Nagra HD DAC with Classic PSU

Can you explain us what is exactly the Nagra HD DAC X? Is it a completely new DAC or an improved version of the HD DAC?

The HD DAC X share the same New Digital board made in Switzerland by Nagra 72 Bit / 11.2 MHz. 8 core
Digital board, that also includ all the digital connections so it can be replace for future innovations.

Both feature AES-EBU, S / P-DIF inputs are studied by Nagra, the new Nagra Link single-mode ST-1 optical inputs to receive in the near future, new sources of very high resolution Nagra.

Both have the USB input, around a 8-core X-Mos chip.
Ultra high precision and ultra low jitter clocks are used in this new Nagra DAC.
A high power FPGA performs all calculations; all audio sources are in DSD256 format (11.2 MHz sample rate).

The digital part alone uses 16 ultra low noise power supplies.
Some digital power supplies have noise levels 30 times lower than the HD-DAC, itself already using very low noise circuits. The order of magnitude of the noise of these new power supplies is 0.4 to 0.8 uV RMS (from 10 Hz to 100 kHz).

The 8-layer, high-précision PCB is also of very high précision.
The analog part is very original. The principles used within the Nagra HD-DAC have been taken over and improved.

Here some of the différence that the HDDAC X have :

Higher voltage, the power supply is very sophisticated, using ultra-fast silicon carbide rectifier diodes, ultra low-noise voltage regulators, and a virtual battery system made up of many supercaps. (3 times more than the HD-Preamp).

The new HD-DAC-X and its power supply use no less than 37 regulated power supplies. Also the Chassis is bigger so we can use larger capacitors.

The 8-layer, high-précision PCB is also of very high précision.
The analog part is very original. The principles used within the Nagra HD-DAC have been taken over and improved.

The impedance of the signals is strongly lowered by a symmetrical current amplifier, of very high performances, without voltage gain, without feedback.

The rise time is of the order of 1800 V / uS on the 28 H inductive load of the gain-up transformers.

The voltage gain is only achieved by new high-end audio transformers, studied by Nagra engineers. The other role of these transformers is to unbalance the audio signal to attack a single-ended tube mount. These transformers are built exclusively in Nagra workshops, by the best specialists.

The performance of these transformers is an important part of the audio quality of this new Nagra HD DAC X. Performance has been improved over transformers used in the old HD-DAC.

An impedance reduction is performed by a stage consisting of two military tubes NOS JAN5963, cathodyne output. The tensions of the heating filaments of the tubes are individually regulated by tube, by very low noise systems.

No feedback is used around this stage, as on the current amplifier preceding the audio transformers.

Numerous special components, some of which are custom-built on Nagra's specifications, are used within this new DAC.

Advanced mechanical isolation, the audio engineers created a super vibration free stand to lower the microphonic resonances to a new level.

Rene Laflamme, Nagra audio
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Rene Laflamme said:
Rene, we're glad your posting on this forum. Thanks
Wonder how Nagra power supply approach compared to the heavy weights like Aries Cerat or small size like MSB Mono Power supply.

Very interesting
Happy user of Nagra Classic preamp and amplifier. Thinking of adding a PSU to the preamp. Has any forum member direct experience the difference between a Nagra Classic pre and the preamp with the Classic PSU? Given that the PDU cost is approx 70% of the preamp, is it worth the asking price? Thank you.
Happy user of Nagra Classic preamp and amplifier. Thinking of adding a PSU to the preamp. Has any forum member direct experience the difference between a Nagra Classic pre and the preamp with the Classic PSU? Given that the PDU cost is approx 70% of the preamp, is it worth the asking price? Thank you.

I do not have that direct experience. I do have a Nagra VPS that I added the Nagra MPS (predecessor to the Classic PSU), and it's quite a bit better. Lower noise, more involvement, just couldn't go back to the smaller PSU...
I do not have that direct experience. I do have a Nagra VPS that I added the Nagra MPS (predecessor to the Classic PSU), and it's quite a bit better. Lower noise, more involvement, just couldn't go back to the smaller PSU...
Jfrech received the email thank you. Wow! Quite an endorsement for the HD pre... and how would you rate the HD amps vs the Classic other than the power?
I had the Classic preamp in my system for an audition. It didn’t have the dynamics of my Aesthetix Callisto sig., but was much quieter. My dealer leant me the MPS to connect it with and all bets were off..... dynamics, texture, saturation of tone were all improved. And, it was even quieter..... I then borrowed the HD preamp and ended up hurting my bank account in a big way :p

I haven’t heard the new Nagra DAC X but it sure sounds interesting..... I wonder how it might compare to other top contenders - or the previous DAC-HD for that matter.
Jfrech received the email thank you. Wow! Quite an endorsement for the HD pre... and how would you rate the HD amps vs the Classic other than the power?

I guess power plays a part...but my former Classic and now HD Amps never really are stressed out. Typically playing ~5 both were running in class A nearly all the time. The HD amps however are quite special. When I put them in for the first time...I never went back to the Classic to compare. It's a night and day type of thing...And I loved my Classic amp.
I have had the HD DAC for three months. Upgraded to the new Classic PSU. This is a game changer, only have 20 Hrs on it. The imaging and layering is completely different! Highly recommended. The interconnect to the preamp is critical!
I have had the HD DAC for three months. Upgraded to the new Classic PSU. This is a game changer, only have 20 Hrs on it. The imaging and layering is completely different! Highly recommended. The interconnect to the preamp is critical!

Great to hear ! I am getting to demo the Classic PSU vs my Nagra MPS for my Nagra VPS phono stage. It's "supposed" to a big I'm very curious here. When you say interconnect...are you talking the umbilical from the PSU to DAC? Are their options here? Thanks !
Great to hear ! I am getting to demo the Classic PSU vs my Nagra MPS for my Nagra VPS phono stage. It's "supposed" to a big I'm very curious here. When you say interconnect...are you talking the umbilical from the PSU to DAC? Are their options here? Thanks !

I meant the IC FROM the DAC TO Preamp. For some reason this cable is critical. It may be different from the VPS TO your preamp. The CLASSIC PSU IS A GAME CHANGER!
Great to hear ! I am getting to demo the Classic PSU vs my Nagra MPS for my Nagra VPS phono stage. It's "supposed" to a big I'm very curious here. When you say interconnect...are you talking the umbilical from the PSU to DAC? Are their options here? Thanks !

I have the Nagra Classic PSU on loan. Replacing my Nagra MPS PSU. It's quite a difference. Not subtle at all. Much more focus, energy and lower noise floor allow more resolution to emerge. If you're on the fence on whether to get a Classic PSU, it's a pretty sweet addition to my system. All it's powering is my Nagra VPS phono stage...
It's interconnect from hour Nagra DAC to your Preamp is the most critical. I have tried quite a few. Unfortunately the best one is the Chord Music reference interconnect. Very expensive.
The HD DAC-X is there new Reference DAC. It's a two box product. It's on the new Nagra Website. It was launched at the Rocky Mt. Audio show last October. It's the step from the Tube DAC or HD DAC.

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