Lamm Repair?


Jul 11, 2020
Already have one unit with Lamm being repaired and now my preamp is having an issue. I don't want to send it to Lamm because it take too long and the communication is bad. Anyone know a Lamm repair tech?
Agree with djsina2. Have used Ben in past and he’s always done a great job.
Already have one unit with Lamm being repaired and now my preamp is having an issue. I don't want to send it to Lamm because it take too long and the communication is bad. Anyone know a Lamm repair tech?
USA Tube Audio in Scottsdale, AZ does Lamm repairs as well.
Already have one unit with Lamm being repaired and now my preamp is having an issue. I don't want to send it to Lamm because it take too long and the communication is bad. Anyone know a Lamm repair tech?

I understand your issue. Lamm is in the middle of moving Lamm Industries to a different state so their attention is in a lot of areas right now. I'll suggest sticking with them for repairs. Their parts are tolerance screened for their specific models and no one knows those model better their own techs . For future reference, some manufacturers are not inclined to do work on units repaired elsewhere. Alternatively at least check with them about outside technicians such as suggested by JM1221.
I understand your issue. Lamm is in the middle of moving Lamm Industries to a different state so their attention is in a lot of areas right now. I'll suggest sticking with them for repairs. Their parts are tolerance screened for their specific models and no one knows those model better their own techs . For future reference, some manufacturers are not inclined to do work on units repaired elsewhere. Alternatively at least check with them about outside technicians such as suggested by JM1221.

Especially since they have a history of refusing to provide schematics to techs, even for discontinued products! And to further complicate matters, from a third party technician's point of view, these components are not point to point wired. So, you really want to stick with Lamm to service Lamm despite the hassle.
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I understand your issue. Lamm is in the middle of moving Lamm Industries to a different state so their attention is in a lot of areas right now. I'll suggest sticking with them for repairs. Their parts are tolerance screened for their specific models and no one knows those model better their own techs . For future reference, some manufacturers are not inclined to do work on units repaired elsewhere. Alternatively at least check with them about outside technicians such as suggested by JM1221.
Especially since they have a history of refusing to provide schematics to techs, even for discontinued products! And to further complicate matters, from a third party technician's point of view, these components are not point to point wired. So, you really want to stick with Lamm to service Lamm despite the hassle.
I agree with Tim

AFAIK their chief technician has made the move to Florida with the Lamm family
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In any case, Lamm circuits are simple, and although using top quality components their circuits are simple and the parts are common high quality parts, as often referred in their marketing - no custom audiophile parts. They should be easily serviceable by a qualified technician, and although the schematics would be of great help, owners and technicians can easily reverse engineer most of them.

Considering the rugged parts being used we can expect them to be very reliable - but the Achiles knee of tube equipment are tubes. Specially in these troubled Lamm times people should carry preventive maintenance - replace the tubes in due time, do not wait them to fail. Remember that sometimes when tubes fail they take with them one or two resistors.
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Just to follow up, I was able to work everything out with Elina Lamm. Both units are repaired and working great. Not sure about other's experience but the lack of communication in this case was due to the move and obviously Vladimir's passing. I can confirm that they aren't letting schematics go out :)
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Not as bad as I feared. Don't ask me what they did though. Their repairs are stated to bring the unit back to new specs, regardless of what the issue is and regardless of cost. I think I agree with that on principle. I wouldn't want any half repaired examples of my product out there and if you've purchased a Lamm, you can probably afford the repair.
They should be easily serviceable by a qualified technician, and although the schematics would be of great help, owners and technicians can easily reverse engineer most of them.

I've heard at least two stories from previous Lamm owners to the contrary. Qualified technicians being unable to repair Lamm products at all, let alone easily. So, your mileage is definitely going to vary. It's best to beware.
If you buy in to a business in order to become a regional support/service center, you'd have vested interest in keeping a lid on things. NDA, something something. Get a little imaginative.
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Is it common practice for an electronics manufacturer give out schematics? That sounds like giving out proprietary information. Why risk the technicians junior assistant posting them on the Web?

Audio Tekne sends big fold out blueprints with each piece. It’s really amazing.
I've heard at least two stories from previous Lamm owners to the contrary. Qualified technicians being unable to repair Lamm products at all, let alone easily. So, your mileage is definitely going to vary. It's best to beware.

It depends on the products. I can imagine some difficulty in the hybrid amplifiers, tube equipment should be easier to service.
Is it common practice for an electronics manufacturer give out schematics? That sounds like giving out proprietary information. Why risk the technicians junior assistant posting them on the Web?

It is very common for those having distribution all over the world. Surely the current schematics are usually confidential. As far as I know Audio Research and Conrad Johnson give out schematics of legacy equipment - they are easily accessible on the net. Tube amplifiers are intrinsically protected against copy - the more critical part is the output transformer. If we request a schematic from a known brand at DIYaudio we have a good chance to get it. Anyway we will probably get service from Lamm at this place soon:


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Anyway we will probably get service from Lamm at this place soon:

It will be a lttle while; tubes are available but may take a bit longer.

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