Munich HighEnd 2024

I think you did well to stay at home. This year is disappointing. Literally nothing made me think WOW.

That’s largely Munich, once you get past the newbie factor of big things with high prices. Apart from the WE Silbatone room, and the occasional surprise of which can be one every year
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That’s largely Munich, once you get past the newbie factor of big things with high prices. Apart from the WE Silbatone room, and the occasional surprise of which can be one every year
Well you have to relieve the rich of dosh. That's the show's function.

HiFiDeluxe was more enjoyable this year IMHO. Less people, better set ups etc.

The best bit was doing the Bavarian Alps. It's a two hour coach trip there and at this time of year it is glorious. Neuschwanstein is the place to go. Where Disney got their castle inspiration from.
I said it last year also i would nt be surprised if the big is playing a bit too hot
Probably due to show conditions and/or associations.
Anyway, it is definitely not the way the Reference Ultime Two sound at DCC's Little Barn (nor do they sound dead, for sure; just lifelike and natural).

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Hi all,
Here is the 4K video of 28rooms, more than 3 hours recorded by Totaldac using Schoeps omnidirectional microphones and a studio interface.

Excellent video account of the sound of these systems at Munich. The Schoeps Omni microphones capture the sound accurately and the YouTube use of the Opus (251) codecs offers the highest playback quality available on the platform. Hard to refute the authenticity of the sound. Thank you for the effort Vincent, great results with the studio interface.

What is interesting, at least to me, having listened also the high quality Believe In High Fidelity videos of these same systems recorded with an external MXL microphone, as well as several other videos from the Munich show shot on phones, that there are consistent impressions that can be drawn.

Thanks again for the effort and I look forward to part 2 and part 3 of your video expose if they are forthcoming.
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Better build quality than I have ever seen from Clarisys. Can't say I like the looks but some will.
View attachment 130553
I listened to these briefly and was impressed with the sound. They seem very well built and I did like the look. It was also nice to see so many rooms demonstrating with vinyl!


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Good news from the show is , i dont need to buy a lot of stuff .
No need for me to put a lot more money in audio
I could upgrade my digital with either a metronome DAC / player which is the cheaper option or the new Wadax studio player.

For the rest i still need to buy the complete Ultra tape collection from acoustic sounds .
Probably due to show conditions and/or associations.
Anyway, it is definitely not the way the Reference Ultime Two sound at DCC's Little Barn (nor do they sound dead, for sure; just lifelike and natural).

(you can add 'English' to the list of languages recognized by your keyboard)
I ll listen to the big stenheims again tomorrow in the Nagra room
CAT clarysis.
I definitely agree with Marty on the Kharma room. I had not heard them before and the sound was very nice. Not my kind of look but overall I was impressed.
Ditto on the Von Schweikert / VAC sound it was very nice.
At the very last moment of the show, literally 17:40 to 17:56 this system was a giggle. Kraftwerk at 50 zillion dB. Great fun. Sterile electronic rubbish but I love that sort of stuff done well.

It kind of didn't look like it could do what it did, which is doubly cool.

That’s largely Munich, once you get past the newbie factor of big things with high prices. Apart from the WE Silbatone room, and the occasional surprise of which can be one every year

Thats every show practically very few to none sounds like a wow , mostly disappointment from high expectations not delivered ..
Good news from the show is , i dont need to buy a lot of stuff .
No need for me to put a lot more money in audio
I could upgrade my digital with either a metronome DAC / player which is the cheaper option or the new Wadax studio player.

For the rest i still need to buy the complete Ultra tape collection from acoustic sounds .

Go for that Aston Martin with whats saved ..!

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How is the Kharma room and system. I see they built a room in a room. It looked nice. The audiophile junkie video didn't sound good. And I wish Jason would get a microphone so you can hear the guest answer queations. As usual hes asking about drivers and paint but you can't hear a word the guest says so I have to move on.

Jays Audiolab video of Gryphon and their TT was well produced. Did anyone see the table in person or hear the room?
Yes on Gryphon. It was very good, lots of nice sound although personally what I heard lacked a touch of soundstage depth. Hard to tell at shows really.

Searching for picture, lol! The BrinkMann room itself was quite nice.


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Thats every show practically very few to none sounds like a wow , mostly disappointment from high expectations not delivered ..

I wonder why so often these high cost systems fail to deliver in show conditions when they are set up by experts and professionals attempting to showcase their products.

For several decades I have participated and attended the OTC (Offshore Technology Conference) show and this week I attended the show once again. The products and services featured at the OTC show have a different standard in terms of performance and quality that needs to be delivered. It just feels more matter of fact without the gray area and excuses. Most of the exhibitors at the OTC show are dealing with pitching their wares for use on multi-billion dollar CAPEX projects so the stakes are higher but nevertheless it is nice when things are clear cut and products and services either deliver or they don’t remain in existence.
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Did you hear the WA /CH room ..?
Yes , they had a sign on the door iirc .
No camera / Phone recordings only if asked with permission , lol.

In one word overpriced .
The CH gear doesnt sound harsh id give them that .
Wilson XVX is not their best effort imo.
To High , to much stacking of drivers not very coherent.
Although i must say the XVX in the CH room was the best yet.

Wilson VTL was nice.
Best solid state VIOLA labs .
With Esoteric mono amps / MSB second
I ll listen to the big stenheims again tomorrow in the Nagra room
Thanks, but don't put pressure on yourself. The outcome would probably be:
same cause --> same effects

Show conditions, I am sure.
(maybe also the sometimes edgy original records that the person who runs the demo uses, or at least used on the Brussels show)
Thanks, but don't put pressure on yourself. The outcome would probably be:
same cause --> same effects

Show conditions, I am sure.
(maybe also the sometimes edgy original records that the person who runs the demo uses, or at least used on the Brussels show)

I ll post what i hear .
One graph says it all .
Are there any available of the big stenheim.?

Did you hear my speakers yet at amplitude in evere Brussels.
Thats a high rez balanced speaker. Although its a smaller speaker limited to 40 hz
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