all of the room ambience. I know Jonathan scolded us in just disconnecting the cable, but it was not all about bass. Yes, there was more of an ease in the bass notes. Turning up the bass just felt it was working harder and getting less "quality" bass.
My friend is definitely convinced that the upper woofer is worth it.
Hi Bruce. What you're describing is exactly what I feel about the MMtwo. I have the woofer amp up about 3/4 (I forget the exact number without going and looking) on the dial, and I feel the same way about the 'working harder and less quality' bass. I'm thinking that not only would the additional LF Modules on top help the produced bass sound more at ease, but would also tag a couple of separate room nodes due to the added positions of the 2 additional drivers. The mid and upper frequencies sound wonderful, and overall my system is sounding very good. But I feel the need for just a 'tad' more oomph in the bottom end. For experimenting, I can throw in my Velo DD-18 (crossed at 40hz). That adds a some of what I feel is missing. But the external Velo makes the system sound disconjointed overall, and isn't really an answer.
Exactly... I played a bass heavy rift that with the bottom woofers on, we could only turn it up to about the 12 o'clock position. Any more than that and we felt the speaker was getting slightly congested and running out of steam. With the upper cabinet on, we could turn it all the way to the 3 o'clock position and the bass took on a whole new presentation. Even though we were hitting hitting over 110dB peaks, it was still easy to listen to. Go figure....
Cool. This was my suspicion. I always thought that they were originally designed with the upper LF module for a reason, and just felt that when listening to the MMtwo, that they need just a little more 'weight' in the presentation. I am going to CES again this year, and I plan on talking to Kevin and Jonathan further about adding the upper module.
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We'll be in Jonathan's room with our Studer playing master tapes. Hope to see you there!
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I'm not an MM3 owner so I hope you don't mind if I butt in. My instinct would be to go and pull the trigger on the bass module. Why? Well if the room can take them in the first place, you know getting the upgrade from MM2 to MM3 is where you were destined to go anyway. I'd venture as far as saying you were thinking that even before you signed the check for the MM2. Am I right Bill? ;)
Aren't we all? ;)
I'm not an MM3 owner so I hope you don't mind if I butt in. My instinct would be to go and pull the trigger on the bass module. Why? Well if the room can take them in the first place, you know getting the upgrade from MM2 to MM3 is where you were destined to go anyway. I'd venture as far as saying you were thinking that even before you signed the check for the MM2. Am I right Bill? ;)

That was ruthless Not a shred of empathy left !!!??? :)
I empathize Frantz, but the pull of seeing Bill's future avatar is just too great! ;) ;) ;)
You could also rationalize adding the upper bass module for aesthetic reasons. I think the speaker looks much better fully built as it is symmetric.
So when are you pulling the trigger? Hehehehehe!!!!!!! ;)

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