My bud


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2014
Hello, figured I'd post a picture of my pal.

This is Virgil. He's a 9 month old English Springer Spaniel.

This picture was taken when he was 7 months old while out on our daily walk/hike:

One of my favorite breeds. How's their temperament around kids etc. Do they socialize well with other dogs.

Almost TOO social with other dogs and people of all ages. This is something we work on daily ;)

Being a field-bred Springer as opposed to show-stock, he's got a lot of energy....that needs letting out. Be prepared to walk at least a couple of miles a day (with him/her running and casting ahead of you) with this breed. Yes, there are exceptions but Springer Spaniels in general need lots of exercise and/or a job.

Virgil is still dragging what's commonly called a "check cord" which is a 20' length of lariat-type rope. It's our emergency brake for now. We'll gradually cut off 1' lengths as we (and he) get more control on his recall. He does good now, but could be better with recall and STOP!
Almost TOO social with other dogs and people of all ages. This is something we work on daily ;)

Being a field-bred Springer as opposed to show-stock, he's got a lot of energy....that needs letting out. Be prepared to walk at least a couple of miles a day (with him/her running and casting ahead of you) with this breed. Yes, there are exceptions but Springer Spaniels in general need lots of exercise and/or a job.

Virgil is still dragging what's commonly called a "check cord" which is a 20' length of lariat-type rope. It's our emergency brake for now. We'll gradually cut off 1' lengths as we (and he) get more control on his recall. He does good now, but could be better with recall and STOP!

Interesting way in training him. Would he not come back right now
Interesting way in training him. Would he not come back right now

Oh no, he sticks around and "checks in" with us just fine as he's casting in front of us. He'll get out in front 20 yards or so and casts left and right off the trail as he bounds thru the sage brush looking for birds, or lately just plowing thru powder snow shoulder or more deep. From the start, we wanted to establish the invisible rubber band. If he gets out too far, we just turn and walk the opposite way....and he comes flying back and gets 20 yards ahead of you going the new direction. Rinse and repeat if necessary.

He's been running "free" (with the check cord) since 8 weeks old. The advantage of him dragging the straight rope is that if you have to get him to stop before he takes off after a spooked deer, sprinting to greet a sudden biker or runner on the trail, etc. is that you have 20' of rope to grab or step on instead of just trying to target his collar with your hand.

If I see a distraction (biker, runner, deer, etc.) ahead I will use the rope to gather him in and heel with him or get him to sit/stay. The rope is just a tool that we found useful with our previous Springer during his puppy years and also find it useful with this guy.
Thanks Steve. 40-65lbs is pretty normal with females being on the smaller side generally.

Virgil is a 46 pounder or so right now and likely won't weigh more if we keep him active and on his current feeding regimen.

Lewis, our previous boy was larger and fluctuated between 62 and 65lbs:

Lewis2 (Medium).JPG

Snow Shoeing 09 005.jpg
Great pics, thanks for sharing.

Our girls - Bostin Terriers - sisters

Going on 16 years of age, the one farthest away just loves music - when I'm listening she will be right there on my lap but facing and looking in between the speaker space moving her head back and forth - it's absolutely priceless and also loves to dance, the other one couldn't care. Anytime I'm doing anything like changing music she is right there or recently installing StillPpoints under my speakers again right there like she wants to assist or is supervising ensuring I do it properly, it's priceless and countless times puts a smile on my face. This pick was when we were camping and both just loved it, overly friendly and amazingly intelligent.


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