LHY SW-8 Audiophile switch


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2018
Just received my LHY Audio SW-8 audiophile-grade switch. The switch is built like a tank with a linear PS + OCXO clock. Right out of the box and within a minute of listening to music, I knew I had a winner. The switch brings the focus back into the music. Very like adjusting the focus on a camera. Bass is delineated and very solid. I also benefit of an increase in imaging and depth of soundstage.

My current setup consists of : TRENDnet TEG-S82G switch - HD Plex 300 PS/ethernet cable/Lumin U2 Mini - SBooster PS/Wireworld Platinum Starlight 7 USB cable/Denafrips Hermes DDC/ Wireworld Platinum Starlight 7 HDMI cable/Denafrips Terminator Plus DAC/Benchmark LA4 Preamp/Classe Audio CAM 600 monoblocks/Apogee Duetta Signature ( w rebuilt w ext. Xover).

I use to own the Sonore OpticalModule and OpticalRendu. I decided to simplify my streaming system and purchased the Lumin transport. Last week I pulled the trigger and purchased the LHY Audio SW-8 switch from Beatechnik.com, since I was really curious about the impact of such switch on the sound of my audio system. Only took 4 calendar days to be delivered from Hong Kong to Montreal!

Needless I am very pleased by my purchase, since I was not totally convinced that an audiophile-grade switch could provide any significant benefits. I was wrong…
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I fully agree to your finding, using the LHY as well
Have you heard the Uptone EtherRegen ?, cause i have been watching this switch for a while and im on the fence if I sell my ER and get this Baby
Haven’t heard the LHY. But if you aren’t already aware, Uptone will be coming to market with a new ER fairly soon. Just a though.
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Snap! I just received mine too! Using it with my Aqua LinQ and NUC + LPSU + Audirvana

I did put my old Netgear router back in to compare to the LHY switch and I'm confident the LHY does improve sound.

I too was sceptical about audiophile switches.
Do you guys leave yours ok 24/7? Due to the OCXO I wonder if I should be powering it off after use?
Do you guys leave yours ok 24/7? Due to the OCXO I wonder if I should be powering it off after use?
this is a switch, so 24/7 should be the standard, same for my Oladra server.
Haven’t heard the LHY. But if you aren’t already aware, Uptone will be coming to market with a new ER fairly soon. Just a though.

I have the ER since 2019 powered by a Paul Hynes DR7T 12v, it sounded very good even with an external ALIExpress OCXO clock powered by a Paul Hynes SR5T but trying to get things simpler and after receiving my Baltic 3 ( Engine Eleven ), i retired the Aliexpress Ext Clock to see what was gonna be and voila, a lilt less sweet but maybe even less noise and more linear sound ( less is better on the cspaguetti chain ?? ), dunno but that is why i got the bug with this specially since i have purchased several items from Alvin ( DACs, Amps Preamps etc ), what is holding me down is that in my server i have a tweaked Startech NIC with an Audio Note Cap instead of that that comes with and ER is sending optical from its NIC side, so im trying to find out gents that have been using an ER with all its potentialities vs the LHY SW-8

Warm regards
Have you heard the Uptone EtherRegen ?, cause i have been watching this switch for a while and im on the fence if I sell my ER and get this Baby
The ER was on my watchlist, since it had multiple positive reviews. Unfortunately, when I tried to order it, there was no more stock and a vey long wait time caused by the COVID pandemic.
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Have you heard the Uptone EtherRegen ?, cause i have been watching this switch for a while and im on the fence if I sell my ER and get this Baby
I use both the Etherregen and the LHYAudio 5-way switch with the ER feeding the server. Their effects are additive. The ER needs to be fed by a good LPS and adding a better clock again has strong benefits. I would also suggest using an isolator between ER and server (e.g Emo EN-70HD, Pink Faun Isolator)
^^I'm sure you are right, but then we are looking at a family-style spaghetti buffet. The mental pull of ever more pasta is strong in this hobby!
Anybody thinking about upgrading or tried the new LHY SW 10 switch?
I will be sticking to my SW8. Adding a 10hz clock input is a slippery slope to mucho wasted money on external clocks of dubious benefit due to the longer signal path vs the OCXO of the SW8.
Has anyone compared the Ediscreation switch and this LHY switch ?
I have been reducing my "spaghetti" connection with success regarding streaming devices, I now got rid of the chinese OXCO clock that it was a good help connecting it to the EtherRegen and powered by a SR5T 12V from Paul Hynes, it smoothed things nicely but this was actually before i got some good upgrades like the Sr7T that became DR7T PS and the HDPLEX ATX to the TAIKO ATX , these two upgrades made the simplification well worth, after removing both SR5T Dual 12V output on both the ER and ext OXCO clock, things became not only easier on the eyes but on the ears---now the ER is powered by its own switching power supply without External OXCO clock, the JCAT XE USB card is NOW powered by the DR7T at 5V and the Server is powered by the DR7T 19V and it is a lot cleaner without noise , BUT switching from powering the ER from the DR7T 12V in order to use that switchable output on the JCAT at 5v although sound is liquid and very NOISE fREE, it lacks the body and a bit of texture that i used to have when ER was receiving power from the DR7T PS.

Now i have been putting my eye for quite some time on a ext ps for the ER which in order to achieve the sound that i was getting from the DR7T it would be costly and if i want to add an external audiophile OXCO clock, even more, so for keeping things simple and not adding another external PS and another External clock and more power cables on the equation, im towards the SW-10 which presumably contempts a better OXCO clock than the SW-8, and supposed to be even better than the Non OXCO on the ER so its exactly what im looking for, ---at least in paper.

If I be able to listen or read comments on how the ER competes against the SW-10 or even SW-8 and if my feeling is right on spot, I will go that way
Unfortunately there is no trial on SW-10.
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I fully agree to your finding, using the LHY as well
would you mind stating the sound difference between the LHY and other switches you have used ?
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